Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Crucial Tool for Christian Schools

Christian School Fundraising Ideas
Christian School car magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Crucial Tool for Christian Schools

Fundraising for Christian Schools presents unique challenges. Both the administration and the PTA/PTO must work together to ensure success. Unlike public schools, Christian Schools often lack access to government funding. Therefore, effective fundraising strategies are crucial for their sustainability. One powerful tool in this effort is the use of school car magnets.

The Challenge of Funding for Christian Schools

Christian Schools face significant funding challenges. Without public funding, they must rely heavily on tuition, donations, and fundraising events. This creates a constant need for effective fundraising strategies. School car magnets can play a pivotal role in this.

The Role of the PTA/PTO in Fundraising

The PTA and PTO are vital in organizing fundraising activities. They bring parents, teachers, and the community together to support the school. By collaborating with the administration, they can create effective campaigns that resonate with the community.

Fundraising Car Magnets: A Simple Yet Powerful Tool

One of the best ways to raise funds is through a car magnet fundraiser. Fundraising car magnets are affordable, easy to distribute, and have a high-profit margin. They can be customized with the school’s logo, motto, or mascot, making them a unique representation of the school’s identity.

More Than Just Fundraising: Building Community Awareness

Custom car magnets do more than just raise funds. They also help build community awareness. When parents, students, and supporters display these magnets on their cars, they spread the word about the school. This visibility helps attract potential students and donors.

Engaging the Community with School Car Magnets

Seeing school magnets around town fosters a sense of community and pride. It reminds people of the school’s presence and importance. This constant visual reminder helps keep the community engaged and supportive.

How to Run a Successful Car Magnet Fundraiser

Running a successful car magnet fundraiser involves several key steps:

  1. Design a Unique Magnet: The design should be attractive and representative of the school.
  2. Set a Clear Goal: Determine how much money you aim to raise and communicate this to your supporters.
  3. Promote Widely: Use social media, school newsletters, and community events to promote the fundraiser.
  4. Leverage School Events: Sell magnets at school events like sports games, concerts, and fairs.
  5. Engage Students: Encourage students to participate in selling magnets. This not only raises funds but also builds their sense of responsibility and school spirit.

Linking to Success Stories

For inspiration, check out some of the successful fundraising stories on our website. Schools have raised thousands of dollars with custom magnets, proving their effectiveness.

Conclusion: Maximizing Fundraising Efforts

In conclusion, fundraising for Christian Schools is essential due to the lack of public funding. School car magnets offer a practical and effective solution. They not only raise funds but also increase community awareness and engagement. By leveraging the power of custom car magnets, Christian Schools can overcome funding challenges and continue to thrive.

For more tips and success stories on effective fundraising strategies, visit our blog and explore how other schools have achieved their fundraising goals.

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Spirit Car Magnets: Drive Up Enthusiasm and Fundraising!

Round Car Magnets
School Spirit Car Magnets

School Spirit Car Magnets: Drive Up Enthusiasm and Fundraising!

School spirit is more than cheering at games. It creates unity and pride among students, faculty, parents, and alumni. One innovative way to showcase and bolster this spirit is through school spirit car magnets. They’re not just decorative items; they can also be a powerful tool for fundraising. And who’s usually leading the charge on this front? PTAs and PTOs. However, other school groups have also recognized the potential of these magnets. Let’s explore the fundraising power these magnets hold for different groups.

Football Boosters/Football Car Magnets

Football games draw large crowds. The excitement of touchdowns, tackles, and terrific plays keeps fans coming back. Selling magnets at games is a natural fit. Football boosters can tap into the enthusiasm of game nights, offering magnets to represent team pride and raising funds for equipment and events.

Basketball Boosters/Basketball Car Magnets

Basketball’s fast-paced nature keeps spectators on the edge of their seats. During halftime or between quarters, boosters can sell magnets. With multiple games in a season, the fundraising potential is huge. Plus, magnets give fans another way to show their team support, on and off the court.

Baseball Boosters/Baseball Car Magnets

The leisurely pace of baseball games provides ample opportunities for fans to browse and buy spirit items. Baseball boosters can set up stands outside games, promoting school spirit and raising funds for training camps and equipment.

Cheerleader Boosters/Cheerleading Car Magnets

Cheerleaders uplift school spirit. Their performances are energetic, engaging, and essential during games. By selling magnets showcasing their vibrant spirit, cheerleader boosters can secure funds for uniforms, camps, and competitions.

Drama Club/Theater Car Magnets

The drama club captures attention on stage. Why not off-stage too? Drama enthusiasts can sport magnets supporting their favorite productions. The club can raise funds for set designs, costumes, and other production essentials by selling these magnets.

Honor Society Car Magnets

Representing academic excellence, honor societies hold a prestigious position in schools. Magnets symbolizing this scholastic achievement can appeal to members and their families. Selling these can help fund academic events, workshops, and community projects.

Band Boosters/School Band Car Magnets

Marching bands bring life to parades and halftime shows. Their rhythm resonates with everyone. Band boosters can tap into this resonance by offering magnets, raising funds for instruments, uniforms, and trips.

Swim & Dive Team Boosters/Swim Team Car Magnets

Swimming and diving events are thrilling. The splash, the speed, and the precision dives are all crowd-pullers. Boosters can boost their fundraising by offering magnets showcasing this aquatic spirit, contributing to training programs and equipment.

Soccer Club Boosters/Soccer Car Magnets

Soccer’s global appeal is undeniable. Schools are no exception. Soccer club boosters can capitalize on this widespread love by selling magnets, funding team trips, equipment, and tournaments.

In Conclusion School car magnets are more than a decorative piece on the back of a car. They’re a symbol of unity, pride, and support. Various school groups, recognizing their potential, have integrated them into their fundraising strategies. These magnets not only increase enthusiasm among all associated with the school but also present a substantial fundraising opportunity. Whether it’s the adrenaline of sports or the allure of the arts, these magnets resonate with the spirit of every group, promising both engagement and financial uplift. So, the next time you spot one of these on a car, know that it’s not just an emblem; it’s a vehicle driving school spirit and support!

For more information and a free car school magnet design, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Untapped Potential of Custom School Car Magnets for Fundraising and Awareness

Round car magnets
School Car Magnets

The Untapped Potential of Custom School Car Magnets for Fundraising and Awareness

The Fundraising Challenge for Schools

School’s back in session, but for PTA’s and PTO’s, the fundraising journey is far from over. There are bake sales to organize, auctions to host, and many other activities that require time and effort. But what if there was a simpler, yet more effective way to raise funds? Enter custom school car magnets from ARC Marketing.

Why Choose ARC Marketing’s Custom Car Magnets?

When you choose a fundraising car magnet from ARC Marketing, you’re opting for an easy, lucrative fundraiser. These magnets are not only affordable but also high-quality. They catch eyes, spread your message, and raise money all at once. That’s like hitting the fundraising trifecta!

Creating a Sense of Community

Here’s a benefit you might not have considered: these magnets foster a sense of community. When you drive around town and spot another car sporting a magnet from your child’s school, there’s an immediate feeling of connection. It’s a silent nod among parents, a shared sense of pride and involvement. This camaraderie often transcends the school parking lot and becomes a topic of community conversation, building even more awareness and support for your school.

Schools That Can Benefit

We’ve got you covered, no matter what type of school you’re raising funds for. Our client list includes every imaginable type of school. We make:

Not Just a Fundraiser, but an Awareness Tool

While fundraising is critical, raising awareness about your school is equally important. Custom car magnets serve this dual purpose elegantly. When parents and supporters display these magnets, they’re not just showing school spirit; they’re advertising your institution. Think of it as mobile marketing that reaches new audiences every day.

Attracting the Right Attention

Custom car magnets stand out. People notice them. And when something is eye-catching, people talk about it. So, not only are you making money for your school, but you’re also sparking conversations. These conversations can lead to more community involvement and even additional fundraising opportunities.

Cost-Effectiveness and Simplicity

Traditional fundraising activities often involve substantial planning and resources. Custom magnets from ARC Marketing simplify the process. You decide the design and quantity, and we take care of the rest. When the magnets arrive, all that’s left to do is distribute them. It’s that easy.

Time to Make the Switch

So, why not choose a fundraising option that’s not just lucrative, but also incredibly simple? Custom school car magnets from ARC Marketing offer this very advantage. Forget the stress and hassle of complex fundraisers. Choose a custom magnet, and you’re choosing ease, efficiency, and profitability.

To sum up, custom car magnets are the all-in-one solution for your fundraising and awareness needs. Choose ARC Marketing, and make this school year’s fundraising not just effortless but also a resounding success.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Need for School Fundraising

School Magnets
School Car Magnets

The Need for School Fundraising

Schools across the nation continually grapple with budget limitations. The available funds often fail to cover all necessities, let alone the desired extras that enhance the educational experience. As a result, fundraising has become a vital part of the educational ecosystem.

Taking the Lead in Fundraising: Parent Groups and School Principals

Who steps up to bridge the financial gap? The answer varies. Frequently, Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), and other parent groups rise to the challenge. They create imaginative and engaging fundraising initiatives that garner community support and inject much-needed funds into schools.

At times, the mantle of fundraising leader also falls to the school principal. Balancing administrative tasks, curriculum planning, and personnel management, these dedicated individuals manage to spearhead fundraising efforts too.

ARC Marketing: The New Age of Fundraising

Enter ARC Marketing, a beacon of hope in the otherwise daunting task of fundraising. This innovative company offers a simple, profitable solution – custom car magnets.

Fundraising with ARC Marketing is refreshingly straightforward. Schools commission bespoke car magnets that exude spirit and enthusiasm. They then resell these tokens of school pride to supportive parents, alumni, and community members.

Boosting School Spirit: A Key Benefit of Car Magnets

But let’s not overlook another significant advantage of these school car magnets – their potential to boost school spirit. When students, parents, and faculty display these magnets on their vehicles, they’re making a public show of their allegiance to the school.

Each magnet serves as a visible endorsement, a symbol of unity and support. This creates a shared sense of identity and belonging within the school community. More than just a fundraising tool, these magnets enhance school pride and morale, inspiring everyone to strive for school success.

The Profit Margin: A Selling Point

One of the undeniable selling points of ARC Marketing’s fundraising car magnets is the incredible profit margin. Schools can purchase the magnets at a reasonable rate, then resell them for $6 to $10 each. The profitability is staggering when compared to more traditional fundraisers, transforming this initiative into a powerhouse of school fundraising.

Quality: A Mark of ARC Marketing

Quality is never in question with ARC Marketing. They pride themselves on crafting America’s highest quality car magnets. Each magnet is a testament to superior craftsmanship and attention to detail. Schools can rest assured that they are offering a product worthy of their community’s support and patronage.

Conclusion: The Future of Fundraising

ARC Marketing’s school magnets offer a clear path to successful school fundraising. With high profit margins, unrivaled quality, and an ease of implementation, they are revolutionizing the fundraising landscape.

For schools and parent groups seeking an effective way to bolster their budgets, it’s time to explore the possibilities offered by ARC Marketing. Remember, it’s not just about raising money; it’s about doing it in a way that brings your school community together.

So, choose ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets – a fundraising initiative that truly sticks!

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Car Magnets: The Powerhouse of School Fundraising

Car Magnet Fundraiser
School Car Magnets

School Car Magnets: The Powerhouse of School Fundraising

Schools are constantly seeking effective ways to fundraise. One strategy that has risen to prominence is the use of school car magnets. This seemingly simple item has made a substantial impact in schools nationwide. Here’s why.

Popularity of School Car Magnets

When it comes to fundraising, Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs) have found a gem. The answer lies in school car magnets. They’re small, cost-effective, and versatile. Anyone can show their school spirit on any vehicle. This has made them a hit among parents, teachers, students, and even the local community. PTA car magnets and PTO car magnets have proven to be a key component of school fundraising.

The popularity of these magnets is simple to understand. They embody a sense of pride. They represent a shared bond in a community. When parents display a school car magnet, they’re showing support for their child’s school. They’re promoting education. They’re contributing to a cause that matters.

School Car Magnets: The Go-To Fundraiser

Why are these magnets the go-to fundraiser for many schools? They’re easy to produce and sell. They’re also a visible sign of support. They stand out on the road. This visibility makes them a marketing tool as well. They spread awareness of the school and its initiatives.

The principal, as the school’s leader, can effectively use these magnets. They can raise funds and increase the school’s visibility. They can also drive the school’s message home. Literally. With every car, the school’s mission is broadcast to a wider audience.

High Return, Low Investment

In fundraising, cost-effectiveness is key. These fundraising car magnets deliver. They’re affordable to produce. Yet, they can be sold at a reasonable price. This results in high returns. For this reason, PTAs, PTOs, and school principals all turn to these magnets.

In addition, they’re durable. They withstand weather changes and car washes. This means they’re not a short-term investment. They continue to promote the school and bring in funds long after purchase.

Harnessing Community Spirit

The beauty of school car magnets lies in their ability to engage the community. They tap into the local spirit. They remind people of the value of education. They reinforce the importance of supporting local schools.

This sense of community is vital. It not only raises funds, but also boosts morale. It strengthens the connection between the school and its community. This mutual support creates a thriving educational environment.

Conclusion: The Power of Simplicity

School magnets are more than just pieces of decor. They’re tools for fundraising, awareness, and community building. They’re affordable and durable. They’re an effective marketing strategy. They’re a reflection of school pride.

With these benefits, it’s no surprise that these magnets have become a go-to fundraiser. They demonstrate the power of simplicity. They show that even the smallest items can make a big difference. For PTAs, PTOs, and school principals, school car magnets are indeed a powerhouse of school fundraising.

Did you know… ARC Marketing is America’s favorite source for custom car magnets. We use the best magnetic materials and the best UV resistant inks to ensure that you magnet looks vibrant for years to come. We also have the most talented graphic artists in our industry, so your design will be second to none! For more information and a free magnet design, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340 today.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets: Reasons Car Magnets Are Ideal For Marketing

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets: Reasons Car Magnets Are Ideal For Marketing

Marketing a school event or other activities helps attract donors and support throughout the community. However, it can turn fruitless if the right tactics aren’t used. Therefore, school car magnets effectively highlight the event, spread the message, and generate more support.

When placed on the vehicles, your school, event, or sports team will be promoted wherever the vehicle goes. The best thing about these magnets is that they are affordable while being intriguing and unique.

Ways Personalized Car Magnets Can Benefit your Marketing Efforts

Whether you want to promote a school fundraising event or a sports team, custom car magnets can enhance your marketing efforts. Here are some of the many ways you can benefit from these magnets:

1.    Keeps Marketing Costs Low

It is essential to keep costs low when marketing a school event or activity. This is especially true if it is a fundraising event. Car magnets are highly affordable and an effective means of marketing and advertising. It costs much less than other marketing approaches.  

2.    Offers Opportunities for Experimentation

Using school car magnets allows you to experiment with multiple designs and ideas. This way, you can play around with different things to develop unique magnet designs that will grab the attention. These offer a level of versatility and flexibility.

3.    Amplifies your Message

Car magnets are a great way to highlight your message and ensure it reaches your target audience. Once the magnet is placed on a vehicle, your message can be reached a much wider audience. It enhances brand awareness while saving your marketing costs.

Schools can use custom car magnets in multiple ways, including:

  • Highlighting an event
  • Fundraising efforts
  • Brand awareness
  • Promoting a school team
  • Familiarizing the community with the school mascot or a team

Things to Include on the Custom Car Magnets

Selecting school magnets for your event isn’t the only significant step. You also have to ensure you are using it effectively to make the most of its benefits. Therefore, you must consider carefully what must be included in the magnet.

  • No matter what reason you are using the magnets, be sure to include the following details:
  • Name of your school or school team
  • School or team logo
  • Fundraising event and the main reason in a concise message
  • Phone number to ensure potential donors and supporters
  • Complete the address of the event or school
  • Include the social media handles so people can stay connected

Wrapping Up

Support your school team, attract new donors and supporters, and promote your event using personalized car magnets. This cost-effective marketing strategy can give your message the exposure it needs.

All you need is to consult a good custom car magnet company to get your design created and printed on high-quality magnets. Consequently, you will quickly enjoy the positive results of using school magnets.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom School Bus Magnets for Your Next Handout

School Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets for Schools

Choosing Custom School Bus Magnets for Your Next Handout

The best custom shape magnet will help you promote your school faster and easier. When you start thinking about getting the right school car magnet for your fundraiser or to use as a promotional item. the shape matters. Consider a school bus magnet if you want to grab attention.

Have your magnet designed to be in the shape of a school bus with the perfect bright yellow color. Then, slap your school’s name right on the side of the bus with the contact information you prefer. It will communicate your message fast and easy to anybody that sees the magnet.

School bus magnets offer a universal design. Everybody knows what a school bus represents, which makes it the perfect shape to represent your school. Whether you are using the magnets to raise money or as a promotional giveaway item, the school bus magnet is a great choice!

Choose Your School Bus Magnet Design

There are different designs to choose from and you will have a few decisions to make. You can go with a classic school bus magnet with your school’s name and contact information on the side of the bus. This style can even look very realistic, just like a real school bus.

Of course, you can also go a bit more animated with the design and a bit more cartoonish with the actual bus design. When you go this route, you might design the magnet to have a bit more room for a school motto and more information.

The size of the school bus magnet can be customized, too. You can choose a shorter or longer bus with fewer or more windows. It’s really up to you what the school bus will look like. No matter what you choose, that bright yellow color will make your school magnet stand out and give it universal appeal.

Hand Out Your School Bus Magnets Everywhere

Once you’ve designed your custom school magnets and placed your order, it’s time to line up ways to hand them out. Of course, you can send one home with every student to give to their parents. You can also give these magnets away at community events or even a trade show.

If your goal is to fill open spots for students, it might be beneficial to send out your custom school bus magnets as a part of a mailer. This can be a powerful way to target the local community and find a few more students to fill your empty slots.

School Bus Magnets for More than Just Schools

Sure, a custom school bus magnet makes perfect sense for a school, but this design can work for a few other organizations, too. If you run a summer camp or a day camp, the school bus design can work quite well. It can also work well for a transportation company or a manufacturer of school buses. Even an after-school program can use a custom school bus magnet as a promotional item.

If you’re looking for a unique way to capture attention, custom school bus magnets offer a great solution. Use our free virtual design tool today to figure out your magnet design or call us directly for assistance!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Use Calendar Magnets for Year-Round Exposure

School Car Magnets
School Magnets

Use Calendar Magnets for Year-Round Exposure

Whether you’re running a fundraiser, promoting a business, or just trying to grow your brand, calendar magnets make a great choice. With a calendar magnet, you are providing something of value for those purchasing or receiving your magnet.

This style of custom magnet can be placed on a filing cabinet or a fridge for use all year long. When your business or organization’s name is printed on it, you gain exposure throughout the entire year. Let’s look at some of the ways you can use calendar magnets for year-round exposure.

Top Ways to Use Calendar Magnets for Exposure

1. Promote Your School

If you want to raise money for your school, you can use a calendar magnet to keep your school’s name in front of potential donors. You can even have the most important school event days circled or use a color code to help parents know what to expect throughout the school year. Calendar magnets, like all school car magnets, are popular with students, parents, and faculty.

With the right calendar magnets, you can gain more donors, more students paying tuition, and even more fans at sporting events.

2. Promote Your Business

Businesses can hand out calendar magnets to their customers. This can get your business name on the fridge in their home, year-round. No matter what type of business you run, using calendar magnets can be a great way to build your brand.

3. Trade Show Giveaway

Another way businesses and organizations can use calendar magnets is at trade shows. When you give away a calendar magnet with your organization or business printed on it, you gain access to the person’s home or business year-round. This can be a powerful way to ensure they see your message over and over again.

4. As a Fundraiser

If you have a non-profit organization, such as a church, you can use calendar magnets to raise money. Sell these magnets before the new year starts and get your organization in front of interested people for the entire year. Plus, you can raise money for your non-profit at the same time.

5. Custom Calendar Magnets

You don’t have to stick with a basic square share for your calendar magnet. Stand out with a custom-shaped magnet with a calendar on it. This can work great for real estate agents, schools, sports teams, businesses, and many other organizations.

When you customize your magnet with a unique shape, it will stand out when it’s put on a fridge or another magnetic surface. People will notice it more and when they need your service or product, they will be more likely to contact you.

For those trying to raise money, this can make your magnet easier to sell and make it stand out, too. More donors may repeat their donations if they are reminded of your organization time and time again with a custom-shaped magnet on their fridge.

When you’re ready to design your calendar magnet, you can use our free virtual magnet design tool. Of course, you can always contact us for assistance.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Best Choices for a Religious or Private School Fundraiser

Fundraising Car Magnets
School Magnets

The Best Choices for a Religious or Private School Fundraiser

When you need to raise money for a religious organization or a private school, you need the right fundraiser. There are many choices, but not all of them offer the same benefits.

Of course, you could sell candy or candles like everybody does and find some success. However, there are better choices with a product fundraiser or even with an event fundraiser.

If you’re looking for the best fundraiser for a private school or religious organization, there are several good choices. Let’s look at a few of the top options for your next fundraiser.

Religious and Private School Fundraisers to Consider

1. Custom Car Magnet Fundraiser

One of the absolute best fundraisers you can use for any religious organization or private school is a custom car magnet fundraiser. This type of fundraiser gives you a budget-friendly product to sell for a very high-profit margin.

When you choose a custom car magnet fundraiser, you will also gain the benefit of promoting your organization or school, while raising money. The design can fit your specific organization and can help you gain more donors, students, and supporters.

Custom car magnets offer a great product that many people will love. Plus, if you do a good job designing the magnet, they can become collectible, leading to an annual fundraiser people will look forward to.

2. Hold a Gala Event

Another great way to raise money for your private school or religious organization is with a gala event. This is often an event that includes other fundraisers built into it, along with tickets you will sell for attendance.

A Gala can include a silent auction, dinner, raffles, casino games, a chance to make a donation, and more. You can even sell custom car magnets at the event or use custom magnets as a save-the-date to promote the events. This is one of the best fundraisers to add to your annual list and with a custom magnet mailer, you can make sure every seat is filled with a potential donor.

3. Hold a Car Wash

A pretty simple fundraiser for a religious organization or private school to run is a car wash. You likely already have a location to hold it and you just have to buy some supplies. Students or volunteers in your organization can provide the labor.

This is another fundraiser you can use custom car magnets to enhance. You can give one away with a large enough donation for the car wash. Maybe the standard donation is $10, but anybody donating $15 or more gets a free custom car magnet. This can help garner larger donations and help you raise more money from your fundraiser.

There are plenty of great fundraisers for religious and private schools. All three of these choices can be put on your annual fundraising list and you can use custom magnets to help enhance your gala and car wash.

When you’re ready to use custom car magnets as a fundraiser or to enhance your event, we are here to help. Use our virtual design tool to create your magnet or contact our team for help.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Using Custom Magnets for Event Save The Dates

School Magnets
School Magnets

Using Custom Magnets for Event Save The Dates

Yes, you can totally use custom magnets for your wedding save the dates, but you can also use them for other events. If you want people to remember the date of a fundraiser you have coming up, or any other events, custom magnets offer a great option.

Since a magnet will be stuck onto the fridge, by most people, it will provide a regular reminder. This works great to make sure more people show up for a fundraiser, sporting events (schedule magnets), or any other type of event. Let’s look at some of the ways you can use save-the-date custom magnets for your event.

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Magnets as Save The Dates

1. Weddings

Of course, the most common time to use a save-the-date custom magnet is for your wedding. You can add an engagement picture and choose the design to help make your magnet stand out. Plus, it’s a nice keepsake for everybody you plan to invite to the big day.

2. School Fundraiser

You need to hold an event to raise money for your school and you want as many people to show up as possible. A marketing campaign using save the date magnets ahead of your school fundraiser. You can send these fundraising car magnets to those people you think will show up, such as current donors, parents, and others in the community.

It’s even possible to get a local business to sponsor your event and pay for these magnets. With save-the-date magnets for your school fundraiser, you can get more people to show up, which can help you raise more money. Whether it’s a gala event, a picnic event, or any other type of fundraiser, custom school magnets can work great as save the dates to drive more people to your fundraiser.

3. Awareness Fundraisers

Just like school fundraisers, you can use save-the-date custom awareness magnets to promote your awareness fundraiser. These can even be designed to be sold as awareness magnets while including the date of your event to keep people reminded to show up.

So many people will come out to support a cancer awareness or an autism awareness event. Any awareness event trying to raise money to help find a cure or solve an issue can be promoted with a save-the-date custom magnet.

4. Sports Events

Of course, you can also create a sports calendar magnet to ensure more fans come to your games. This can work great for football teams, basketball teams, baseball teams, and any other type of sports team. With a calendar save-the-date magnet on the fridge of your fans, you can see more of them showing up at each game.

When you’re ready to hold any type of event, a save-the-date magnet can work great. Sure, they are great for weddings, but they also work great for fundraisers, and for sports events.

Let us help you get the custom magnets you need for your save-the-dates. Start with our free virtual magnet design tool or contact us for further assistance.