Fundraising Car Magnets

Youth Hockey Fundraising Ideas: Making the Most Expensive Youth Sport Affordable

Hockey Car Magnets
Youth Hockey Fundraising Ideas

Youth Hockey Fundraising Ideas: Making the Most Expensive Youth Sport Affordable

Youth ice hockey is the most expensive youth team sport in America. Every team needs to be aware of the best youth hockey fundraising ideas to help manage these high costs. Without effective fundraising programs, ice hockey would be unaffordable for all except the one-percenters. One effective method is car magnets for youth hockey fundraising. Let’s explore how to keep this sport accessible to all families.

The annual cost for a single child can average around $2,583, primarily due to high expenses for equipment, travel, and ice time. This cost can be significantly higher in certain areas and for more competitive levels, often exceeding $3,000 per year. Key expenses include registration fees, gear (like skates, sticks, and protective equipment), travel for tournaments, and private coaching sessions​ (Jersey Watch)​​ (EventPipe | Event Housing Management)​​ (Yahoo)​.

These costs make it clear why fundraising is crucial for youth hockey teams.

Common Youth Hockey Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising for youth hockey can be labor-intensive. Teams often rely on traditional methods such as bake sales, car washes, and silent auctions. While effective, these fundraisers require significant time and effort from both parents and players. Managing these events can become overwhelming, especially during an already busy hockey season.

The Ease of Car Magnet Fundraisers

Compared to traditional methods, a car magnet fundraiser is relatively easy. Car magnets for youth hockey fundraising provide a low-effort, high-impact solution. Teams can sell custom car magnets featuring their logo or mascot. This method not only raises money but also promotes team spirit and visibility within the community.

Using car magnets is simple. Teams order customized magnets in bulk, sell them to family, friends, and supporters, and display them on vehicles. This method requires less organization and effort compared to bake sales or car washes. Plus, it’s easy to manage and can be done throughout the season.

Additional Benefits of Custom Car Magnets

Custom car magnets offer more than just fundraising opportunities. They create awareness for the team, engaging the community every time someone sees a magnet on a car. This visibility helps build team pride and can attract new players and supporters. Seeing the team’s magnet around town reminds the community of the team’s presence and achievements.

Moreover, fundraising car magnets are versatile. They can be used for various events and milestones, such as tournaments, championships, or team anniversaries. They make excellent keepsakes and can be resold year after year.

Practical Tips for a Successful Car Magnet Fundraiser

To ensure a successful car magnet fundraiser, follow these tips:

  1. Design Attractive Magnets: Use eye-catching designs that represent your team well. Include your team’s colors, logo, and a catchy slogan.
  2. Set a Realistic Goal: Determine how much money you need to raise and set a sales target accordingly. Knowing your goal helps motivate the team and supporters.
  3. Promote Widely: Use social media, newsletters, and community events to promote your fundraiser. The more people know about it, the more magnets you’ll sell.
  4. Engage the Community: Involve local businesses and community leaders. They can help promote your fundraiser and may even buy magnets in bulk.
  5. Keep It Simple: Make the purchasing process easy. Offer magnets at games, practices, and local events. Ensure that payment options are convenient, such as accepting cash, checks, and digital payments.


Fundraising is essential for youth hockey teams to cover the high costs of participation. Traditional methods can be effective but often require significant effort. Car magnet fundraisers provide an easy and efficient alternative. They not only help raise funds but also increase community awareness and engagement. Custom car magnets for youth hockey fundraising are a smart choice for any team looking to balance affordability and visibility.

For more information on how to create successful fundraisers, visit our website at By leveraging these resources, your team can achieve its fundraising goals and ensure that more children can enjoy the exciting sport of ice hockey.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising for Youth and High School Hockey Teams: The Power of Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Hockey Teams
Hockey Car Magnets

Fundraising for Youth and High School Hockey Teams: The Power of Car Magnets

Revolutionizing Team Fundraising

In the dynamic world of youth and high school sports, fundraising plays a crucial role. Especially for hockey teams, innovative strategies are essential. A fundraising car magnet stands out as a game-changer. While a hockey car magnet alone might not fully fund a team, its combination with other projects certainly boosts overall success. Notably, car magnet fundraisers emerge as the most lucrative and straightforward method.

Ice Hockey: A Unique Sporting Challenge

Distinguishing itself from other youth sports like soccer and football, ice hockey presents unique demands. Unlike these sports, hockey requires significant financial investment. Without effective fundraising, the burden on parents would be substantial. Ice hockey isn’t just a sport; it demands a 100% commitment. Players dedicate countless hours to ice practice and weight training. This commitment underscores the sport’s intensity and the need for substantial support.

The High Cost of Hockey

Running a hockey club involves various expenses. These include equipment, ice time, and travel costs. Fundraising becomes not just beneficial but essential in this context. It helps manage these high expenses, ensuring the sport remains accessible.

Exploring Hockey Team Expenses

Hockey teams face multiple financial challenges. Essential gear like helmets, pads, and skates can be costly. Regularly updating equipment is vital for safety and performance. Ice rental for practice and games adds another significant expense. Travel costs for tournaments also pile up, including transportation, accommodation, and meals. These expenses illustrate why fundraising is more than just helpful—it’s a lifeline.

How Fundraising Alleviates Financial Burdens

Effective fundraising strategies can dramatically reduce the financial strain on families. Beyond car magnets, teams can organize events like charity matches, auctions, or sponsorships. Each successful initiative helps cover costs, making hockey more accessible to a broader range of players. Fundraising not only supports the team financially but also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Car Magnets: Raising Awareness and Funds

Custom car magnets do more than raise funds. They boost team visibility and morale. Imagine the impact of a hockey team magnet on a car, seen by hundreds daily. Now, multiply that by 250 magnets. The result is a significant increase in team awareness. Additionally, seeing the team logo on a parent’s car is a source of pride for young athletes. This visibility is invaluable.

Expertise in Magnet Design

ARC Marketing’s expert art department shines in this arena. With over 20 years of experience, they’ve designed magnets for thousands of schools and youth teams nationwide. Their expertise ensures that each magnet reflects the team’s spirit and identity. ARC Marketing is renowned for producing America’s best car magnets, a testament to their quality and impact.

Building Community Through Fundraising

Effective fundraising initiatives like car magnets do more than raise money. They strengthen the bond between the team, parents, and the wider community. Seeing local businesses and residents support their young athletes is incredibly motivating. It reinforces the community’s commitment to nurturing talent and sportsmanship.

Conclusion: Embracing Fundraising for Success

In conclusion, effective fundraising is vital for youth and high school hockey teams. The unique challenges and expenses of the sport make it imperative. A car magnet fundraiser, especially when executed by experienced professionals like ARC Marketing, can significantly contribute to a team’s success. It not only aids in funding but also in promoting team spirit and visibility. Therefore, embracing innovative fundraising methods is key to thriving in the competitive world of youth hockey.

For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The High Costs of Ice Hockey

Fundraising Car Magnets for Hockey Teams
Ice Hockey Car Magnets

The High Costs of Ice Hockey

Ice hockey stands out as one of the most thrilling sports. Its fast-paced nature captures the attention of many. However, behind that excitement lies a significant price. Hockey teams and leagues, whether they’re school-based or independent youth teams, face substantial expenses. These costs often become a hurdle for young aspirants.

Why is Hockey So Expensive?

Ice hockey equipment is expensive. Players need skates, sticks, protective gear, and uniforms. The price tags add up quickly. But the equipment isn’t the only financial challenge. Renting an ice rink for practice and games also burns a hole in the pocket. Moreover, many teams need to travel, adding transportation and lodging expenses. These costs can be a deterrent for many promising players.

Fundraising: A Common Solution

To cover these expenses, teams often turn to fundraising. Traditional methods can be tiring and yield minimal returns. Selling chocolates or washing cars might bring in some money, but often not enough. What if there was a simpler way to raise funds?

ARC Marketing’s Custom Car Magnets

Enter ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets. These aren’t your regular magnets. They represent the pinnacle of quality. Made in America, they ensure longevity and style. Plus, having a team logo on a magnet boosts team spirit while raising funds.

High Profit Margins with Car Magnets

The economics behind fundraising car magnets is hard to beat. Imagine purchasing these magnets at a low cost. Reselling them between $6 to $10 can offer impressive profit margins. Compare this to the minimal returns from other fundraisers, and it’s clear which stands out.

Why Choose ARC Marketing Magnets?

  1. Quality: ARC Marketing crafts the highest quality car magnets in America. They’re durable, vivid, and capture attention.
  2. Customization: Whether it’s a team logo or a unique design, customization is at your fingertips.
  3. Simplicity: Forget organizing massive events or handling perishable goods. Order, sell, and profit.

A Game-Changing Fundraiser

Fundraising can be a headache. But it doesn’t have to be. With ARC Marketing’s hockey car magnets, it becomes easier than ever. The demand for such magnets is high. Fans love to showcase their team spirit. Parents and supporters would gladly pay a premium for a quality product. This ensures steady sales and high returns.

Supporting Dreams, One Magnet at a Time

Every car magnet sold brings a young player closer to the ice. It helps reduce the financial strain on teams. With enough funds, more practices can be scheduled. Better equipment can be purchased. The entire team can travel to tournaments without financial worries.

In Conclusion

Ice hockey, with its myriad expenses, remains a challenging sport to pursue. Traditional fundraising often falls short in meeting these expenses. That’s where ARC Marketing’s custom car magnets shine. Quality, profitability, and simplicity make them the ideal choice for teams. Embrace this innovative fundraising method and support the dreams of young ice hockey players everywhere.

For more information and a free magnet design, visit our website at or give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

5 Reasons Why Custom Car Magnets Work for Sports Team Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets Work for Sports Team Fundraisers
Custom Car Magnets Work for Sports Team Fundraisers

5 Reasons Why Custom Car Magnets Work for Sports Team Fundraisers

When you need to raise money for your baseball team, softball team, soccer league or any other sports team, custom car magnets work great. Not only can these magnets help you raise money, but they can also help you spread awareness. Let’s look at five of the top reasons why custom car magnets work great for sports team fundraisers.

1. Show Support

When you decide to sell custom car magnets, you allow people to show support for your team. Whether it’s a high school basketball team or a college football team, you give fans a way to show support with custom car magnets.

This is one of the main reasons custom car magnets work so well for sports teams. Professional teams sell custom car magnets, so why can’t you for your sports team?

2. Makes a Great Souvenir

Offering custom car magnets at games also gives your fans a cool souvenir. Maybe they don’t want to spend $25 for a t-shirt, but they are willing to spend $10 for a magnet. Sometimes, fans want a souvenir they can take home, but they don’t want to spend a ton of cash. Custom car magnets fit perfectly.

3. High Profit Margin

Of course, the high profit margin you can gain from these magnets makes them a great fundraising option. When you choose to sell custom car magnets, you can earn more than the standard 50% profit margin most fundraisers offer.

Depending on the quantity, size, and design you choose, you can get your custom car magnets for as low as $1 each. Then, when you sell them for $7.50, $10, or even $15 each, you earn a very high profit margin. Even if you sell the magnets for just $5 each, you can make a very high profit margin.

4. Spreads Awareness

When you choose custom car magnets, you don’t only get a fundraiser. You also get a way to spread awareness. People will put them on their vehicles and drive around. That means, every car is a small billboard showing off team spirit. Spreading awareness might lead to more people showing up for your games.

5. Easy to Sell

Custom car magnets are also very easy to sell. They give fans something they can use to show their pride in the team, but they aren’t expensive. This combination makes magnets much easier to sell than some food product used for fundraising that really has nothing to do with your team.

There are many reasons why custom car magnets work so great for sports team fundraisers. With so many fundraising options, you really need to figure out which one will work best for you. Considering custom car magnets and comparing this fundraiser to others might just show you the right fundraiser for you.

When you’re ready to design your custom magnet, start with our free magnet design tool online. You can also contact us directly if you need help with the design or if you have any questions.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Youth Sports Fundraiser Ideas to Consider This Year

Youth Sports Fundraiser
Youth Sports Fundraiser

Youth Sports Fundraiser Ideas to Consider This Year

With schools in full swing, youth sports are also back and taking up plenty of time. There are many youth sports going on now and plenty coming up. If you’re in charge of the fundraising for a youth sports team or league, you need the right youth sports fundraiser ideas.

There are several options to consider. Let’s look at the top youth sports fundraiser ideas you can use this season to raise the money you need.

Top 4 Youth Sports Fundraiser Ideas

1. Sell Custom Car Magnets

One of the easiest and most profitable fundraisers for youth sports is a custom car magnet. The design can include the mascot to get the kids excited to sell them. Every parent will want to display the magnet on their car or cars. Other supporters will also want a magnet.

Custom car magnets are easy to sell. They can be displayed on a car, fridge, metal filing cabinet, or any other magnetic surface. This makes custom car magnets so much easier for youth sports organizations to sell.

Another huge benefit of custom car magnets is they can be paired with other fundraisers. You can add them to pretty much any other fundraiser on this list to enhance it and raise more money.

2. Hold an A-thon

There are many A-thon fundraisers to consider, such as a walk-a-thon, rock-a-thon, hit-a-thon, or shoot-a-thon. Of course, it’s best to match the A-thon with the sport the kids are playing.

An A-thon allows kids to get sponsors for the baskets they make, the miles they walk, the hits they get, the goals they score, or whatever else the A-thon includes. This is a great way to raise money for your youth sports organization. However, it will require some organization.

Pair a custom car magnet with an A-thon for higher donations. Maybe for a specific level of sponsorship, you include a custom car magnet.

3. Sell a Food Product

There are many fundraisers that allow you to sell a food product to raise money. From popcorn to pretzels to cookie dough to pizza, you can sell a food product to raise money.

While there are plenty of different food products you can sell, they do come with a few disadvantages. You might need special storage and these products could be difficult to sell when people are dieting.

4. Hold a Picnic Event

Since you’re trying to raise money for a youth sports team or league, you could hold a picnic. Even if it’s cold outside, you can hold an indoor picnic and let the kids serve the food or help in some way or another.

The picnic can come with a cost per plate and can also include other things for sale, such as custom car magnets and other merchandise. This can help you raise the money you need for your youth sports team or league.

When you need the right youth sports fundraiser ideas, you can choose one of these four options. Custom car magnets offer a great option to get your youth sports league the money they need, along with spreading some awareness.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Easy & Cheap Fundraisers for Hockey Teams

Hockey Car Magnets for Fundraising
Hockey Car Magnets for Fundraising

Top Easy & Cheap Fundraisers for Hockey Teams

Hockey season isn’t far off and it’s time to start setting up your fundraisers. Whether you need to raise money for uniforms, equipment, travel, or another reason, you need to line up the right fundraisers for your hockey team. Let’s look at some of the top easy and cheap fundraisers you can use for your hockey teams.

Best 5 Cheap and Easy Hockey Team Fundraisers

1. Custom Car Magnets

When you want a high-profit margin and branding all wrapped into one fundraiser, custom car magnets offer a great choice. Your hockey team fans can support your team and show their pride with a magnet on their car. You can even customize the magnet to really represent your team well.

This type of fundraiser also has no expiration date and can be combined with others. You can sell custom car magnets at games, at other fundraisers, and in other places. There are several ways to use these magnets to raise funds.

2. Food Fundraisers

There are many different food fundraisers to choose from. They can work great for hockey teams, but they come with some drawbacks. Some food fundraisers will require special storage. Others will require you to take orders, collect cash, and then, later deliver the product.

There are many great food fundraisers to consider. Just be aware of the profit margin and the storage issues you might run into.

3. Car Washes

Car wash fundraisers can be very cheap and easy to run with a hockey team. If your players are old enough, they can provide the labor. This makes it pretty easy, as you will just need supplies and a location.

Plus, with a car wash, you can add in a custom car magnet. If someone makes a larger than a normal donation, give them a car magnet. This can help to get people to provide larger donations for the car wash.

4. Raffles

Hockey games make for a good raffle option. You can run 50/50 raffles or door prize raffles for those in attendance. You might not make a huge amount of cash from this type of fundraiser, but you can make some money at each game and it’s easy to run.

There are many types of raffles you can run. These can even be run at other events, such as awards ceremonies or other events you have for the hockey team. All it takes is a crowd, a prize people want, and someone to run the raffle.

5. Concessions

Of course, running concessions at games is another great way to raise money for your hockey team. You can even sell custom car magnets at the concession stand to boost your profits. As long as you offer good concessions, you can make a decent amount per game to help support the team.

There are many great fundraising options for hockey teams. You don’t have to break the bank to run a good fundraiser. They can be easy and cheap to run and you can still raise the money you need for your team.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Using Custom Sports Magnets to Make an Impression

Custom Sports Magnets
Custom Sports Magnets

Using Custom Sports Magnets to Make an Impression

Custom sports magnets give you the ability to make an incredible impression. You can use them in multiple ways for your sports team. Whether you’re raising money for a football team, baseball team, softball team, or any other sports team, the right custom magnets offer the perfect choice.

There are plenty of ways to make an incredible impression with sports magnets. Let’s look at three of the most common ways you can use custom sports magnets to raise money for your team.

Logo Custom Car Magnets

A simple and easy way to raise money for your team is to sell custom car magnets with your logo or mascot on them. If you design an incredible car magnet, it will be easy to sell to your supporters. You can even create a custom shape for your magnet to make it stand out even more.

With the right custom car magnets, you can make plenty of cash for your team. There are many ways to sell these custom sports magnets. Use this option, if you want to raise money for your team.

Create Schedule Custom Sports Magnets

While custom car magnets are designed for cars, they can also be used on refrigerators. You can design these magnets with your team’s schedule on them to ensure your supporters know when your games will be played. You can even use two different colors for home games and away games.

You can design your magnet to be in the shape of a football or another custom shape. It will stand out from the other magnets on the fridge and give you the right option to ensure your supporters know when and where to show up.

These magnets can be given away to drive more people to your games. They can also be used to raise money as they can be sold to your supporters.

Partner with a Small Business Sponsor

While this third option isn’t as much about the design of the magnet and more about a great way to raise money, finding a small business sponsor can be very powerful. You can design a magnet perfect for cars and include your sponsor’s logo. It can be a schedule magnet with their logo and website or phone number.

The design can accommodate the promotion your small business sponsor desires, while you get the magnets for free. The sponsoring business will pay for your magnets, which means you can sell them for a 100% profit.

There are many good ways to create a custom sports magnet for your specific needs. With the right magnet, you can make an impression on your supporters and those that don’t know about your team. Sports teams often need to raise money and awareness. Custom car magnets offer the ability to do both.

When you need the right custom sports magnets for your team, you need ARC Marketing. We provide high-quality magnets to use for your fundraising purposes. Our team will even help you with the design or you can start with our free virtual magnet design tool here.

Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Make Fundraising for Youth Sports Easier

Football Car Magnets
Football Car Magnets

How to Make Fundraising for Youth Sports Easier

Have you been put in charge of choosing the fundraiser for your youth sports league or team? Do you need to come up with a way to raise money, but you’re worried it will become a big struggle?

There are plenty of ways to make fundraising for youth sports easier. When you’re ready to raise money for a baseball, basketball, football, soccer, or softball team, you need the right tips and the right fundraiser.

Top 3 Tips to Make Fundraising for Youth Sports Easier

1. Don’t Count on Just One Fundraiser

While you might be able to raise the money, you need with one fundraiser, most youth sports leagues will need multiple fundraisers. You can do one big fundraiser each season, but also incorporate other smaller fundraisers at games and at awards banquets.

For example, you can sell custom car magnets for each team as a part of your big fundraiser or as a part of your ongoing fundraising efforts at games. You can also use 50/50 raffles, concessions, and other fundraisers at each game and even at the awards banquet each year.

2. Get Small Businesses Involved

Businesses love to support the community and you can use this to your advantage when fundraising for youth sports leagues. You can have a small business sponsor your custom car magnet fundraiser and cover the cost of the magnets in exchange for advertising at games and other events throughout the season and even in the off season.

You can also get small businesses to sponsor teams within your league. They can pay for the cost of uniforms in exchange for their logo being printed on the uniforms for the team they sponsor.

3. Get the Players Involved

You have a built-in sales force with all the players on each team. When you’re in charge of the fundraiser for your youth sports league, get the players involved. No matter the fundraiser you choose, make sure you get them involved as they should be your sales staff for custom car magnets or the labor at a car wash fundraiser.

Choosing the Right Fundraiser for Youth Sports

While these three tips will certainly lead you in the right direction, choosing the right fundraiser for youth sports will help you raise more money faster. With a good fundraiser for your sports league, you’ll be able to raise the money you need without struggling to sell the product you choose or provide the service you choose.

It’s best to choose a fundraiser you can use every season, such as selling custom car magnets. When you choose the right fundraiser for your youth sports league, you will be able to easily get people involved and raise plenty of money to support the league.

With these three top tips and the right fundraiser for your youth sports league, you’ll be ready to support your league. Get some area businesses involved and make sure you choose the right fundraiser to keep your players excited to participate in your annual fundraiser.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets for Youth Hockey

Custom Car Magnets for Youth Hockey

Aviator Hockey Club custom car magnet

As mentioned many times before, youth sports is an expensive endeavor. Youth Hockey just might be the most expensive; the list of necessary items for a hockey player seems to be endless, and most of those items seem to be unrealistically expensive. Want an example? Try skates… a decent pair of hockey skates will cost you anywhere from $200 to $500! Want more bad news? Your young hockey player will outgrow those in the first year, so consider the cost of skates an annual expense. Also needed (and probably outgrown every year) will be gloves, helmets, pads, sticks, etc.

These are just the things that parents have to buy for their young hockey player. An additional expense (but still a huge expense) are the shared “team related” expenses such as “ice-time” for practice (your team has to pay to practice on the ice), travel expenses for road games (gas, hotels, food) and more.

Fundraising has become a huge piece of the puzzle for youth sports. These shared expenses can be greatly reduced by running an effective fundraising campaign. There are many fundraising options available, and each team/league should use several throughout the year. One of the most effective fundraising items are custom car magnets, designed specifically for your team or league. Car magnets are an easy item to sell, and since they have your logo on them, every parent, every coach and community member will proudly display one on their car.

There are several companies that make high quality car magnets. Every company does it a little differently, so ask questions. To get more information about our custom car magnets, visit our website at One of our artists will design your magnet for FREE, then we will print and ship your magnets (usually in 2 weeks or less). A 200% profit is easy to get, and we can show you how!

This is the magnet that we designed and printed for the Aviator Hockey Club in Brooklyn, NY. They began selling these last weekend at a tournament and will continue selling them throughout the year. They bought 500 magnets and they are selling them for $10 each. This means that they will make a profit of over $4,000 on their investment of $815. We can do the same thing for your hockey team! Give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Youth Hockey Car Magnets

Hockey Car Magnets

Hockey Car Magnets

Hockey car magnets for fundraising. This is a no-brainer, easy score. Kind of like shooting on an open net. So your kid decided that ice hockey was the sport he or she wanted to be in. Wonderful, right? Not so fast; hockey might be the most expensive youth sport in America. When you add in the outrageously priced equipment and the insane expense of “ice time” for games and practice, the bottom line is staggering. You might as well take out the equity loan right now. Your team or league can help offset that huge bill and the parent’s share by selling custom car magnets designed and printed by ARC Marketing.

Here’s another custom car magnet designed and produced for a youth hockey club.

The Skokie Flyers Hockey Club is located in Skokie, IL. Founded in 1983, the club is celebrating its 31st year in 2014. Here’s a little more info about the club, from their website

The Flyers Hockey Club provides the youth of our community (ages 6 – 18) with the opportunity to take their hockey play to the next level of advanced development and levels of competition. Flyers Hockey Club instills in our players the positive values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, self-discipline, and responsibility through the sport of ice hockey. If you are looking for a higher level of competition, involvement and greater commitment to the game of hockey, Flyers Hockey is for you.

Let the design-team at ARC Marketing create a similar magnet for your team. It doesn’t matter if your team plays hockey, football, softball, soccer or whatever… you can benefit from a high quality fundraising car magnet. Visit our website at