Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers
Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

Custom Car Magnets vs. T-Shirt Fundraisers

You have plenty of fundraisers to choose from. Whether you want to sell a food product or a non-food product, there are plenty of offers out there. Two of the offers are custom car magnets and t-shirts.

If you are considering selling custom car magnets or custom t-shirts to raise money for your sports team, school, church, or any other type of organization, it’s important to look at both. Let’s compare these two types of fundraisers to ensure you make the right decision.

Selling Custom Car Magnets as a Fundraiser

One of the best fundraisers for many types of organizations is a custom car magnet fundraiser. You don’t need special storage and you don’t have to take orders. Instead, you customize your magnets, buy them, and sell them for a nice profit.

Custom car magnets are very inexpensive and provide an easy way to raise money. You can sell these magnets at your events, to the parents of those participating, to fans, and to those looking to support your organization.

It’s even possible to use custom car magnets to raise awareness as a part of your fundraiser. Whether it’s autism awareness magnets or cancer awareness magnets, these magnets can help you raise money and raise awareness at the same time.

Custom car magnets can be designed to promote your organization or cause, while also raising money for your needs. This is a great one-two punch to help put you on the map and put the money in your pocket you need.

Selling T-Shirts as a Fundraiser

T-shirts can also be sold pretty easily for your fundraising needs. They don’t require special storage as a food product might, but you might end up needing to take orders. Buying a large number of t-shirts upfront can be a bit expensive and you’ll be taking a chance.

When you sell t-shirts, you have to have the right sizes. This means you might need to take orders before filling them. If you try to order a bunch of t-shirts upfront, you might run out of the size you need and struggle to sell the other sizes.

While selling t-shirts can be a good way to raise money, it might not fit with all organizations. It can be difficult to sell t-shirts if you don’t have a store or a place to display them. Of course, you can take orders ahead of time, which can make this a more successful fundraiser.

Custom car magnets and t-shirt fundraisers are very different, but also similar in some ways. You will be selling a non-food product, which means no storage issues. However, custom car magnets are a one-size-fits-all solution, while t-shirts have to come in multiple sizes.

Both fundraisers can work to help you raise money. If you want the easier, more profitable option, choose custom car magnets. If you have a store or an easy way to sell t-shirts, it might offer a good option. However, t-shirts will have to be sold for a higher price than car magnets.

Choose your fundraiser wisely. Custom car magnets offer a better option compared to selling t-shirts for your fundraising needs.