Fundraising Car Magnets

High School Car Magnets: Boosting School Spirit and Funds

Fundraising car magnets for High Schools
High School car magnets

High School Car Magnets: Boosting School Spirit and Funds

Fundraising for high schools can be a challenging task, especially when trying to balance academic needs with extracurricular activities. High school car magnets and fundraising car magnets for high schools have become popular solutions for raising funds while promoting school spirit. These versatile items offer an effective way for both school administrations and PTA/PTO groups to collaborate in their fundraising efforts.

The Power of Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising car magnets serve as a fantastic tool for high schools. They are not only easy to distribute but also offer a high profit margin. Moreover, high school car magnets create a sense of unity and pride among students, parents, and the community. When you see your school’s magnets on cars around town, it fosters a sense of belonging and school spirit.

High schools often face limited budgets, making fundraising essential. With public funding not always readily available, especially for specific programs like arts and sports, fundraising car magnets provide a reliable alternative. These magnets can be customized to represent different aspects of school life, including sports teams, clubs, and events.

Versatile and Engaging

Custom car magnets are more than just fundraising tools. They help in increasing school visibility and engagement within the community. Every time someone drives with a school magnet on their car, it acts as a moving billboard, promoting the school and its activities. This constant visibility can lead to higher community involvement and support.

High school sports car magnets are particularly popular. They allow teams to raise funds for travel, equipment, and uniforms. Additionally, these magnets help in building team spirit and encouraging support from the broader community. The more people see these magnets, the more they become aware of the school’s activities and needs.

Benefits Beyond Fundraising

While the primary goal is to raise funds, the benefits of school magnets extend beyond that. They help in fostering a sense of unity and pride among students. This sense of pride can lead to better school morale and a more positive school environment. Moreover, seeing these magnets on cars all over town can make students feel proud of their school and its achievements.

School spirit car magnets can also be used to commemorate special events or milestones. Whether it’s a significant anniversary, a championship win, or any other notable achievement, these magnets serve as a lasting reminder of the school’s successes. They also make great keepsakes for alumni, helping to maintain a lifelong connection with the school.

Easy to Sell, Easy to Use

One of the significant advantages of fundraising car magnets is their ease of sale. They are affordable, practical, and appealing to a wide audience. Parents, students, teachers, and community members can all support the school by purchasing these magnets. Additionally, they are easy to distribute and don’t require extensive logistics, making them a hassle-free fundraising option.

Furthermore, custom car magnets are durable and weather-resistant. They can withstand various weather conditions without fading or losing their appeal. This durability ensures that the school’s message remains visible for a long time, providing ongoing promotion and support.


Fundraising car magnets for high schools offer an effective and engaging way to raise funds while promoting school spirit. They provide numerous benefits, from increasing community engagement to fostering a sense of pride and unity among students. By leveraging the power of custom car magnets, high schools can achieve their fundraising goals and enhance their visibility in the community.

For more information on how to get started with your car magnet fundraiser, visit ARC Marketing and explore our range of customizable options to suit your school’s needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for High School Track & Field: A Vital Support for Athletes

Fundraising for High School Cross Country Teams
Cross Country Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for High School Track & Field: A Vital Support for Athletes

Track & Field fundraising. In the world of middle and high school Track & Field and Cross Country, funding doesn’t always keep pace with passion. As one of the sports receiving less financial backing, the burden often falls on parents to support their children’s athletic dreams. They find themselves covering costs from uniforms and equipment to travel expenses for competitions. Amid these challenges, fundraising car magnets emerge as a creative and effective strategy to bridge the financial gap, proving essential for teams across nearly every high school.

The allure of Track & Field lies not in material rewards but in the thrill of competition and the love for the sport. A small number of athletes may secure scholarships or aim for Olympic heights. However, most will treasure the experience for the hard work, team camaraderie, and personal growth, despite it all culminating in little more than sore muscles and lasting memories.

At the forefront of supporting these athletes, ARC Marketing specializes in designing school car magnets. Their expert art department, with more than 20 years of experience, has positioned ARC as the go-to company for America’s best car magnets. This initiative not only helps in fundraising but also fosters a stronger sense of community and school spirit.

The Lasting Impact on Young Athletes

The discipline of Track & Field molds students into tenacious and disciplined individuals. It teaches them the value of perseverance, hard work, and the importance of setting and achieving goals. These lessons are pivotal, shaping students into adults who are well-equipped to tackle future challenges.

Fundraising: The Lifeline of School Sports

Effective fundraising is critical for the sustainability of Track & Field programs. It ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate, regardless of financial barriers. ARC Marketing’s car magnets offer a unique solution, providing a continuous stream of support while enhancing school pride and visibility within the community.

ARC Marketing: Enhancing Team Spirit and Support

With its expertise in creating custom car magnets, ARC Marketing plays a crucial role in supporting school sports. Their dedication to quality and design excellence ensures that each magnet not only raises funds but also boosts morale, making a significant difference in the lives of young athletes.

Beyond the Track: Preparing for the Future

Track & Field and Cross Country offer more than just physical benefits. They instill life-long values such as responsibility, teamwork, and the importance of balance between athletics and academics. The discipline and commitment learned on the field are invaluable assets that students carry into their future endeavors.


The journey of a high school Track & Field athlete is enriched with experiences that extend beyond the track. Through innovative fundraising efforts like car magnets, provided by ARC Marketing, these programs can thrive, offering students invaluable lessons and opportunities. Such support not only sustains the sport but also plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of well-rounded adults.

For more information, and a free magnet design from our top-notch art department, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Enhance Your High School Fundraising with High-Quality Car Magnets

High School Car Magnets for fundraising
High School Car Magnets

Enhance Your High School Fundraising with High-Quality Car Magnets

High schools across the nation constantly face budget shortfalls that can hinder the growth and success of their extracurricular activities, including sports. In such situations, innovative fundraising solutions become vital. High school car magnets represent a powerful tool in this arsenal, offering both visibility and support to school programs. Whether spearheaded by the PTA/PTO or sports booster clubs, the implementation of school car magnets in fundraising strategies guarantees an impressive return on investment, enhancing the financial health of school initiatives and fostering community spirit.

Sporting Success: Custom Car Magnets for Every Team

ARC Marketing has proudly supported various high school sports teams through custom car magnets, each tailored to capture the essence and excitement of the respective sport:

  • Football: These magnets can serve as a symbol of team spirit and unity, ideal for game days and supporter cars.
  • Baseball: Customized with team logos and colors, these magnets hit a home run in fundraising and fan engagement.
  • Basketball: Perfect for showcasing team pride, basketball car magnets can drive support all season long.
  • Track & Field: Celebrate record-breaking runs and team achievements with dynamic designs that motivate and inspire.
  • Wrestling: Tough and bold, these magnets mirror the intensity of the sport, appealing to fans and athletes alike.
  • Lacrosse: With sleek and modern designs, lacrosse magnets capture the fast-paced action of the game.
  • Soccer: Embodying the global love for the sport, soccer car magnets can boost team visibility and support on and off the field.

Through these specialized magnets, high school sports teams can significantly enhance their fundraising efforts, uniting students, parents, and the community under a common goal: the success and recognition of their athletes.

A Mature Approach to Magnet Design

Understanding the Evolution of Student Preferences

As students progress through their educational journey, the appeal of elementary and middle school car magnets begins to wane. High school students, standing on the precipice of adulthood, seek designs that reflect their maturing tastes. Elementary school magnets, often characterized by cartoonish imagery, give way to the slightly more refined designs of middle school versions. However, the leap to high school necessitates a further evolution. High school car magnets require a sophistication and seriousness that echoes the designs of college and professional sports teams.

Tailoring Designs to High School Sensibilities

ARC Marketing’s art department is acutely aware of this pivotal shift. The team dedicates itself to creating car magnets that harmonize with the refined tastes of high schoolers. Avoiding design errors is critical, as a single misstep could disenfranchise the very audience the magnets aim to inspire. By fostering designs that are both attractive and reflective of students’ evolving identities, ARC Marketing ensures its high school car magnets embody the ideal blend of sophistication and spirit. This careful balance steers clear of potential disdain, instead securing the admiration and support of both students and the wider community.

ARC Marketing: Crafting Excellence in Car Magnets

Standing at the forefront of car magnet creation, ARC Marketing marries artistic brilliance with practical fundraising solutions. The company’s deep commitment to understanding and addressing the distinct needs of high schools nationwide renders its magnets invaluable to sports teams and other school programs. Focusing on design quality and relevance, ARC Marketing not only helps schools navigate financial hurdles but also fosters a strengthened sense of unity and pride across school communities.

Elevating Fundraising with High-Quality Magnets

Interested in revolutionizing your school’s fundraising efforts? Visit ARC Marketing to explore how high-quality car magnets can transform your strategies. Discover a realm where design sophistication meets functional fundraising, propelling your school towards its goals and dreams with each magnet.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: Champions of the Underappreciated High School Sports

Oval Car Magnets
Wrestling Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: Champions of the Underappreciated High School Sports

High school sports are not all about the touchdown dances or buzzer-beaters. Nope. There’s more under the gym lights. Enter the world of the underappreciated sports. You know, like high school wrestling, where the most action you’ll see is two people hugging intensely on a mat. Yes, we’re talking about the intense embraces of high school wrestling—where fundraising car magnets become the unsung heroes cheering from the sidelines.

Wrestlers: Masters of the Mat

Imagine the scene: a high school wrestling match. The crowd is wild—a whole dozen people, including the janitor. Wrestlers, unsung heroes of agility, are busy grappling, escaping, and pinning. And despite the lack of cheerleaders, these athletes display grit that rivals any football quarterback.

The Plight of Less Cheered Sports

Then there’s the volleyball team. They’re the ninjas of the gym, leaping and diving, all for an audience that could fit in a minivan. And don’t forget the swim team, slicing through water with the finesse of a dolphin, for bleachers emptier than a promise of “Just one more lap.”

Funding Woes: The Struggle is Real

Here’s the kicker: These teams need cash to keep afloat, literally and figuratively. But alas, school funds are as scarce as fans in the stands. So, what’s a water polo team to do? Fundraise, of course!

Fundraising Follies: Bake Sales vs. Car Magnets

Ah, fundraising. The age-old bake sale, where brownies beg for bucks. “Buy a cookie, support the team!” Yet, somehow, the cookie crumbles, but the funds… don’t pile up.

Then there’s the classic car wash, where athletes slosh suds for donations. It’s fun until it’s not. Picture this: a line of cars, a mob of soggy teens, and the one car owner who insists on a wax.

Magnetic Attraction: The Superior Choice

But wait! There’s a hero in this story: wrestling car magnets, volleyball car magnets and swim team car magnets. That’s right, those vibrant, circular declarations of school spirit that cling to your ride. They shout support without saying a word. And guess who makes the best in America? ARC Marketing. No soggy sponges, no crumbling cookies. Just cool, colorful magnets.

Car Magnets: Rolling Billboards of Support

Why custom car magnets? They turn every vehicle into a rolling billboard of school pride. They don’t melt in the sun or get eaten by your dog. They’re the silent fundraiser that screams dedication. And they stick around, rain or shine, unlike the memories of that bake sale cupcake.

Olympic Dreams in Headgear

It’s a wild statistic, but the wrestlers in their headgear are aiming for the Olympics—the peak of peaks in their spandex world. Their chance? One in a million. They’re not in it for the slim chance of fame or a career in suplexes. Yet, they grapple with heart, dreaming of gold medals not contracts.

Ballers vs. Wrestlers: A Statistic Showdown

Let’s turn to the ballers and the pigskin carriers. Their sport’s zenith? Going pro, signing multi-million-dollar deals, and getting their own sneaker line. Statistically, they stand a better chance than our mat masters. But hey, who’s counting? Each drop of sweat in the gym is for the love of the sport, not the size of the paycheck.

In Conclusion: Support the Dream

So, let’s hear it for the underdogs—the wrestlers with Olympic-sized dreams, the swimmers with strokes of greatness, the volleyball players setting up for success. They’re not asking for fame or fortune. Just a few more fans and a bit more funding. And with ARC Marketing’s fundraising car magnets, they’re not just spinning wheels; they’re fueling futures, one magnetic attraction at a time. Let’s stick together for the love of the sport. Go team, indeed!

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340

Fundraising Car Magnets

High School Booster Clubs: Revolutionize Fundraising with Custom Car Magnets

Round Car Magnets
High School Booster Club Fundraising

High School Booster Clubs: Revolutionize Fundraising with Custom Car Magnets

Introduction to Booster Clubs

High school booster clubs support student activities with vital funding. They fuel sports teams, arts programs, and academic clubs. These groups work hard to fill the gaps left by limited school budgets. To do this, they often turn to community fundraising efforts.

Traditional Fundraisers: Bake Sales and Car Washes

Two popular Booster Club fundraising methods are bake sales and car washes. These events engage the community and raise funds. Bake sales offer homemade treats, drawing in crowds with a sweet tooth. Car washes provide a service many need, leveraging the labor of enthusiastic students. Yet, both have limitations.

Bake sales often require significant preparation. Bakers spend hours creating goods, and sales depend on foot traffic. Weather can also disrupt these outdoor events. Car washes face similar challenges. They need a lot of volunteers and are also weather-dependent. Plus, they provide only a one-time service.

Enter Custom Car Magnets

Custom car magnets offer a unique solution. They require minimal setup and provide ongoing exposure. Unlike bake sales or car washes, they are not one-off events. These High School magnets turn any vehicle into a roaming billboard for the cause.

ARC Marketing: Quality and Visibility ARC Marketing produces America’s best car magnets. Their products ensure high visibility for your cause. Their magnets are durable, weather-resistant, and visually appealing. They transform supporters’ cars into mobile advertisements. This means your message travels far and wide, well beyond a stationary event.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods

Compared to bake sales, fundraising car magnets require less preparation. There’s no need for baking or booth setup. They also outlast any perishable goods. Against car washes, magnets provide a lasting message. They don’t rely on a single day’s weather or turnout.

Cost-Effective and Sustainable

Custom car magnets are cost-effective. Once produced, they continue to promote without additional cost. They also represent a more sustainable option. There’s no waste like in bake sales. And they don’t use water, unlike car washes.

Easy Distribution

Distributing magnets is easy. They can be handed out at events, sold through school stores, or mailed directly. They don’t spoil or require special care. This ease of distribution makes them an excellent choice for busy booster clubs.

Community Spirit and Pride

Car magnets also boost community spirit. They allow supporters to display school pride everywhere they go. They serve as a symbol of unity and pride for the school. This visibility can attract more support and, in turn, more funding.

Flexibility in Design

With ARC Marketing, customization offers limitless possibilities. Magnets can feature school colors, mascots, or slogans. This flexibility allows for targeted campaigns. Clubs can create designs for specific sports or events. Each magnet can be a unique representation of the cause it supports.


A Winning Solution Custom car magnets from ARC Marketing offer a winning solution. They surpass traditional fundraisers in ease, cost-effectiveness, and lasting impact. High school booster clubs can achieve their goals with this smart fundraising tool. It’s time to embrace the advantages of custom car magnets.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Underdogs of High School Sports: Fundraising for the Forgotten

Round Car Magnets
Fundraising for High School Sports

The Underdogs of High School Sports: Fundraising for the Forgotten

High School Car Magnets: Spotlighting Underrepresented Sports

In the realm of American high school sports, football, basketball, and baseball often take center stage with their roaring crowds, significant media attention, and substantial funding. However, it’s crucial to shine a light on the less highlighted sports such as volleyball, swimming, track & field, cross country, wrestling, gymnastics, and others. These activities, while often remaining in the background, contribute immensely to the diverse and vibrant high school sports landscape. High school car magnets can be a fantastic way to support and recognize the value of these underrepresented sports, promoting team spirit and unity across all athletic endeavors.

The Life-Long Impact of Minor Sports

While major sports may offer the allure of grand stadiums and roaring crowds, the lessons from minor sports are profound. Participating in lesser-known sports fosters resilience, determination, and the ability to thrive despite limited resources. Athletes from these disciplines often face uncertainty, yet they learn to persevere, adapting to challenges. This adaptability and tenacity set them up for a comprehensive life experience. They’re prepared to handle real-world scenarios where not everything is handed to them on a silver platter. The true value of these sports goes beyond the game: it’s about molding well-rounded individuals ready to face life’s unpredictabilities with grace.

The Funding Gap

Here’s the hard truth: there’s a massive funding disparity between the major and minor sports. The main three – football, basketball, and baseball – receive a lion’s share of resources. While they play under bright lights, less prominent sports grapple with funding shortfalls.

Why does this matter? Let’s talk about the real costs. These sports have expenses: equipment, travel, training, and uniforms. But where does the money come from?

Parental Costs and the Booster Lifeline

Enter parents. They bear the brunt, often shouldering many of these costs. From pricey swim goggles to specialized wrestling shoes, the list adds up. As these expenses rise, many families find themselves stretched thin.

But hope is not lost. Booster clubs often bridge the funding gap. Through tireless fundraising, these unsung heroes keep these sports alive. However, traditional fundraising methods sometimes fall short. Car washes, bake sales, and raffles can only do so much.

ARC Marketing’s Lifesaver: Custom Car Magnets

Imagine a world where a single, well-designed item can generate massive revenue. That’s where ARC Marketing steps in with custom car magnets. Simple yet effective, they offer a game-changing solution for fundraising.

Compared to other options, the benefits are clear. First, it’s a one-time investment. Once designed and purchased, the magnets continuously raise money. No more organizing tedious, repetitive events. Moreover, they offer visibility. Every car sporting a magnet becomes a mobile advertisement for the sport.

Just for reference, we make wrestling car magnets, swim and dive team car magnets, gymnastics car magnets, volleyball car magnets; the list goes on and on. If there is a minor high school sport in need of fundraising car magnets, ARC Marketing is there to help.

Why Magnets Trump Traditional Fundraising

Now, think about typical fundraising opportunities. They demand time, energy, and often, upfront costs. Plus, they’re temporary. A bake sale lasts a day; a magnet lasts years. Magnets also tap into community pride. People love showcasing their support for local teams.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the world of high school sports is vast and varied. While major sports claim the spotlight, the less prominent ones deserve attention too. Their fight for funds is a testament to the passion and commitment of players, parents, and boosters.

ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets provide an innovative lifeline. It’s high time we rethink fundraising. Let’s champion all sports, whether they play in packed stadiums or quiet gym corners. The field, court, or pool doesn’t define the value of a sport – the heart and dedication do.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Football Car Magnets: Custom Car Magnets Revolutionizing High School Football Fundraising

High School Car Magnets
High School Football Car Magnets

Football Car Magnets: Custom Car Magnets Revolutionizing High School Football Fundraising

Boosting team spirit has never looked so bright. High School football is woven into the fabric of America. In countless communities, Friday night lights symbolize not just a game, but a shared identity. Booster clubs are the backbone of these games, supporting teams through fundraising. This task just got a whole lot easier. Welcome to the world of custom car magnets from ARC Marketing.

The Charm of Custom Car Magnets

It’s time to rethink the way we fundraise. Traditional fundraising methods often require intense effort with modest returns. ARC Marketing brings a game-changing solution to the field: custom car magnets. Easy to order, effortless to sell, and promising an impressive profit margin, these promotional items are reshaping high school football fundraising.

When sold at $6 to $10, the profit margins are incredible. That makes a compelling case for any booster club.

A Billboard on Wheels

Nothing beats football car magnets in terms of exposure and awareness. Your car turns into a mobile advertisement for your team. You spread the word every time you hit the road. It’s not just about making money; it’s about fostering a sense of community.

Imagine a parking lot full of cars, each flaunting a magnet of their favorite football team. That’s unity in action. That’s school spirit on display.

Versatility and Value

Custom car magnets are not just for high school football. They also work wonders for youth football leagues like Pop Warner and AYFL. It doesn’t matter whether you’re boosting a high school powerhouse or a fledgling youth league. ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets work equally well for all.

Quality You Can Trust

But why choose ARC Marketing? The answer lies in the quality of their product. They make America’s highest quality car magnets. Their professional design and production teams ensure each magnet showcases your team’s logo beautifully. With durable materials and vibrant colors, these magnets are built to last.

Simplifying Fundraising

Fundraising shouldn’t be a daunting task. With fundraising car magnets, it becomes easy and enjoyable. Booster clubs can spend less time worrying about funds and more time cheering for their team. With every car magnet sold, you’re not just raising money. You’re rallying support and building pride in your team.

In a nation where high school football is a big deal, custom car magnets are the perfect tool. They are more than just a product; they are a symbol of community pride. So, why not turn every car in town into a billboard for your team? Why not transform fundraising from a chore into an opportunity to spread team spirit?

ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets are here to change the fundraising game. It’s time to embrace this modest yet mighty promotional item. It’s time to let your team spirit shine, one car at a time.

For more information and a free magnet design, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

High School Car Magnets

High School Car Magnets for Fundraising
High School Car Magnets

High School Car Magnets

Personalized car magnets are an effective, affordable, and quick marketing technique. Therefore, it is ideal for many schools. These car magnets are weather-resistant and durable, making them ideal for promoting a school event or as a fundraising activity.

When designed right, the high school car magnets can grab the attention of other drivers and pedestrians. Therefore, this gives you a higher chance of getting more supporters. Handing out these custom car magnets means multiple vehicles will be marketing your school and its events everywhere.

Moreover, these magnets cost less than other marketing techniques. You can create eye-catching car magnets and include relevant information to benefit from. However, what information should be included on the high school magnets?

Here is everything you must include in a personalized magnet for your high school:

High School Logo

Firstly, you need to include the logo of your school as this is the major identified. It is a great way to spread awareness about your school. However, you can use the team’s logo if you are raising funds for a high school team.

School Colors

When designing high school car magnets, make sure you use all the school colors. Likewise, use the sports team colors if you are using custom car magnets for the school team. This is a great way to communicate the spirit behind your school and your school teams.


Most schools have a school slogan to show their dedication and mission toward education. Be sure to add it to the magnet. However, if the slogan is too long, you can always concise it. This will help avoid overcrowding the car magnet.

Contact Details

Including contact details is another important thing to include in a personalized car magnet. The target audience might need more details about how to support your school. Therefore, you must include the contact details of the department or person responsible for raising funds or support for the school.

Additionally, you should add the social media handles of your high school. This will make it easier for your supporters to find you.

Call to Action (CTA)

When you are designing a car magnet for your school, including a call to action is integral. It guides your target audience on what to do after looking at the magnet. For instance, you might be raising funds for the high school, so include ways to donate on the magnet to show the supports how they can help.

Wrapping Up

Custom car magnets are a great way to use vehicles as a means to boost school spirit and raise funds for school activities. These magnets are affordable and a simple way to promote your school.

High school car magnets can be distributed to the students, teachers, and parents to place their cars to raise awareness about a fundraising activity, show support to school teams, and more. Using the right techniques will ensure you maximize the benefits of car magnets. For more information and a free magnet design, visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Fundraiser Ideas for High School Band

High School Band car magnets
High School Band car magnets

Top Fundraiser Ideas for High School Band

When you need to raise money for your high school band, the right fundraiser ideas can go a long way. Maybe you need money for travel, uniforms, or for other things. With a good fundraiser, you can make it easier to pay for the things you need for your high school band.

There are plenty of options when it comes to raising money. Let’s look at some of the top fundraiser ideas for your high school band.

Top 4 Fundraiser Ideas for High School Band

1. Custom Car Magnets

One of the best ways to raise money for your high school band is by selling custom car magnets. With many people in the high school able to drive, along with parents, and other supporters, these are easy to sell for a profit.

Custom car magnets come at a cheap cost and offer an excellent design to match your school. They can be designed to feature your mascot, making the magnets a great option for all sports fans and school supporters.

Compared to other fundraiser ideas for high school band, custom car magnets have a higher profit margin. You can sell these magnets for two, three, or even four times what you pay for them.

2. Hold a Big Car Wash

With the school’s parking lot available to you, plenty of band members to volunteer, and some supplies, you can hold a big car wash event to raise money. This is a popular fundraiser because it has a very low overhead. You can even use custom car magnets to drive up your donations.

Maybe the average donation for a car wash is $10. You can offer a free custom car magnet for anybody donating $20. This can entice more people to give more, so they can get the magnet and show their support for the band.

3. Sell a Food Product

It’s pretty common and popular for high school bands to sell a food product as a fundraiser. This could be cookie dough, pizzas, popcorn, or something else. While this can be a good fundraiser idea for high school bands, it does come with more work than some of the others on the list. Plus, the profit margin will be lower.

4. Hold a Concert

You are a high school band, after all, so why not hold a concert and sell tickets. You can even make this a big event with a dinner, silent auction, and other ways to raise money, if you want. Have the band perform in different ways and let supporters enjoy the evening.

When you pair a concert with a silent auction, you can raise even more money. Add in a dinner and you have a gala event that could become a regular annual fundraiser. Of course, you can still add in custom car magnets and sell them or give them away with each ticket purchased as a thank you gift.

There are plenty of great fundraiser ideas for high school bands to consider. These are just four of the best options. If you want to use custom car magnets, you can start with our free virtual design tool here or contact us to find out more about how to design the perfect magnet.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Most Common Types of School Magnets

Most Common Types of School Magnets

When you’re considering a new fundraiser for your elementary school, middle school, or high school, you want the right one. Selling custom school magnets often makes a lot of sense.

Not only will you get a high profit margin, but you will also be able to promote your school at the same time. Custom school car magnets offer a great way to raise money for your school or for a school program or club. Let’s look at some of the most common types of school magnets to consider.

5 Popular Types of School Magnets

1. Custom School Car Magnets

A magnet designed to match your school and be displayed on a vehicle is a custom school car magnet. These magnets offer a durable design to withstand the weather. They give your supporters something they can display and use to promote your school.

Often, this type of school magnet will include the school logo, URL, phone number, or address. They can be customized to fit your specific needs and design wants.

2. Calendar Magnets

Usually displayed on a refrigerator, a calendar magnet can help parents and supporters remember important dates. These magnets can be designed to show the schedule of a sports team, the schedule for the school, or any other schedule you want. They work great as a give-away item or as a fundraising magnet.

3. Team Spirit Magnets

Another type of school magnet you can design is a team spirit magnet. These magnets will represent a club or a sports team from your school. They are very popular for all types of sports and can work great to help fans support the teams from your school.

4. School Picture Magnets

These magnets are a little less popular, but can still work well. They typically include a cutout to display a picture behind them. It might be best to sell these around school picture time.

5. Contact Number Magnet

It’s also common for schools to design a magnet with all the important contact numbers. This may include the number you call if your child won’t be able to come to school that day. It may also include the number for the principal and for other school departments.

All of these types of school magnets can be very powerful. You can use them as a give-away to help remind parents of events or important contact numbers. Some can also be used for fundraising, such as the team spirit magnets and the custom school car magnet.

Of course, with the right custom car magnet, you can also promote your school throughout your community. This works great for private schools or those counting on tuition to help support them.

No matter the type of school magnet you choose, it will likely go over very well with parents and supporters. You can start by creating your design with our free virtual design tool. Of course, if you need additional help, we are always here to help you.