Fundraising Car Magnets

Use Calendar Magnets for Year-Round Exposure

School Car Magnets
School Magnets

Use Calendar Magnets for Year-Round Exposure

Whether you’re running a fundraiser, promoting a business, or just trying to grow your brand, calendar magnets make a great choice. With a calendar magnet, you are providing something of value for those purchasing or receiving your magnet.

This style of custom magnet can be placed on a filing cabinet or a fridge for use all year long. When your business or organization’s name is printed on it, you gain exposure throughout the entire year. Let’s look at some of the ways you can use calendar magnets for year-round exposure.

Top Ways to Use Calendar Magnets for Exposure

1. Promote Your School

If you want to raise money for your school, you can use a calendar magnet to keep your school’s name in front of potential donors. You can even have the most important school event days circled or use a color code to help parents know what to expect throughout the school year. Calendar magnets, like all school car magnets, are popular with students, parents, and faculty.

With the right calendar magnets, you can gain more donors, more students paying tuition, and even more fans at sporting events.

2. Promote Your Business

Businesses can hand out calendar magnets to their customers. This can get your business name on the fridge in their home, year-round. No matter what type of business you run, using calendar magnets can be a great way to build your brand.

3. Trade Show Giveaway

Another way businesses and organizations can use calendar magnets is at trade shows. When you give away a calendar magnet with your organization or business printed on it, you gain access to the person’s home or business year-round. This can be a powerful way to ensure they see your message over and over again.

4. As a Fundraiser

If you have a non-profit organization, such as a church, you can use calendar magnets to raise money. Sell these magnets before the new year starts and get your organization in front of interested people for the entire year. Plus, you can raise money for your non-profit at the same time.

5. Custom Calendar Magnets

You don’t have to stick with a basic square share for your calendar magnet. Stand out with a custom-shaped magnet with a calendar on it. This can work great for real estate agents, schools, sports teams, businesses, and many other organizations.

When you customize your magnet with a unique shape, it will stand out when it’s put on a fridge or another magnetic surface. People will notice it more and when they need your service or product, they will be more likely to contact you.

For those trying to raise money, this can make your magnet easier to sell and make it stand out, too. More donors may repeat their donations if they are reminded of your organization time and time again with a custom-shaped magnet on their fridge.

When you’re ready to design your calendar magnet, you can use our free virtual magnet design tool. Of course, you can always contact us for assistance.