Fundraising Car Magnets

Comparing Car Magnet Advertising: Size vs. Quantity

Round Car Magnets
Advertising and Promotional Car Magnets

Comparing Car Magnet Advertising: Size vs. Quantity

When promoting a business, visibility matters. Car magnets offer a budget-friendly, effective way to advertise on the go. Yet, not all magnets are created equal. There’s a debate about which is better: fewer large car door magnets or more of the smaller types made by ARC Marketing. Let’s dive in and see which offers the best bang for your buck.

ARC Marketing’s Small Magnets vs. Large Car Door Magnets

ARC Marketing specializes in small round car magnets and oval car magnets. These are compact, neat, and unobtrusive. They can easily fit on any car type, from sedans to SUVs. On the other hand, large car door magnets are more visible. They’re often the choice of realtors and contractors. Both have their pros and cons.

Cost Comparison

Large car door magnets can range from $10 to $25 each. The cost depends on size and color count. On the flip side, ARC Marketing’s smaller magnets come at a neat $4 each when you buy 50. At first glance, larger magnets might seem to have more advertising value. But is that really the case?

Imagine buying 10 large car door magnets for a fleet, each priced at $20. That’s a total of $200. For the same price, you could get 50 of ARC Marketing’s smaller round or oval magnets. The numbers give a clear initial cost advantage to ARC’s offerings.

Advertising Value: Quantity Over Size

50 cars wearing your brand’s magnet can create an expansive advertising web. Here’s why this matters:

More Cars, Wider Reach

Think about the roads your car travels daily. Now, imagine 50 cars doing the same with your advertisement. The outreach multiplies substantially. More cars mean more eyes on your brand. It’s simple math.

Consumer Trust

A company car with an advertisement is expected. But a customer’s personal car? It’s a vote of trust. When potential clients see ordinary people endorsing your brand, trust builds. It sends a powerful message.

Unexpected Advertising Avenues

Your fleet has a specific route or area. Customer cars don’t. They go places your company vehicles might never tread. This offers fresh, unexpected avenues for your advertisement.

The Greater Impact of 50 Cars

A single large magnet on a company car is noticeable. No denying that. But 50 smaller magnets on 50 different cars? That’s omnipresence. The sheer repetition imprints your brand on viewers’ minds. It’s like hearing a catchy song over and over. Soon, it’s what everyone hums.

Consistent Brand Reminders

People might forget one large advertisement after a while. But it’s hard to ignore a brand that keeps popping up throughout the day. The consistent reminders enhance brand recall.

Variety of Presentation

Different car models, colors, and sizes offer variety. Your small magnet will look different on each vehicle, catching attention each time. Variety keeps the viewers intrigued.

Conclusion: Small Magnets, Big Impact

Advertising is all about being seen. While large car door magnets have their place, the sheer volume of ARC Marketing’s smaller magnets offers undeniable value. For the price of advertising on 10 company cars, you can turn 50 customers’ vehicles into mobile billboards. That’s expansive reach, increased trust, and repeated brand exposure. In the world of advertising, quantity combined with quality often reigns supreme. Choose wisely!

Fore more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Benefits of Using Car Magnets for Marketing in Trade Shows

Custom car magnets for trade show give-aways
Advertising and Promotional car magnets

Benefits of Using Car Magnets for Marketing in Trade Shows

Trade shows are one of the best ways to market your business. They allow you to reach thousands of potential customers in just a few days. And, they’re also relatively cheap compared to other forms of advertising.

However, if you want to take full advantage of trade shows, you need to invest in quality marketing. Most exhibitors at trade shows give a promotional item to the prospective buyers that they meet at these events. Custom car magnets are one such item that can help you stand out from the crowd!

If you’ve been thinking about adding car magnets to your marketing mix but aren’t sure of the benefits they have to offer, then read on as we discuss their benefits:

Car Magnets are Economical

One of the best things about car magnets is that they’re an affordable way to market your brand. Car magnets come in any size and shape you want. You have options for full-color printing and even UV coating on top of that. And because they’re so easy to apply, you can put them on yourself or have someone else do it for you.

You can grab customers’ attention before they go into the event hall–and after! It will help if your t booth is located near where people park their cars.

Car Magnets Make Great Giveaways

Car magnets are a great way to get your brand out there. They’re inexpensive, so you can afford to give them away as part of promotions at trade shows and fairs. And since they’re so easy to use, they help build relationships with customers. This may lead to repeat business!

Car Magnets Build Relationships

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, car magnets can also help you build a relationship with your customers. A good way to do this is by using the magnet as a conversation starter, especially if you’re interested in getting feedback on your products and services.

You’ll get some useful information about what others think of your business. You can also record and report negative feedback when required.

Great Way to Market Your Business

Car magnets are a great way to market your business! They’re a great way to get your brand out there and make it known that you’re open for business. Car magnets are also an economical way to advertise, as they can be used over and over again at no additional cost.

You can use car magnets as giveaways at trade shows or fairs so that people see them while they’re driving around town. This will help build up brand awareness in the community where your business is located, which may lead more customers into your shop.


We hope that this article has helped you understand the benefits of using car magnets for marketing in trade shows. They’re a great way to get your message out there and build relationships with potential customers. For more information about advertising car magnets, visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Tips for Using Promotional Car Magnets

Promotional Car Magnets
Advertising Car Magnets

Top Tips for Using Promotional Car Magnets

Custom magnets are indeed a proven way to remind your customers about your business in their everyday lives. An ideal marketing strategy should ensure that your brand reaches and connects with your customers effectively.

You will spread the word about your business and engage your audience with your message through custom car magnets.

Simple Yet Powerful

It is common for marketers not to choose car magnets as their first choice as they seem too simple and mundane. It goes without saying, however, that adopting a subtle handout is the best way to get your message across. Most businesses opt to use the loudest ads to impress the audience. Consequently, marketers won’t be paid off by very loud promotional strategies, and customers may even turn off very loud advertisements.

The best thing about promotional car magnets is that they can be used in a variety of ways. Custom magnets are lightweight and compact, so they can be seamlessly used as mailer items, trade show swag, and promotional giveaways. Here are some more examples.

Contest Prizes

The low cost of custom magnets also makes them excellent prizes, whether they are giveaways for contests or prizes for community events.

Goody Bag Giveaway

If you are planning to hand out custom goody bags during annual conventions, custom car magnets will make a great addition to them. It is easy to get your company’s branding and contact information onto your recipient’s car with these full color magnets.

Mailer Items

Your direct marketing campaign will be more successful if you include promotional magnets in it. Place a creatively customized magnet into your customers’ product packages and see how your brand becomes part of their everyday lives.

In a Welcome Pack

Make your customers feel valued by giving out these high-utility giveaways as part of a welcome pack. Welcome packs are a great way to impress a new client and share information about your company. By using logo magnets, you can engage your audience with your brand and retain their interest.

Customizing Your Small Business Car Magnets

It is not enough to order a lot of great looking full-color magnets to make your job half done. Customization is the key to making these logo items popular. They will easily be associated with your brand and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Make sure you keep it subtle with just your name, logo, and artwork on these magnets. You will definitely engage your audience in a lighthearted way without being intrusive by doing so.

Partner with a Cause

One of the best tips for using promotional fridge magnets is to partner with a cause. This can allow you to help a school, sports team, or church raise money they need, while getting your business name out there. Just sponsor the fundraiser by providing the necessary funds for the magnets, and let the organization do the rest.

Custom magnets are a great option for promoting your business and for fundraising. Start your design today with our free virtual design tool or contact our team for further assistance.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Get a Higher ROI with Custom Promotional Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Get a Higher ROI with Custom Promotional Magnets

When you attend a trade show or you want to hand out custom magnets to promote your business, fundraiser, or organization, you want a high return on investment (ROI). The key to achieving a high ROI with any type of promotion is consistent impressions over time. If an ad runs for 30 seconds and never again, it doesn’t have the same power as an ad that runs time and time again.

One of the best ways to get a high ROI when promoting something is with custom car magnets. Custom promotional magnets are a great freebie to give to people at trade shows and they can also work great as a fundraiser. Either way, you can get a high ROI when you choose to use custom magnets for your business, fundraiser, or organization.

When you choose high-quality custom magnets, you get a promotional tool that will last a long time and look great. It’s necessary to make sure you have a good design with your custom promotional magnets. Let’s look at a few tips to help you get the best possible custom magnet for your promotions.

Top 3 Tips to Help You Create an Amazing Custom Promotional Magnets

1. Know Your Audience

Whether you’re a business or a non-profit organization, you need to know your audience. What will your audience respond to? What type of message will catch the eye of the person that is most likely to buy from you or support your organization?

When you know your audience, you can use the right colors, fonts, and shapes to make a lasting impression. Figure out who you want to target, and then design your custom promotional magnet with that audience in mind.

2. Figure Out Your Method of Distribution

A great-looking custom magnet does you no good if it never comes out of the box. You need to know how you will hand out your magnets so that you can gain more customers or supporters. There are many great ways to distribute your custom promotional magnets.

For a business, handing them out at tradeshows or to current customers can be very powerful. You can also use mailer campaigns to get your custom magnet to the right people.

If you’re running a fundraiser or spreading awareness, you might need to recruit people in your organization to sell the magnets. For example, a school might have students sell the fundraising car magnets to raise money, while a church might use the youth group or other groups.

3. Include Contact Info

Giving out custom promotional magnets is a great way to gain a larger audience and get your message in front of people. However, without contact information on the magnet, how are people going to know how to order from you or support your organization? Make sure you include contact information on your custom promotional magnets.

There are many ways you can gain a higher ROI when you use custom promotional magnets. You will get lots of impressions whether the magnet is displayed on a vehicle, a fridge, or anywhere else. Start by designing your custom magnet with our free virtual design tool, or you can call us for help!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Are Custom Business Magnets Beneficial?

Promotional & Advertising Car Magnets
Promotional & Advertising Car Magnets

Are Custom Business Magnets Beneficial?

When you create a custom car magnet, custom logo magnet, or custom fridge magnet for your business, you gain lots of benefits. While these custom magnets are often used as fundraising car magnets for churches, schools, and sports teams, they can also be used as a hand-out item for businesses.

With custom business magnets, you gain quite a few benefits. Let’s look at some of the main benefits you can get by using these magnets for your business.

Top 5 Benefits of Custom Business Magnets

1. Low Cost for High ROI

When you choose custom business magnets, you will pay a very low cost and gain a high ROI. These magnets won’t cost nearly as much as other types of advertising and you can get huge impressions, too.

Imagine if you could get your custom magnets on the fridges in hundreds of households near your business. Do you think this would lead to more repeat business and more customers? For most businesses, the answer to this is YES!

2. Easily Customizable

It doesn’t matter the type of custom magnet you want and the message you want to display, you can get the perfect business magnet. The shape, color, font, size, and message can be customized to match your business and what you want to promote.

3. Can Partner with a Fundraiser

In some cases, you will gain even more benefits when you partner with a fundraiser to get your message out there. You can sponsor the magnets by paying for them and have a design that benefits both your business and the organization. Then, the organization you partner with can sell the fundraising magnets for a 100% profit to support them, while spreading your business message far and wide.

4. Provides Value

If you attend a trade show and you hand out custom business magnets, you are giving something of value that displays your message. It’s far more likely to go on someone’s fridge when they get home, while other promotional items might end up in the trash or a junk drawer. This means your message is front and center every single time they go to open the fridge door.

5. Last a Long Time

Custom business magnets, especially when you choose a high-quality supplier, will last a very long time. They can be placed on a vehicle, fridge, filing cabinet, or any other magnetic surface for years. The long-lasting nature of these magnets means lots of potential repeat business.

If you run a restaurant that delivers food to homes, do you think you can gain repeat business by giving out custom business magnets? When people want to order a pizza or another type of food, they will likely think of you, if your magnet is on their fridge door. This works for lots of other businesses, too.

These are just five benefits you gain from custom business magnets. When you choose to have a magnet designed to match your business or your partner with a fundraiser, you gain these benefits and more.

You can start with designing your custom magnet with our free virtual design tool. If you need additional help, contact our team today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Simplest Ways to Use Round Car Magnets for Your Small Business

Advertising & Promotional Car Magnets
Advertising & Promotional Car Magnets

The Simplest Ways to Use Round Car Magnets for Your Small Business

Large businesses will spend millions of dollars on advertising to gain market share. You probably don’t have a massive advertising budget, but you still need to advertise and gain new business.

Other area businesses use flyers, coupons, and leaflets to promote their business. However, paper can be tossed out pretty quickly and easily. Using custom magnets can help set you apart and you can still include a discount coupon or code on the magnet.

Round car magnets can help you promote your small business in a very powerful way. These magnets give you an easy way to spread your brand and get the best results possible. Let’s look at how using circle magnets can help your small business.

Top 5 Ways Round Car Magnets Benefit Your Small Business

1. Provide Incredible Value

You won’t spend nearly as much on getting 1,000 promotional car magnets for your business compared to other types of advertising. Plus, you will get more out of these magnets as they can be used on vehicles, refrigerators, filing cabinets, and any other magnetic surface. This means they can be used to promote your business to consumers or other businesses.

2. Practical Option

Did you know that nearly half of those that receive a promotional product will keep it for at least a year? Imagine if you could hand out 1,000 circle magnets throughout your community. Do you think you would gain more business if around 500 of those receiving them put them on their car for around a year?

This is a very practical way to get your business in front of a larger audience. If you want to promote your small business in a practical way, use circle magnets.

3. High-Quality and Durable

When you get your circle magnets from Arc Marketing, you get high-quality, durable magnets. They are made to be used outside on vehicles, so they will last a very long time. These magnets can even hold up under bad weather conditions.

4. Customizable

Even the circle magnets you can use for your small business can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can add your logo, contact information, a coupon code, or any other information you prefer. You can choose the colors you prefer, the images you want, and so much more.

5. Very Convenient

One of the best reasons for small businesses to use circle magnets is convenience. You can invest in 1,000 magnets and there is no pressure to hand them out quickly. They will last for a long time and they won’t take up much space. This means you can hand them out over time and continue to drive customers to your business.

If you’re ready to step into the world of circle magnets for your small business, you will want to customize the design. Our free virtual magnet design tool will help you with the customization process. You can also call our team today and we will be happy to assist you with your design needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Drive Impulse Purchases with Custom Restaurant Car Magnets

Custom Restaurant Car Magnets
Custom Restaurant Car Magnets

Drive Impulse Purchases with Custom Car Restaurant Magnets

At a time when it’s more important than ever to get a high ROI from the dollars, you spend marketing your restaurant driving impulse purchases is important. You want to make sure each order is as high as possible and you get as many as possible. Custom restaurant car magnets can help you grow your business and drive more customers back to your restaurant.

With well over one million restaurants in the United States, there is plenty of competition out there. You must cut through the competition and put your message in front of your customers when they are hungry. Custom restaurant magnets can help you do just that.

There are many ways you can use custom restaurant magnets to help drive more sales and traffic to your restaurant. Let’s look at some of the top ways to use these magnets to grow your business.

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Restaurant Magnets

1. Provide a Discount Code

For restaurants offering carry out and delivery order, you can print a discount code on your custom restaurant magnet. This code can offer a 10% discount or whatever percentage you prefer on specific days or just in general.

When someone receives your custom magnet, they can slap it on the fridge and that code will be there for them whenever they want to use it. This can lead to more orders from each customer since they will be reminded of your restaurant often and they will have a discount code to use.

2. Offer Daily Specials

Your custom restaurant magnet can offer daily specials, too. These can be lunch, dinner, or happy hour specials you offer every week on specific days. When customers know your specials, they will be more likely to order from you or stop in for a bite to eat.

When you advertise your daily specials in this way, you can get more business during the times of the week you run specials. This can help take those slower times and make them busier for you.

3. Promote Delivery and Carry Out

Maybe your restaurant wants to expand the delivery and carry out business you have. Handing out custom restaurant magnets to your customers can help. You can have your magnet designed to promote your delivery and/or carry out business with contact information for easy ordering.

You can give these magnets out to those who order carry out or delivery food from you. Then, they will be more likely to order again and again. This is something pizza delivery companies have used for years, and you can, too.

4. Drive More Business with Community Events

Custom restaurant magnets make for a great giveaway at community events, too. If you plan to participate in a restaurant event, trade show, fair, festival, or any other event, hand out custom magnets to gain new customers. This is a great way to make sure people in the community know about your restaurant and what you offer.

If you’re ready to use custom restaurant agents to build your business, start with our free virtual design tool. Of course, you can contact us for additional assistance, too.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets a Great Business Giveaway Item?

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets a Great Business Giveaway Item?

When you’re looking for a way to drive more business to your store or even your website, using custom car magnets as a business giveaway can help. This type of giveaway item offers many benefits and provides you with a way to spread your brand locally or even on a national level.

If you’re heading to a trade show soon or you have another place to hand out a business giveaway, consider custom car magnets. Let’s look at some of the many benefits you can enjoy with these magnet giveaways.

Top 7 Benefits of Using Custom Car Magnets as Business Giveaway Items

1. Eye-Catching

When you have a good design for your custom car magnet, you will have an eye-catching mini-billboard on each vehicle. This type of magnet can be designed with bright colors, bold fonts, and other attention-grabbing elements. You can even use a custom shape to make sure your magnet stands out.

2. Very Durable

Custom car magnets are incredibly durable and will last a very long time. They are designed to be outside and withstand the elements. This means, even if you give these magnets away and they get put on a fridge instead of a car, they will still last a very long time.

Unlike some of the very flimsy magnets you can order, custom car magnets offer a better option. They will last for many years and give you more bang for your buck.

3. Budget-Friendly

One of the top reasons businesses use custom car magnets as giveaway items is the low cost. You can get a large quantity of these magnets for very cheap. They can be as low as just $1 each, depending on your design and the options you choose.

4. Don’t Damage Vehicles

You don’t have to worry about any damage to vehicles when you hand out custom car magnets. They are designed to work great and not cause any damage to the vehicle. Unlike stickers, custom car magnets can easily be removed, if necessary, too.

5. Versatile

When you choose custom car magnets as a giveaway item, they are very versatile. They can be put on any type of vehicle, along with the fridge, filing cabinets, and any other magnetic surface.

6. Incredibly Easy to Use

When you give away custom car magnets, they will be easy for people to use. They can simply apply them to their vehicle and they will stick in seconds. There is no guesswork or worry about bubbles, like with stickers and decals.

7. Reusable

If someone has your magnet on their vehicle and they get a new vehicle, they can reuse it. This isn’t the case with a sticker or decal.

There are many great benefits to using custom car magnets for business giveaway items. When you’re trying to spread the word about your business, giving away magnets can certainly help you.

Start your design today with our free virtual design tool. Of course, if you need help creating the perfect custom car magnet design, you can call our team today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Which Types of Local Businesses Can Benefit from Custom Magnets?

Advertising and Promotional Car Magnets
Advertising and Promotional Car Magnets

Which Types of Local Businesses Can Benefit from Custom Magnets?

While any local business can likely benefit from using custom magnets, there are some that might gain a higher benefit. While schools use these as fundraising car magnets, businesses can use these to get their name on hundreds of cars in their neighborhood. This type of promotional item can be used as a giveaway to help bring customers back to your business time and time again.

Of course, you can use custom magnets to help bring in new customers. However, they are even more powerful to bring back repeat customers. Let’s look at some of the types of local businesses that can really benefit from using custom magnets.

Top Local Businesses that Will Benefit from Custom Magnets

1. Flower Shop

Any local shop can benefit from custom magnets, but a flower shop can gain massive benefits. Since flowers come in a wide variety of very bright and pretty colors a custom magnet displayed on a customer’s fridge can be very powerful.

Customers might not need to order flowers every single week, but when they do need flowers, your magnet will be right there on the fridge. This will make it easier for your customers to order time and time again, whenever they need flowers.

2. Real Estate Agents

If you’re a real estate agent or broker, you can benefit from using a custom magnet instead of a business card. Business cards get lost or tossed in the trash. However, when it’s a magnet, it goes home with the person you gave it to and onto the fridge. Then, when that person needs a real estate agent, they will have seen your magnet multiple times and will be more likely to call you.

3. Beauty Salon

Custom magnets can turn into promotions for beauty salons or spas. You can provide a magnet with a special discount for the year and let your customer use it time and time again. This might help you gain new customers, but it will certainly provide repeat customers for your business.

4. Delivery Restaurants

While any restaurant can benefit from custom magnets, delivery restaurants can gain tons of repeat business with this type of promotional item.

Since people go to the fridge when they are hungry, they will see your magnet and be more likely to order. Plus, nobody really wants to have to look up a restaurant when they are hungry. If they can just call your number or go to your website from the magnet on their fridge, the decision is made and you gain more repeat business.

5. Plumbers, Electricians, and Other Services

Nobody wants to figure out who to call when they have a plumbing emergency. If you offer a service such as plumbing, electrical work, handyman services, or anything else of this type, a custom magnet offers a great option to bring in new and repeat business.

With a custom magnet on the fridge, customers know who to call in an emergency or when they need your services. Hand these magnets out to those you do work for and they will call you next time, too, as long as you do good work.

Custom magnets work great for many local businesses, but they work especially well for the five listed here. If you’re ready to get your custom magnets designed, use our free virtual design tool or contact us for assistance.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Magnets for Your Restaurant

Advertising and Promotional Car Magnets
Advertising and Promotional Car Magnets

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Magnets for Your Restaurant

When you run a restaurant, you might need to find unique ways to get more customers. Maybe you want your customers to come back more often, order delivery from you, or just remember your daily specials. Promotional car magnets can work great to help you promote your restaurant.

There are many ways to use custom magnets for your restaurant. Let’s look at some of the top ways to use these magnets to drive more business into your restaurant.

Custom Menu Magnets

A great way to make sure your customers come back is to hand out custom menu magnets. You can also mail these out to your local areas.

Most people will slap this magnet on the fridge, which means, that when they go to get things out of the fridge, they will be reminded of your restaurant. This can work very well for restaurants offering delivery or to-go options.

Custom-Shaped Restaurant Magnets

One of the coolest ways to promote your restaurant with custom magnets is to have the shape customized. You can have the shape be a piece of pizza, an ice cream cone, a sushi roll, or anything else that fits your restaurant.

When you have a custom shape for your magnet, it will stand out. It can become easier to find on a fridge of magnets or it might even be attractive enough to be put on a person’s vehicle. Either way, you will find these magnets can be very helpful for promoting your restaurant.

Event Magnets

Maybe you run a restaurant that has regular events, such as trivia night or kid’s night. If you have weekly or monthly events, you can create an event magnet to keep people reminded of the fun, regular events you have going on.

This can also work for specific food specials you run that might draw more people in. Whether you want to promote happy hour or Sunday brunch, an event magnet can be a very powerful promotional tool.

Magnets to Target Businesses

You can gain larger orders from businesses if you give them a magnet specifically for them. Maybe the businesses in your area want to order lunch on Fridays, or another day of the week. You can run a promotion specifically for the area businesses.

Have some custom magnets created to target all the businesses in the area. You can hand the magnets out in person or mail them to all the businesses. Make sure they get some type of deal specifically for businesses and you might be able to get more lunch orders for your restaurant.

There are many great ways to use custom magnets for restaurants. If you’re looking for a unique and powerful way to promote your restaurant, consider any of these options. You can start by designing your custom magnet with our free virtual design tool.