Church Youth Group Fundraisers for Low or No Cost

Church Youth Group Fundraisers for Low or No Cost
You might not have much cash you can spend upfront for your church youth group fundraisers. When you need a low or no-cost fundraiser for your church youth group, you need to know your options.
Below, we are going to look at a few fundraisers you can run without spending a dime. We will also cover a few others that have an upfront cost, but it’s minimal compared to other fundraisers, such as gala events, festivals, and other expensive fundraisers.
Church Youth Group Fundraiser with No Cost
There are several church youth group fundraisers you can run with no upfront cost, such as:
- Car Washes (If suppliers are donated and you get volunteers)
- Bake Sales (If you have a free place to hold the sale and get donated baked goods)
- Wall O’ Money (Cost nothing if you can get the envelopes and a whiteboard or bulletin board for free)
- Custom Awareness Magnets (No cost, if you can partner with a sponsoring business)
Car washes and bake sales are pretty common and easy to hold with the youth group members volunteering their time. Congregation members at the church can donate baked goods or supplies for the car wash to make this a free fundraiser to run for your church youth group.
A Wall O’ Money fundraiser is literally a wall of money. You place envelopes with dollar amounts from $1 to $50 or $100 on them. Then, you can put instructions for the donation in the envelope telling donors to put cash or a check in the envelope and put it in the offering plate or basket.
The youth group members can decorate the envelopes to make them stand out and you can raise a good amount of cash with this type of fundraiser. The envelopes will be put on a whiteboard or bulletin board and you will need someone to announce the fundraiser at services to the congregation.
Custom awareness magnets allow you to support a cause, such as autism or a cure for cancer. You can donate some of the proceeds to the organization while raising the funds for your church youth group. If you can find a sponsoring business, they can pay the bill for the magnets in exchange for including their logo on the magnet or within other promotional materials. This makes selling custom awareness magnets a free church youth group fundraiser.
Church Youth Group Fundraiser with a Low Cost
Along with the no-cost church youth group fundraisers above, you can try some of these low-cost fundraisers for church youth groups.
- Custom Car Magnets – Pay as little as $0.95 per magnet and sell them for as much as $15 each.
- Carnivals – If your church already has supplies for a carnival, such as games and booths, you can run this type of fundraiser for a low cost.
- Ice Cream Socials – For the cost of ice cream and toppings, this fundraiser can be run for your church youth group.
There are plenty of good church youth group fundraisers you can run at low or no upfront cost. These are just some of the good ideas. You can even pair selling custom car magnets with another fundraiser to boost your revenue.