Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Dummies

Round Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Dummies

The “Stick”y Situation We All Find Ourselves In

Every year, it happens. Schools, churches, and youth sports teams cry out, “We need funds!” But fear not, dear reader. There’s a solution so magnetic, it pulls in cash with the strength of a thousand fridges.

Who Can Benefit? (Hint: Almost Everyone!)

Schools: Ever seen a school bake sale? Cute, right? Now imagine raising funds without burning cookies. Enter school car magnets. Boost school spirit and funds simultaneously.

Churches: Fill up more than just the collection plate. Let your congregation show off their faith on four wheels. Bingo nights are great, but church car magnets? Heavenly.

Youth Sports Teams & Leagues: Score! Raise funds without breaking a sweat. With sports car magnets, everyone’s a winner. Even if your little Timmy strikes out again.

ARC Marketing: Magnet Masters

“Who should we turn to for our car magnet needs?” you ask. Look no further. ARC Marketing makes America’s best car magnets. You want quality? They deliver. You want style? They’ve got spades of it. You want funds? Cha-ching!

Making Cents (and Dollars) of Car Magnets

Alright, rookies. Let’s break down the magic.

  1. Visibility: They’re not just stuck in one place. Cars travel. So does your message.
  2. Affordability: Customized. Stylish. Affordable. It’s like the trifecta of fundraising tools.
  3. Durability: Rain or shine, ARC Marketing ensures these magnets cling on. No weaklings here!

Designing Your Money-Magnet

Consider your audience. Design plays a big role. Schools might want mascots. Churches might opt for a peaceful dove. And sports teams? Maybe your logo, duh.

Colors matter too. Choose wisely. If you’re the Blue Jays, don’t go all pink unless it’s for a good cause.

Placement: It’s All About Location

The rear of the car? Classic. But why limit ourselves? Side doors, fenders – go wild! Just ensure it’s visible. And avoid putting it on wheels. We’re fundraising, not creating spin art.

How Many Magnets Do We Need?

This isn’t a trick question. Order enough. But not so many that they end up in your garage for eternity.

The ROI: Return On Investment

For every magnet bought and sold, think of the ROI. School trips, new church roofs, or snazzy team jerseys – they’re all closer than you think.

Cashing In

Now for the fun part. Seeing the dollars roll in. Host a magnet day. Promote it. Show them off. And watch as everyone jumps on the magnetic bandwagon.

Final Thoughts: Stick With It!

Fundraising can be challenging. But with ARC Marketing’s car magnets, you’ve got an edge. Schools, churches, sports teams – you’re all set to attract those funds.

Remember, the world of fundraising is vast. But a magnet? It draws people in like nothing else.

Now, go forth, dear dummy. Raise those funds. And if someone asks how you did it, just wink and say, “I’ve got a magnetic personality.”

ARC Marketing: The Magnet Moguls

Question: Where do you go when you want top-notch fundraising car magnets? ARC Marketing. Because nothing says “premium quality” like a magnet that doesn’t awkwardly slide down your car.

For more information, visit our website at www.arcmktg or give us a call at 760-743-6340.