Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: The Ultimate Tool for Fundraising and Awareness

Custom Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: The Ultimate Tool for Fundraising and Awareness

Fundraising for small groups like schools, youth sports leagues, and churches can be a daunting task. Utilizing both fundraising car magnets and custom car magnets can make this challenge easier. These tools offer a unique combination of fundraising potential and community awareness, making them ideal for any group needing to raise funds and increase visibility.

The Power of Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising car magnets are not just for raising money. They are also powerful tools for creating awareness. Schools, churches, and sports leagues can use car magnets to reach a wide audience. Every car displaying a magnet acts as a mobile billboard, spreading the word about your cause. This dual benefit makes custom car magnets an excellent choice for any fundraising campaign.

Groups That Benefit from Car Magnets

Many groups can take advantage of car magnet fundraisers. Schools, especially, find them incredibly effective. With school car magnets, you can promote school spirit and pride while raising money. Youth sports leagues also benefit greatly from these fundraisers. Parents and supporters are always eager to show their team loyalty. Churches and other community groups can also leverage the power of custom car magnets to engage their congregations and supporters.

Why Custom Car Magnets Work

Custom car magnets work because they are visible and mobile. Unlike other fundraising products, magnets are used daily. They are seen by countless people as cars travel around town. This visibility keeps your cause in the public eye, increasing both awareness and support.

Moreover, custom car magnets are cost-effective. They are inexpensive to produce and can be sold at a significant markup. This makes them a high-margin product, which is crucial for successful fundraising. The combination of low cost and high visibility makes car magnet fundraisers a smart choice for any organization.

How to Maximize Your Fundraising Efforts

To get the most out of your car magnet fundraiser, you need a strategic approach. First, design an attractive and eye-catching magnet. Your design should include your group’s name and a clear message. Second, promote your fundraiser widely. Use social media, newsletters, and community events to spread the word. The more people know about your fundraiser, the more successful it will be.

Linking your car magnet fundraiser to a special event can also boost sales. For example, if you are a school, sell magnets during school events or sports games. This ensures that your audience is already engaged and more likely to support your cause.

Success Stories from the Field

Many organizations have found great success with car magnet fundraisers. Schools have reported raising thousands of dollars with minimal effort. Youth sports leagues have funded new equipment and travel expenses. Churches have used car magnets to support mission trips and community outreach programs. The common thread in these success stories is the dual benefit of fundraising and increased awareness.


Fundraising car magnets are a versatile and effective tool for any organization. They offer the dual benefits of raising funds and increasing awareness, making them a powerful choice for schools, churches, youth sports leagues, and other community groups. By leveraging the visibility and cost-effectiveness of custom car magnets, you can achieve your fundraising goals and promote your cause simultaneously.

For more information on how to get started with your car magnet fundraiser, visit You’ll find resources and tips to help you design and implement a successful campaign. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to boost your fundraising efforts and raise awareness with custom car magnets.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Key to Successful Fundraising for Youth Sports, Schools, and Churches

Sports Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Key to Successful Fundraising for Youth Sports, Schools, and Churches

Fundraising car magnets have become a crucial part of youth sports fundraising, school fundraising, and church fundraising. These small, effective tools can make a huge impact, helping teams, schools, and organizations raise the funds they need. A car magnet fundraiser is simple, profitable, and helps build community spirit. In this post, we’ll explore how fundraising car magnets can benefit various groups and why they are a smart choice for your next fundraising campaign.

The High Costs of Running Programs

Youth sports teams, schools, and religious organizations face significant expenses. Here are some of the highest costs they must contend with:

  • Youth Sports Teams and Leagues: Equipment, uniforms, travel, and tournament fees can quickly add up. These costs often exceed what families can comfortably pay.
  • Schools and PTA/PTOs: Schools need funds for extracurricular activities, classroom supplies, and special programs. Budget cuts have made it harder to provide these essential resources. Using school car magnets can help fill the gap left by these cuts.
  • Churches and Synagogues: Religious organizations require funds for maintenance, community outreach, and educational programs. With traditional sources of revenue drying up, fundraising has become even more crucial.

Traditional Fundraisers vs. Car Magnet Fundraisers

These groups typically conduct various fundraisers to meet their financial needs. Common methods include bake sales, car washes, and walk-a-thons. While effective, these fundraisers demand a lot of time and effort from volunteers.

The Ease of a Car Magnet Fundraiser

A car magnet fundraiser offers a simpler, more efficient solution. Custom car magnets can be designed to feature your team’s logo, school mascot, or religious symbol. Here’s why they’re a great choice:

  • Easy to Organize: Order the magnets, distribute them to your supporters, and watch the funds roll in. It’s that simple.
  • Highly Profitable: The profit margins on custom car magnets are substantial. You can sell them at a price that provides significant returns.
  • Low Effort: Unlike other fundraisers, a car magnet campaign doesn’t require extensive planning or coordination. This means less work for your volunteers.

Additional Benefits of Custom Car Magnets

Beyond fundraising, custom car magnets offer several other benefits.

Creating Awareness

When supporters display your magnets on their cars, they spread your message throughout the community. This visibility can lead to increased support and engagement.

Building Community Engagement

Seeing your magnets around town creates a sense of community and pride. It shows that people are united in supporting your cause. This constant reminder helps keep your cause top-of-mind for supporters and potential donors.

Types of Car Magnets

  • School Car Magnets: Perfect for PTA/PTO fundraisers, featuring school mascots and mottos.
  • Sports Car Magnets: Ideal for youth sports teams, showcasing team logos and colors.
  • Fundraising Magnets: Versatile and effective for any fundraising campaign, promoting causes and events.

How to Start Your Car Magnet Fundraiser

Starting a car magnet fundraiser is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Design Your Magnet: Choose a design that represents your team, school, or organization.
  2. Partner with a Reputable Supplier: Ensure you get high-quality magnets that will last.
  3. Organize Your Sales Campaign: Plan how you’ll distribute and sell the magnets to your supporters.

With a clear plan and enthusiastic volunteers, your car magnet fundraiser will be a success.


Fundraising car magnets are an effective and easy way to raise money for youth sports teams, schools, and religious organizations. They provide financial support while also building community awareness and engagement. Compared to traditional fundraisers, car magnet campaigns are simpler and more profitable. Start your car magnet fundraiser today and see the benefits for yourself.

For more tips on successful fundraising campaigns, check out our other blog posts on You can also find additional resources on our fundraising page.

By utilizing fundraising car magnets, you can achieve your financial goals while strengthening your community. Get started today and experience the benefits of this powerful fundraising tool.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Creative Solution for Budget Needs

Car magnet fundraiser
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Creative Solution for Budget Needs

Fundraising car magnets offer a unique and effective way for various groups to meet their budgetary requirements. This approach has gained popularity due to its simplicity, visibility, and affordability. By utilizing car magnet fundraisers, hundreds of different organizations can support their financial needs with minimal effort.


Schools constantly face funding challenges for programs, equipment, and events. A school car magnet fundraiser can help. It raises money for new computers, sports gear, or field trips. This method connects the community and supports education.


Churches use fundraising car magnets to gather funds for community service projects and facility maintenance. Church car magnets are a subtle way to encourage donations while spreading their message.

Youth Football

Youth football teams need funds for uniforms, travel, and equipment. Selling football car magnets can cover these expenses. It also boosts team spirit among players and fans.

Little League Baseball

Little League teams use baseball car magnet fundraisers for new gear and tournament fees. This strategy helps keep the game accessible to all kids.

Swim Teams

Swim teams require funds for pool time and competition travel. Swim team car magnets offer a straightforward way to support these aquatic athletes.

Soccer Teams

Soccer teams raise money for uniforms and field maintenance through car magnets. Soccer car magnets unite players and supporters alike.

Lacrosse Teams

Lacrosse teams face similar financial challenges. Fundraising with lacrosse car magnets can offset costs for equipment and travel.

High School Booster Clubs

Booster clubs support school activities by fundraising. High School car magnets help finance band equipment, cheerleading uniforms, and more.

Political Campaigns and Elections

Candidates use car magnets for visibility and fundraising. This method spreads their message and gathers financial support. Campaign and Election car magnets are better than stuffing the ballot box!

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts

Scouting groups raise funds for camping trips and community projects with car magnets. Scouting car magnets are an effective way to support their adventures and good deeds.

Animal Shelters and Humane Societies

These organizations rely on donations for rescue operations and care. Animal shelter car magnets can generate much-needed funds and awareness.

Expert Design and Quality: ARC Marketing

ARC Marketing’s expert art department stands out in the realm of custom car magnets. With over 20 years of experience in designing school car magnets, ARC Marketing has established itself as the “go-to” company for America’s best car magnets. Their expertise ensures that each magnet not only meets fundraising goals but also resonates with the community.

Getting a custom car magnet from ARC Marketing couldn’t be easier. We are here to help with your project from concept through completion. Our team guides you every step of the way, from the initial design ideas to selecting the perfect size and shape for your magnet. We understand the importance of your fundraising goals and work tirelessly to ensure your car magnet not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes the process seamless and stress-free. With ARC Marketing, turning your vision into a reality is our top priority, helping you achieve your financial targets with ease.

In conclusion, fundraising car magnets serve as a versatile tool for a wide array of groups aiming to meet their budgetary needs. From educational institutions and sports teams to political campaigns and animal welfare organizations, the appeal of customized car magnets spans a broad spectrum. The support from ARC Marketing’s experienced art department further enhances the effectiveness of this fundraising strategy, providing professional designs that capture attention and encourage support. Through creativity and community engagement, fundraising car magnets pave the way for successful campaigns and fulfilled budget requirements.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Boost Your Fundraising Efforts with Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Sports Car Magnets

Boost Your Fundraising Efforts with Car Magnets

In today’s challenging economic landscape, almost every group—from school PTAs to Little League Baseball teams—is on the lookout for effective ways to keep their budgets balanced. Enter the world of fundraising car magnets, a proven solution that combines visibility, affordability, and community spirit.

The Magic of School Car Magnets

School magnets have been a game-changer for thousands of educational institutions aiming to hit their fundraising targets. More often than not, the PTA or PTO spearheads this initiative, though it’s not uncommon for school Principals to take charge. The beauty of these school car magnets lies in their appeal to parents who are proud to display their support on their vehicles. Before you know it, hundreds of cars become moving billboards for your school, contributing significantly to your fundraising goals.

Scoring Big with Sports Car Magnets

Sports teams, especially at the youth level, find a powerful ally in sports car magnets for fundraising. ARC Marketing specializes in crafting magnets for a wide array of sports, including football, baseball, and basketball. These magnets not only rally support but also offer a financial lifeline to countless parents, helping them afford sports programs for their children. This approach has aided thousands of teams in reaching their financial objectives, making sports more accessible and enjoyable for kids everywhere.

Awareness Magnets: Driving Change One Car at a Time

Awareness campaigns for causes like Autism and Cancer also find a strong voice through car magnets. While many of these Autism Awareness car magnets and Cancer Awareness car magnets are personalized to honor individuals undergoing treatment, their sales contribute significantly to research funding. This method not only raises necessary funds but also spreads awareness and fosters community support for those affected by these conditions.

Churches Mobilize Support with Car Magnets

Church car magnets serve a dual purpose; they are not just fundraising tools but also mediums for outreach. ARC Marketing designs and prints custom magnets for churches across the United States, assisting them in funding outreach programs, Sunday school expenses, and more. The additional benefit is exposure; as congregants drive around with these magnets, they pique the interest of potential new members, effectively extending your church’s reach.

Unmatched ROI: The Fundraising Car Magnet Advantage

Among the plethora of fundraising options available, few can rival the return on investment offered by a car magnet fundraiser. With potential returns exceeding 200% and a product that practically sells itself (every parent loves showcasing their support!), it’s no wonder that this method has gained popularity. The simplicity of the process, combined with the tangible sense of community it builds, makes car magnet fundraisers an excellent choice for any group looking to boost their financial resources.

In conclusion, whether you’re part of a school, sports team, church, or awareness campaign, car magnets for fundraising present a unique opportunity to achieve your financial goals while fostering community spirit. ARC Marketing is your go-to source for designing and printing high-quality magnets that resonate with your audience. By choosing this path, you’re not just raising funds; you’re also building a community of supporters on wheels. For a closer look at how we can help you succeed with your next fundraiser, visit and explore the possibilities.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Unleashing the Power of Fundraising Car Magnets: A Game Changer for all Groups

Car Magnets for fundraising
Fundraising Car Magnets

Unleashing the Power of Fundraising Car Magnets: A Game Changer for all Groups

Fundraising car magnets have emerged as a revolutionary tool for groups. From school Parent/Teacher associations to political groups, these magnets offer a unique way to raise funds. They are effective, easy to distribute, and carry your message far and wide. Let’s explore how custom car magnets from ARC Marketing can benefit various groups.

The “Set and Forget” Fundraiser

Nothing matches the fundraising prowess of car magnets from ARC Marketing. They are a “set and forget” money-maker. Once you have them, they practically sell themselves. Unlike other fundraisers that demand constant attention and labor, a custom car magnet fundraiser requires minimal effort. It’s an efficient way to raise money without the hassle.

Schools and PTAs

Schools and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) find fundraising car magnets an ideal solution for raising funds for educational programs, extracurricular activities, and school improvements. By selling school car magnets designed with the school’s logo or mascot, they not only raise significant funds but also boost school spirit and unity. It’s a simple, effective way to support academic and social initiatives, making it a favorite among educators and parents alike.

Political Committees and Their Candidates

For political committees and candidates, campaign car magnets serve as both a fundraising tool and a campaign strategy. Political car magnets designed with a candidate’s name, slogan, or message help in spreading awareness and generating support while also raising funds for the campaign. They are a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience, making them an invaluable asset during election seasons.

Youth Sports Teams and Their Insatiable Expenses

Youth sports teams often face insatiable expenses, from equipment and uniforms to travel costs for tournaments. Fundraising with sports car magnets offers a practical solution. Teams can sell magnets that showcase their team logo or a supportive message, engaging the community’s spirit and raising the necessary funds. This method provides a straightforward way for teams to cover their expenses while promoting team identity and pride.

Churches and Their Need to Attract New Members and Fund Their Outreach Programs

Churches can leverage fundraising car magnets to attract new members and fund their outreach programs. Church car magnets can be designed with inspirational messages, religious symbols, or the church’s logo, serving as a tool for spreading faith and community values. This fundraising method not only helps in covering the costs of outreach and community service programs but also in making the church’s presence known in the wider community, inviting engagement and new members.

Broadening Your Reach Effortlessly

Fundraising car magnets are also phenomenal at broadcasting your message. Their reach and awareness are unparalleled. Each magnet becomes a mobile billboard. It’s seen by hundreds daily, making it a powerful tool for spreading your cause. Whether it’s for your school, church, team, or political candidate, these magnets ensure your message travels far and wide.

Expert Design and Quality

ARC Marketing’s expert art department brings over 20 years of experience in designing car magnets. They’ve created magnets for every type of school sport, church, team, and more. Their expertise ensures that your custom car magnets are not just effective fundraisers but also visually appealing. ARC Marketing is proud to produce America’s best car magnets, combining quality with impactful design.

Why Choose ARC Marketing for Your Custom Car Magnets

Custom car magnets from ARC Marketing stand out for several reasons. They offer a unique blend of visibility, ease, and effectiveness in fundraising. Whether you’re looking to support a local sports team, raise funds for a school project, or campaign for a political cause, these magnets provide a versatile solution. With ARC Marketing, you’re choosing a partner that understands the importance of your mission and delivers quality products to support it.

For more information on how to start your fundraiser with the best fundraising car magnets, visit Discover the variety of designs and how you can customize them to suit your specific needs.

In conclusion, fundraising car magnets from ARC Marketing offer an unparalleled opportunity for various groups to raise funds efficiently and spread their message widely. With minimal effort, these magnets can significantly impact your fundraising goals and awareness campaigns. Choose ARC Marketing for your next fundraiser and experience the difference quality and expertise can make.

Top of Form

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Magnetizing Mishaps of Car Magnets for Fundraising

Swim Team Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

The Magnetizing Mishaps of Car Magnets for Fundraising

Fundraising can be as creative as one’s imagination allows, and in this realm, custom car magnets, like those from ARC Marketing, reign supreme. But, as with all great ideas, there are some hilariously unexpected downsides. Here are five whimsical reasons why a car magnet fundraiser might not always stick the landing.

1. The Case of the Disappearing Magnets

Firstly, let’s talk about the mysterious case of the disappearing magnets. Picture this: a supporter proudly attaches their brand-new, shiny custom magnet to their car. They drive off, only to arrive with a naked car, the magnet having flown off to a new adventure. These magnets often embark on solo journeys, leaving fundraisers puzzled and drivers magnet-less.

2. Magnetic Attraction… of Dirt

Next up is the magnetic attraction, and no, not the romantic kind. These magnets are like dirt magnets. They attract every speck of dust, grime, and mysterious goo. They start off as a beacon of your cause and end up looking like they’ve been through a mud wrestling championship. It’s not the best look for promoting a cause.

3. The Artwork Conundrum

Creating a magnet that stands out is essential. But sometimes, things can go hilariously wrong. Imagine a beautiful design shrunk down to magnet size, turning what was once a majestic eagle into a perplexing blob. Or a motivational quote that now reads, “Save the Wha…”. It’s art, but maybe not as intended.

4. Color Clashes and Car Controversies

Color clashes are real, folks. A vibrant, neon green magnet might seem like a great idea until it’s stuck on a bright orange car. Now, not only does the car draw attention for all the wrong reasons, but it also initiates a neighborhood debate about color theory. Who knew fundraising could spark such controversies?

5. The Unintentional Collector’s Item

Lastly, these fundraising car magnets can unintentionally become collector’s items. Supporters start off with one, and before they know it, their car is a moving mosaic of magnets. It’s a commitment, like getting a tattoo, but with less pain and more aerodynamic drag. Plus, deciding which magnet gets the prime spot on the car turns into a high-stakes game.

6. The Case of the Pilfered Magnets

Lastly, let’s delve into the world of pilfered magnets. Yes, believe it or not, these mobile billboards can become hot commodities in the underground world of magnet enthusiasts. Picture a supporter parking their car, only to return and find their beloved magnet has embarked on an involuntary adventure with a new owner. This not only leaves the supporter magnet-less but also adds a new level of excitement to the fundraising experience. Who knew custom car magnets could lead to such thrilling (and slightly inconvenient) tales of petty theft?

In conclusion, while ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets for fundraising come with their share of humorous mishaps and quirky challenges, they are undeniably one of the most effortless and profitable fundraising methods you’ll encounter. Despite the occasional disappearing act, color clash, or unintentional addition to a magnet enthusiast’s collection, these fundraising magnets offer a unique and engaging way to support your cause. So, while we’ve shared a chuckle over their whimsical downsides, the truth is, embracing car magnets for fundraising might just be the simplest and most rewarding decision you make in your fundraising endeavors. Remember, every magnet, whether stuck, stolen, or covered in dirt, is a testament to your cause’s reach and impact.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: The Game-Changer in Fundraising

Round Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: The Game-Changer in Fundraising

Revolutionize Your Fundraising with Car Magnets

Fundraising is vital for many groups, but it often feels challenging. Enter car magnets, the ultimate solution for effective fundraising. These magnets, especially those from ARC Marketing, are changing the fundraising landscape. They’re not just effective; they’re revolutionizing how groups raise money.

Why Car Magnets are Effective

Car magnets are more than just fundraising items. They are mobile advertisements, promoting your cause wherever they go. Unlike other fundraising products, car magnets showcase your message in a public, mobile platform. They turn every supporter’s vehicle into a roaming billboard. It’s visibility you can’t buy!

Ease of a Car Magnet Fundraiser

A car magnet fundraiser practically runs itself. Once the initial few magnets hit the road, visibility spikes. Parents and faculty start noticing. They see these magnets on their peers’ cars every day. It creates a ripple effect. Soon, everyone wants one. It’s fundraising made simple.

Initial Setup: A Breeze

Setting up a car magnet fundraiser is incredibly straightforward. Choose your design, place your order with ARC Marketing, and you’re set. ARC Marketing assists in every step, ensuring your design is perfect. It’s a hassle-free process. This simplicity is what makes car magnets an attractive fundraising option.

The Viral Effect

The real magic begins once the first few magnets are sold. These magnets catch eyes. They spark conversations. They create interest. Before you know it, more people are asking about them. It’s a chain reaction of awareness and fundraising. Every new magnet sold amplifies your message.

Massive ROI with Car Magnets

Return on investment (ROI) is crucial in fundraising. Car magnets excel here. They’re affordable to produce, yet they sell at a premium. This margin means more funds for your cause. Plus, the extended visibility they provide is priceless. It’s an investment that keeps giving back.

ARC Marketing: Leaders in Quality

ARC Marketing makes America’s best car magnets. Their quality is unmatched. These magnets are durable, eye-catching, and professionally designed. They withstand weather elements, maintaining their look and message integrity. When you choose ARC Marketing, you’re choosing quality that represents your group well.

Long-Term Impact

The impact of a fundraising car magnets extends beyond immediate funds. It builds community. It fosters a sense of pride and belonging. Every time someone sees their magnet on another car, it reinforces a connection. It’s not just fundraising; it’s community building.

Minimal Effort, Maximum Results

A car magnet fundraiser requires minimal effort. Once the initial setup is done, it almost runs on autopilot. This ease allows organizers to focus on other important tasks. Yet, the results are impressive. The simplicity of this fundraiser does not diminish its effectiveness.

Conclusion: Transform Your Fundraising Today

Fundraising can be a daunting task. But with car magnets, especially from ARC Marketing, it becomes an exciting opportunity. Their ease of setup, viral nature, and massive ROI make them an unbeatable choice. Transform your fundraising efforts today. Choose car magnets and watch your fundraising future change for the better.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Dummies

Round Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Dummies

The “Stick”y Situation We All Find Ourselves In

Every year, it happens. Schools, churches, and youth sports teams cry out, “We need funds!” But fear not, dear reader. There’s a solution so magnetic, it pulls in cash with the strength of a thousand fridges.

Who Can Benefit? (Hint: Almost Everyone!)

Schools: Ever seen a school bake sale? Cute, right? Now imagine raising funds without burning cookies. Enter school car magnets. Boost school spirit and funds simultaneously.

Churches: Fill up more than just the collection plate. Let your congregation show off their faith on four wheels. Bingo nights are great, but church car magnets? Heavenly.

Youth Sports Teams & Leagues: Score! Raise funds without breaking a sweat. With sports car magnets, everyone’s a winner. Even if your little Timmy strikes out again.

ARC Marketing: Magnet Masters

“Who should we turn to for our car magnet needs?” you ask. Look no further. ARC Marketing makes America’s best car magnets. You want quality? They deliver. You want style? They’ve got spades of it. You want funds? Cha-ching!

Making Cents (and Dollars) of Car Magnets

Alright, rookies. Let’s break down the magic.

  1. Visibility: They’re not just stuck in one place. Cars travel. So does your message.
  2. Affordability: Customized. Stylish. Affordable. It’s like the trifecta of fundraising tools.
  3. Durability: Rain or shine, ARC Marketing ensures these magnets cling on. No weaklings here!

Designing Your Money-Magnet

Consider your audience. Design plays a big role. Schools might want mascots. Churches might opt for a peaceful dove. And sports teams? Maybe your logo, duh.

Colors matter too. Choose wisely. If you’re the Blue Jays, don’t go all pink unless it’s for a good cause.

Placement: It’s All About Location

The rear of the car? Classic. But why limit ourselves? Side doors, fenders – go wild! Just ensure it’s visible. And avoid putting it on wheels. We’re fundraising, not creating spin art.

How Many Magnets Do We Need?

This isn’t a trick question. Order enough. But not so many that they end up in your garage for eternity.

The ROI: Return On Investment

For every magnet bought and sold, think of the ROI. School trips, new church roofs, or snazzy team jerseys – they’re all closer than you think.

Cashing In

Now for the fun part. Seeing the dollars roll in. Host a magnet day. Promote it. Show them off. And watch as everyone jumps on the magnetic bandwagon.

Final Thoughts: Stick With It!

Fundraising can be challenging. But with ARC Marketing’s car magnets, you’ve got an edge. Schools, churches, sports teams – you’re all set to attract those funds.

Remember, the world of fundraising is vast. But a magnet? It draws people in like nothing else.

Now, go forth, dear dummy. Raise those funds. And if someone asks how you did it, just wink and say, “I’ve got a magnetic personality.”

ARC Marketing: The Magnet Moguls

Question: Where do you go when you want top-notch fundraising car magnets? ARC Marketing. Because nothing says “premium quality” like a magnet that doesn’t awkwardly slide down your car.

For more information, visit our website at www.arcmktg or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Custom Car Magnets: Fundraising and Awareness Rolled into One

Oval car magnets
Car Magnets for Awareness and Fundraising

Custom Car Magnets: Fundraising and Awareness Rolled into One

Fundraising Made Simple with Car Magnets

Every group seeks effective ways to fundraise. Custom car magnets top the list for many reasons. They’re affordable, attractive, and easy to produce. Plus, their popularity ensures that most supporters will gladly buy one.

Imagine this: you order a bulk amount at a lower price. You then sell them at a slightly higher price. The difference becomes your profit. Simple, right?

What’s even better is that these magnets usually have broad appeal. People love to support causes they care about. A car magnet gives them a way to do that. Plus, they get a neat item in return.

Beyond Fundraising: Boosting Awareness

However, fundraising is just one aspect of the car magnet appeal. Raising awareness is another massive benefit. Think about it. Cars travel everywhere. Highways, neighborhoods, cities – you name it. With a custom awareness magnet on a car, your message goes everywhere too.

Every time someone sees a car with your magnet, they see your message. This repeated exposure boosts brand recognition. And that’s invaluable for any group.

Schools use them for spirit and pride. Non-profits use them to spread their mission. Even small businesses have jumped on the bandwagon. They’ve seen the value in this mobile advertising method.

A Variety of Groups Benefit

Who can use car magnets for maximum effect? Almost anyone! Let’s dive into a few:

  • Schools and Universities: Sports teams, clubs, and organizations can promote school spirit.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Share your cause and gather more supporters with every drive.
  • Businesses: A low-cost advertisement that reaches a wide audience without monthly fees.
  • Special Events: Commemorate a special occasion or event in the community.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Share important messages, whether it’s health-related or social justice.

One thing is clear. Custom car magnets aren’t just for one group. They offer versatility that few other products can match.

The Best in the Business: ARC Marketing

Speaking of car magnets, one name stands out: ARC Marketing. They claim the title of making America’s best car magnets. And for a good reason.

Quality matters when you’re trying to convey a message. ARC Marketing understands that. They offer a blend of durability, attractive design, and clear messaging. When you choose them, you’re opting for a product that will withstand the test of time.

Additionally, their team offers expert advice. They help groups nail down the perfect design. The result? A magnet that resonates with supporters and potential new members alike.


In conclusion, custom car magnets are more than just a fundraising tool. They’re a double-edged sword. On one hand, they offer a straightforward and profitable fundraising method. On the other, they give groups unparalleled exposure. This dual benefit makes them a top choice for various organizations.

If you’re considering car magnets for your group, think about their two-fold advantage. And when you’re ready to make a purchase, remember that ARC Marketing crafts America’s finest. Their expertise ensures you’ll have a product that stands out, lasts long, and delivers your message effectively. One car at a time, you can make an impact.

For more information, visit our website at of give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Car Magnet Fundraisers: A Winning Choice in Fundraising

Round Car Magnets
Car Magnet Fundraiser

Car Magnet Fundraisers: A Winning Choice in Fundraising

The Unique Appeal of Car Magnets

In the diverse landscape of fundraising, car magnet fundraisers shine. Unlike traditional methods, car magnets offer visibility and lasting appeal. Every car becomes a mobile billboard, spreading your message or cause. They aren’t just temporary tokens; they last, reminding people of the cause and its significance.

Comparing Car Magnets with Other Fundraisers

Think about bake sales. They require extensive preparation, time, and energy. Ingredients, volunteers, a venue, and a lot of coordination make it a daunting task. The profits, while immediate, might not be impressive.

Consider charity runs. While impactful, they require months of planning. Routes, permissions, volunteers, and participants all demand time and effort. Additionally, unpredictable factors like weather can affect turnout and profit.

Now, think about fundraising car magnets. You design, order, and sell. It’s that simple. No venue needed, no perishables, no extensive logistics. Plus, they provide ongoing exposure unlike a one-day event.

The Profit Potential of Car Magnets

The economics of car magnets are compelling. The initial investment is minimal compared to the potential returns. Buyers don’t just buy a magnet; they buy into a cause. This means they’re often willing to pay more than the production cost, ensuring high profit margins. Unlike other fundraising products, there’s no risk of them perishing or becoming outdated.

Groups That Trust ARC Marketing

Many groups recognize the brilliance of car magnet fundraisers, turning to ARC Marketing for premium quality products.

From promoting school spirit to funding educational trips, schools love the simplicity and effectiveness of car magnets.

Youth Sports
For new uniforms or travel expenses, youth sports teams find car magnets an easy way to rally support.

Churches utilize magnets to spread messages of faith, love, and community outreach projects.

Animal Shelters and Humane Societies
Raising awareness and funds for animals in need becomes easier with the appeal of car magnets.

Autism and Cancer Fundraising
To spread awareness and support for critical causes, these groups turn to car magnets for high visibility.

Be it Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, selling car magnets beats selling cookies or popcorn in ease and profitability.

Swim Teams
Raising funds for competitions or new equipment? Swim teams dive into the car magnet trend for effective results.

Elections and Campaigns
In the political arena, visibility is crucial. Car magnets offer candidates an affordable, wide-reaching promotional tool. They help foster community engagement, turning passive supporters into active campaign advocates. With car magnets, messages travel, ensuring candidates remain top of mind for voters.

ARC Marketing: From Design to Delivery

The beauty of partnering with ARC Marketing? They handle everything. You don’t need to be a design expert or logistics guru. ARC Marketing ensures that from the initial design to the final print, quality is paramount. And when your magnets are ready? They deliver them right to your doorstep.

In Conclusion

In a world brimming with fundraising options, car magnets stand tall. Their ease, profitability, and lasting visibility make them a top choice for diverse groups. And with ARC Marketing, the process is seamless. Choose car magnets. Choose success. Choose ARC Marketing.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340 today!