Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Sell a Product for a Fundraiser

School Magnets for Fundraising
School Magnets

How to Sell a Product for a Fundraiser

You’re in charge of raising money for your school, the youth group at church, sports team, or any other group, but where do you start? Maybe you’ve decided to sell a product for a fundraiser, such as an awareness car magnet or a custom car magnet.

If you’re still not sure how to sell a product for a fundraiser, use the guide below.

Before the Sale

Before you start selling custom car magnets, you want to get organized. It’s important to get a team of people in your organization to help with the fundraiser. Figure out how you will order the item you plan to sell, what the budget will be, how much you will charge, and other details of your plan.

Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to actually move onto selling your product and raising money for your group.

Get Your Group Ready

Whether you’re raising money for a high school football team or for an entire middle school, you need to assemble your group and get them prepared. They should understand what you’re selling, the benefits of the product, and how to sell it, if they will be helping with the sales.

Provide samples of the product or products you will be selling and speak to the group about how the process will work. Let them know how to accept payment, how to deliver the product, and how to go about selling it. You might even want to have a simple script they can use for selling the product as a fundraiser.

Put Money Management Practices in Place

With some items, your sales team (students, parents, group members, etc.) will collect money as they take orders, and then deliver the product later. Custom car magnets don’t require this step with fundraising, but you will still want to have money management practices in place.

Set up a separate bank account for the fundraiser, if necessary, and decide how you will accept payment. Will you take cash only, credit cards, debit cards, checks, etc.?

You also want to know what to do if a check bounces or if you receive cash payments from your sales team. Make sure you have a plan for dealing with the money and where you plan to deposit it as it comes in.

Set Up Places to Sell

While you might encourage those participating to go door-to-door or speak with family and friends, there are other ways to sell custom car magnets or another product during your fundraiser. You can set up grocery and department stores that will allow you to sell outside of them and send some of your sales team to each location.

It’s also possible to take advantage online with social media. Design a post that everybody can use on Facebook, Twitter, Tic Tok, Instagram, and other social sites. Let them share it on their profile or page with their audience.

With a good social media post, you can drive product sales with the family and friends of all those involved in selling for your group.

You can learn how to sell a product for fundraising with the simple guide above. There are plenty of other things you want to figure out, but this will get you started on the right track.

Fundraising Car Magnets

A Quick Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

A Quick Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising

Fundraising isn’t the easiest task to undertake. Whether you’re trying to raise funds for a youth group at church or for a middle school, it can be a rather daunting task.

If you’re a beginner at fundraising, there are some basic things you want to understand before moving forward. Let’s look at a few quick things to ensure you have a guide you can use to start fundraising for your group.

Five Quick Tips for Fundraising Beginners

1. Clear and Concise Communication

It’s always important to communicate your fundraiser properly. Whether you’re speaking to a church congregation or you’re sending a letter home for parents, the communication needs to be straightforward and easy to understand.

This is especially true if you plan to let parents, students, or members of your group do the selling during your fundraiser. You want to ensure they receive the message and know exactly how to sell the product you plan to use to raise money.

2. Choose the Right Product/Fundraiser

A huge part of fundraising is matching the right product or fundraiser with your group. It wouldn’t make much sense to have a group of seven-year-olds hold a fancy gala, just as it wouldn’t make much sense to have a casino night for a church that doesn’t believe gambling is okay.

You want to choose a fundraiser your group members can get excited about and fits the age of the group. Some fundraisers are a bit universal, such as selling custom car magnets. Just about any group can sell car magnets designed specifically the way they prefer.

3. Create Opportunities for Your Fundraiser

If you’re selling a product or tickets to an event as a fundraiser, you want to create opportunities for those doing the selling. Don’t just send students or group members out on their own to find ways to sell. Give them ideas and even create opportunities.

For example, you can speak with local businesses and see if there’s a time you can have a few group members set up to sell outside the business. This can effective with grocery stores and gives participants an easy way to earn some sales.

4. Motivate those Selling for You

There are many ways to motivate your group. While you might think the end goal of raising money should be enough motivation, it’s often not going to be.

Some groups will be motivated by prizes they can receive for selling the most or hitting certain milestones. Others might be motivated by a collective goal that helps them earn a pizza party or another type of reward.

Figure out what will motivate your group and use it to your advantage.

5. Stay Very Organized

It can become rather hard to run a successful fundraiser if you’re not organized. Have a system in place to ensure everything is organized and easy to understand.

There are many things you should know about starting out with fundraising. These five tips will get you started and the type of fundraiser you choose will determine how much more you will need to learn before taking on fundraising for your group.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Church Youth Group Fundraisers for Low or No Cost

Church Car Magnets
Church Car Magnets

Church Youth Group Fundraisers for Low or No Cost

You might not have much cash you can spend upfront for your church youth group fundraisers. When you need a low or no-cost fundraiser for your church youth group, you need to know your options.

Below, we are going to look at a few fundraisers you can run without spending a dime. We will also cover a few others that have an upfront cost, but it’s minimal compared to other fundraisers, such as gala events, festivals, and other expensive fundraisers.

Church Youth Group Fundraiser with No Cost

There are several church youth group fundraisers you can run with no upfront cost, such as:

  1. Car Washes (If suppliers are donated and you get volunteers)
  2. Bake Sales (If you have a free place to hold the sale and get donated baked goods)
  3. Wall O’ Money (Cost nothing if you can get the envelopes and a whiteboard or bulletin board for free)
  4. Custom Awareness Magnets (No cost, if you can partner with a sponsoring business)

Car washes and bake sales are pretty common and easy to hold with the youth group members volunteering their time. Congregation members at the church can donate baked goods or supplies for the car wash to make this a free fundraiser to run for your church youth group.

A Wall O’ Money fundraiser is literally a wall of money. You place envelopes with dollar amounts from $1 to $50 or $100 on them. Then, you can put instructions for the donation in the envelope telling donors to put cash or a check in the envelope and put it in the offering plate or basket.

The youth group members can decorate the envelopes to make them stand out and you can raise a good amount of cash with this type of fundraiser. The envelopes will be put on a whiteboard or bulletin board and you will need someone to announce the fundraiser at services to the congregation.

Custom awareness magnets allow you to support a cause, such as autism or a cure for cancer. You can donate some of the proceeds to the organization while raising the funds for your church youth group. If you can find a sponsoring business, they can pay the bill for the magnets in exchange for including their logo on the magnet or within other promotional materials. This makes selling custom awareness magnets a free church youth group fundraiser.

Church Youth Group Fundraiser with a Low Cost

Along with the no-cost church youth group fundraisers above, you can try some of these low-cost fundraisers for church youth groups.

  1. Custom Car Magnets – Pay as little as $0.95 per magnet and sell them for as much as $15 each.
  2. Carnivals – If your church already has supplies for a carnival, such as games and booths, you can run this type of fundraiser for a low cost.
  3. Ice Cream Socials – For the cost of ice cream and toppings, this fundraiser can be run for your church youth group.

There are plenty of good church youth group fundraisers you can run at low or no upfront cost. These are just some of the good ideas. You can even pair selling custom car magnets with another fundraiser to boost your revenue.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Grasping the Many Benefits of Custom Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

Grasping the Many Benefits of Custom Car Magnets

Custom car magnets can be sold to raise funds for all types of organizations. They don’t spoil, require special storage, or take up much space. These effective, powerful little marketing tools can be used to spread your organization’s message, too.

There are many benefits behind custom car magnets as a fundraiser and for other purposes. Let’s look at some of the top benefits so you can better understand what you will be getting when you choose custom car magnets from Arc Marketing.

Easy to Sell/Distribute

Whether you’re selling custom car magnets to raise funds or handing them out to spread awareness, they are easy to sell and distribute. The compact size makes it easy to store thousands of magnets in a small space and hand them out or sell them easily. This is one of the most convenient fundraising items you will find.

Provide Value

For parents of athletes or students, custom car magnets provide the value of showing off pride. They can also be a way to show fandom for a sports team or support for a specific cause. When you sell custom car magnets, they offer value to your audience.

If you’re raising money for a sports team, you can use custom magnets for schedules (more for the fridge than the car) or you can use them to show off pride with the mascot and/or team name. They can also offer a way to spread awareness for a cure for cancer, autism, or another cause.

Very Budget-Friendly

Custom car magnets are incredibly affordable for those trying to raise awareness or funds. Whether you want to buy them in bulk and sell them for a high margin, or you plan to hand them out as a part of another fundraiser or to spread awareness, they are very budget-friendly. You can get custom car magnets for as little as $0.95 per magnet.


While they are called custom car magnets, these magnets can be placed on any magnetic surface. They can be placed on a fridge, filing cabinet, or any other surface. Whether you want to market them as car magnets or just magnets, they can be displayed in many ways.

Visually Attractive

Since these are custom car magnets, you gain the benefit of a visually attractive magnet. You can choose the size, shape, colors, fonts, and more. Of course, our design department is here to help you make these decisions to ensure you have a great-looking magnet.

Offer Functionality

While there isn’t much functionality for the magnets if they are displayed on a vehicle, they can become very functional on a fridge or filing cabinet. Not only can they be decorative, but they can also hold shopping lists, pictures, or other items you want to display. This gives those buying or receiving the magnets a functional item they can use, which offers even more value.

Custom car magnets come with many benefits. Whether you’re using these magnets to raise awareness or to raise funds, you can get them for a low cost and gain all of these benefits and so much more.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Choosing the Right Youth Church Fundraiser Idea

Choosing the Right Youth Church Fundraiser Idea
Choosing the Right Youth Church Fundraiser Idea

Choosing the Right Youth Church Fundraiser Idea

The right youth church fundraising ideas can help you fund a trip for your group, a fun night out, or anything else you need for your youth groups at church.

Teenagers and other kids need fun things to do at church to help get them involved. With the right youth church fundraiser ideas, you can fund plenty of unique events and trips for the youth. Here are some of the best options for your youth church fundraiser.

Top 5 Youth Church Fundraiser Ideas to Consider

1. Sell Custom Awareness Magnets

Start by taking a poll within the youth of your church to find out which cause they feel the strongest about. Give them three or four choices, such as autism, cancer, or any other cause.

After finding out what the youth feel strongest about, have an awareness magnet created for the cause. You can have the youth sell these magnets to raise money for the youth of your church and for the cause you have chosen. Donate 10% to the cause and let the rest of the funds go into the youth activities at your church.

2. Hold a Festival

Festival events are great for raising money for the youth of your church. However, this youth church fundraiser idea takes some planning and might take some upfront cash to help you get rolling. With a festival, you can sell several items, including custom car magnets, and you can raise money by holding games, raffles, and so much more.

3. Have a Bake Sale

Bake-sales usually run off volunteers and donations making them great for the youth of your church. You can even ask the youth to do the baking and make it a 100% baked by the youth bake sale. This type of fundraiser is very popular and will go over well in most churches.

4. Parent’s Night Out

A fun fundraiser you can try is a parent’s night out. Have the teens of your church play games and babysit the younger kids while the parents get to go out on a date. You can charge a flat rate or a by-the-hour rate with this fundraiser.

5. Hold a Silent Auction BBQ Event

Much like the festival event, you will have to do some pretty good planning, but this youth church fundraiser idea can pay off. Holding a silent auction and BBQ event can help get the families of the church involved. Get local businesses to donate items for the auction and you might even be able to get a few BBQ food trucks to come out for the event.

If you choose to have food trucks, they might be willing to donate a portion of their proceeds back to the youth of the church. This event can also include carnival types of games, raffles, and you can even sell custom awareness magnets at the event.

Custom awareness magnets are one of the best ways to raise money for the youth of your church. Whether you sell them as your entire fundraiser or pair them with an event where people are already spending money, they can help you raise even more cash. With the right cause, you can get people excited to buy the magnets to spread awareness, along with supporting the youth of your church.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Budget-Friendly Fundraising Ideas to Consider

Budget-Friendly Fundraising Ideas to Consider
Budget-Friendly Fundraising Ideas to Consider

Budget-Friendly Fundraising Ideas to Consider

You might not have the cash to put on a gala event or a golf outing. It might be too much for you to foot the bill to buy thousands of dollars in products to sell for your fundraiser.

There are plenty of budget-friendly fundraising ideas you can use to raise money without a large up-front cost. Let’s look at some of the best budget-friendly fundraising ideas to consider.

4 Top Budget-Friendly Fundraising Ideas for Your Organization

1. Custom Car Magnets

One of the best things about selling custom car magnets as your budget-friendly fundraising idea is the versatility. While these are some of the cheapest items you can buy to sell for fundraising, they can also be paired with several events and other fundraisers.

Custom car magnets can cost less than $1 per magnet. They can actually be free if you can find a business partner to sponsor your fundraiser and cover the cost. You can use custom car magnets for sports teams, churches, youth groups, elementary schools, and so much more.

Raising money with custom car magnets is very easy. You won’t need any special storage and these magnets can easily be sold at sporting events, school events, church services, and events, and more. You can sell them online with social media, door-to-door, and through many other methods.

2. Bake Sales

A very budget-friendly fundraising idea, a bake sale usually includes having people donate baked goods for sale. The one thing you will need is a space to hold your bake sale and a way to get people involved. It’s a very cheap fundraising idea, but bake sales will only bring in so much cash.

3. Fitness/Sports Classes

If you’re raising money for a sports team, you can hold fitness or sports classes for adults or youth. Charging an entry fee allows you to raise money, while you won’t need to put up much cash for this fundraising idea.

For example, if you’re raising money for a high school basketball team, you can hold basketball clinics over winter break. Have the athletes teach younger players the fundamentals of the game and charge a fee to attend the clinic. It can even be held over several days.

4. Car Wash Fundraiser

Another very cheap fundraising idea is holding a car wash. If you can find a place to hold it (preferably where this is plenty of traffic) you can hold a car wash for less than $100. All you have to do is buy the supplies and have your group do the washing of the cars.

You can even pair this with a custom car magnet fundraiser and give away the magnets for a certain level of donation for the car wash. For example, donations of $20 or more receive a free custom car magnet for your school or sports team.

There are plenty of budget-friendly fundraising ideas you can use to raise some cash for your group. Selling custom car magnets isn’t the cheapest option on this list, but it’s one of the best options. Choose the right idea for you and get started with your new fundraiser fast.

Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Use Custom Sports Magnets to Promote Your Brand

Custom Sports Magnets
Custom Sports Magnets

How to Use Custom Sports Magnets to Promote Your Brand

While you might not be looking to promote your brand, a business in your local area could be interested. When a sports team looking to raise money partners with a business, it can be a match made in heaven.

Custom sports magnets can be used to promote your brand or the brand of a business in your local area. These magnets can also be used to help raise money for an organization. Whether it’s for a high school sports team or for a youth sports team, you can raise plenty of cash with the right partnership.

Business & Fundraising Partnership for Brand Awareness

When you need to raise money, you can partner with a local business to sell custom car magnets for your sports team. Whether your team is a baseball team, softball team, or soccer team, this can work out very well.

Businesses are always looking for ways to help the local community. If you can find a baseball fan that loves your team, they might be willing to pay for all your custom sports magnets. In return, they can include their logo as the sponsor for your magnets. This can help with brand awareness for the business and give you magnets you can sell for a 100% profit.

Since the business will cover the upfront cost, every magnet you sell for any price is a profit for your sports team. If you sell magnets for $5, $7, $10, or even more, you will gain full profit for your sports teams. No matter the price, since the business paid for your magnets, you get a 100% profit, which is unheard of with fundraising items.

Why Partner with a Business?

Outside the obvious benefit of getting a local business to pay for your custom sports magnets, you might gain other benefits, too. If you partner with a business and it goes well, they will likely become a regular sponsor/donor for your sports team. Next year, when you run another fundraiser, they will likely be willing to help.

Plus, they will become associated with your sports team, which can help you gain awareness, too. For example, if you partner with a local restaurant, they might put up pictures of your athletes in their business. This can help you gain more fans and sell more tickets for your events.

How the Business Benefits

Your sports team gains plenty of benefits, but so does the local business when they partner to sell custom sports magnets. They get the brand awareness of their logo as a sponsor on all the magnets. Imagine if 500 or 1,000 of those magnets are driving around our city or community with that business logo on them as the sponsor.

Brand awareness is a huge benefit for the business, but there’s more. The business also gains a charitable tax write off and they will look good in the community. You can even give them a team picture to hang up with a plaque as a thank you for sponsoring your fundraiser. This helps to make customers feel good when they see it displayed in the business.

Custom sports magnets can help raise awareness for your brand and help a sports team raise plenty of cash. Partnering with a local business gives you a great fundraiser and provides plenty of benefits for the business, too.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers
Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

You have plenty of fundraisers to choose from. Whether you want to sell a food product or a non-food product, there are plenty of offers out there. Two of the offers are custom car magnets and t-shirts.

If you are considering selling custom car magnets or custom t-shirts to raise money for your sports team, school, church, or any other type of organization, it’s important to look at both. Let’s compare these two types of fundraisers to ensure you make the right decision.

Selling Custom Car Magnets as a Fundraiser

One of the best fundraisers for many types of organizations is a custom car magnet fundraiser. You don’t need special storage and you don’t have to take orders. Instead, you customize your magnets, buy them, and sell them for a nice profit.

Custom car magnets are very inexpensive and provide an easy way to raise money. You can sell these magnets at your events, to the parents of those participating, to fans, and to those looking to support your organization.

It’s even possible to use custom car magnets to raise awareness as a part of your fundraiser. Whether it’s autism awareness magnets or cancer awareness magnets, these magnets can help you raise money and raise awareness at the same time.

Custom car magnets can be designed to promote your organization or cause, while also raising money for your needs. This is a great one-two punch to help put you on the map and put the money in your pocket you need.

Selling T-Shirts as a Fundraiser

T-shirts can also be sold pretty easily for your fundraising needs. They don’t require special storage as a food product might, but you might end up needing to take orders. Buying a large number of t-shirts upfront can be a bit expensive and you’ll be taking a chance.

When you sell t-shirts, you have to have the right sizes. This means you might need to take orders before filling them. If you try to order a bunch of t-shirts upfront, you might run out of the size you need and struggle to sell the other sizes.

While selling t-shirts can be a good way to raise money, it might not fit with all organizations. It can be difficult to sell t-shirts if you don’t have a store or a place to display them. Of course, you can take orders ahead of time, which can make this a more successful fundraiser.

Custom car magnets and t-shirt fundraisers are very different, but also similar in some ways. You will be selling a non-food product, which means no storage issues. However, custom car magnets are a one-size-fits-all solution, while t-shirts have to come in multiple sizes.

Both fundraisers can work to help you raise money. If you want the easier, more profitable option, choose custom car magnets. If you have a store or an easy way to sell t-shirts, it might offer a good option. However, t-shirts will have to be sold for a higher price than car magnets.

Choose your fundraiser wisely. Custom car magnets offer a better option compared to selling t-shirts for your fundraising needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets vs. Calendar Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. Calendar Fundraisers
Custom Car Magnets vs. Calendar Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. Calendar Fundraisers

If you’re looking for a way to raise money, you have several fundraising options. Two of the options you can compare are custom car magnets and calendars.

You can sell magnets or calendars to help you raise money. Both can be designed to fit whatever you prefer and can help you raise money for your charity, sports team, school, or another type of organization.

Let’s look at both types of fundraisers to help you make the right decision.

Custom Car Magnets

A great fundraiser idea offering an easy product to sell, store, and buy, custom car magnets are very inexpensive. They can be sold for a high profit and the price to the buyer is low enough many will buy multiples. You can sell custom car magnets as a stand-alone fundraiser or you can combine these magnets with other fundraisers or events.

When you sell custom car magnets, you get a high-profit item that’s easy to create. Custom car magnets are great for all types of organizations from churches to high school sports teams to elementary schools to charities raising awareness.

If you’re looking for one of the best fundraising ideas for any type of organization, custom car magnets offer a great option.

Calendar Fundraisers

Yes, selling a calendar can help you raise money. Just like car magnets, these are easy to store and don’t require any type of special storage. Calendars can be sold for a nice profit and they offer something many people want.

While calendars are a great fundraiser, they really only work for a short amount of time each year. Most people want to get a new calendar towards the end of the year for the next year. You might have good luck selling calendars to raise money during November, December, January, and February. For the rest of the year, selling a calendar won’t be as easy.

Along with the shortened selling season, you will need to come up with content for your calendar. This could be pictures of landscapes, athletes on your team, or other things from your organization. Regardless, you have to come up with at least 12 images to include on your calendar to have it created.

Which is Best – Custom Car Magnets or Calendar Fundraisers?

The right choice depends on your organization. However, designing a custom car magnet is much easier and faster than designing an entire calendar. Plus, you can sell custom car magnets any time of the year.

Of course, you can sell them together as a package. You can pair a calendar and custom car magnet to make your fundraiser even better. However, this will cause those buying to pay a higher price, which could make it harder to sell.

A custom car magnet fundraiser is the better option for most organizations. Unless you have a great idea for a calendar that will be a huge hit, and it’s the right time of year, choosing the custom car magnet fundraiser is your best option.

You will have an easier item to sell, a higher profit margin, and you can sell them all year long. This means if you buy a larger quantity of magnets, even if you don’t sell them all right away, you have time to sell the rest.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas
Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

When you need to raise money for a high school sports team, it’s not always an easy endeavor. There are several high school sports fundraiser ideas to consider.

It doesn’t matter which type of sport you need to raise money for, these fundraising ideas are a great option. Whether you’re raising money for a baseball team, basketball team, softball team, or lacrosse team, these high school sports fundraiser ideas work great.

7 Top High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

1. Rent out the Team or Athletes for a Day

You can rent out those on your team or the entire team for the say to do chores or any other type of task around the house. This can be a great way to raise money for a high school sports team.

2. Discount Cards

A common option for high school sports teams, discount cars offer a way to raise the money you need. You can find out more about the discount cards fundraiser idea by reading our post about discount cards and custom car magnets.

3. Clinics and Camps

You have skilled players capable of teaching younger athletes your sport. Whether you run a hockey team or a soccer team, holding a clinic or camp is a great fundraiser idea. It can even be paired with a custom car magnet fundraiser. The magnets can be a part of the package or can be sold to the parents to show off their pride for their children participating in an exclusive camp or clinic.

4. Custom Car Magnet Fundraiser

While you can certainly pair a fundraising car magnet with just about any other on this list, you can also run this fundraiser by itself. With the right design, you can easily raise the money you need by selling magnets for a nice profit. Custom car magnets can be sold for a very high profit since they are very low in cost.

5. Fun Runs

A fun run is a great way to get an entire family together for a day of fun and to raise money for your sports team. You can do a 1K walk/run for the kids, a 5K run for most participants, and even a 10K or half-marathon for the serious runners. This can be a good way to raise money and you can couple it with a custom car magnet fundraiser, as well.

6. Sell Prime Parking Spots

While it might not be the only high school fundraiser idea you need, you can sell reserved parking for your prime spots for games and events. Parking passes can be sold to parents and other fans to ensure they get great parking and you get to raise a little money in the process.

7. Restaurant Fundraiser Event

Some restaurants will partner with you and donate a specific amount of the money they make on a certain day or weekend. Then, you can promote the event to fill up the restaurant with your supporters. This is a good way to raise money for your sports team.

There are many ways to raise money for your high school sports team. Use these seven ideas to help you raise money for your sports team this season.