Fundraising Car Magnets

Ideas to Market Your Fundraising Event

Car Magnets for Fundraising
Car Magnets for Fundraising

Ideas to Market Your Fundraising Event

The idea of hosting a fundraising event can be exciting, but it can also be daunting. You have to plan the event, make sure you have enough resources and volunteers on hand, and deal with all the other responsibilities that come with making sure people show up and have a good time.

The only thing that can help overcome all the stress of a fundraising event is good marketing—and here are some ideas for how to do just that:

Use Traditional Marketing with Digital Marketing

Old-school marketing is still essential, especially when it comes to getting the word out about your event. For example, you can mail flyers and newsletters to your constituents, or hand them out at an event. But social media and online advertising are also key tools in your arsenal—and they’re free!

If you’re hosting a walk for charity, for instance, consider enlisting the help of an influencer who has many followers on Instagram and Twitter—but only do it if that person shares similar values with your organization (e.g., environmentalism). This can be an effective way to reach new audiences by tapping into their trust networks—and maybe even get them involved in helping promote the cause themselves!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car magnets are a great way to get the word out about your fundraising event. They’re inexpensive, easy to manage, and look great on someone’s car.

Here are some of the benefits of using fundraising magnets for marketing your fundraiser:

  • They’re affordable: Most car magnets cost less than other forms of marketing, so you can order them in bulk without breaking the bank.
  • They’re versatile: You can choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to customize your magnet just how you want it!
  • They’re portable: Car magnets are easy to transport and store—you could even take them with you in an envelope if you wanted.
  • They’re durable: Car magnets aren’t going anywhere once you stick them on a car door—they’ll stay there until someone peels them off!

Craft an Engaging Story

Fundraising events are a great way for nonprofits to raise money, but they can also provide a unique opportunity to share your mission and engage with your supporters in a less obvious way than traditional marketing efforts. By crafting a compelling narrative around the event, you can create something that will stay with people long after the event is over.

To get started on this process, think about what story you want to tell about your cause and its beneficiaries—and why those stories matter! What makes the people like those who benefit from your organization’s work special? What challenges do they face? How has the organization helped these people overcome those challenges?

Good marketing is an essential part of any fundraising event. If you want to raise money for a cause, you need people to know about the cause and what they can do to help out. You’ll get the most donations by reaching out to friends and family, but it’s also important that your target audience knows what you’re doing so they can support you from afar. Ideas like fundraising car magnets can help you get the traction you require for your event without compromising on the details.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets so Effective?

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets so Effective?

Whether you’re trying to get more people to show up at your sports games or you want more business for your pizza shop, custom car magnets are a great promotional tool. Most families feature quite a few magnets on their cars and those magnets are like little billboards. Getting your magnet onto the cars of locals can lead to the results you are looking for.

Custom car magnets go a long way to getting businesses repeat orders. They can also help fans of sports teams show their support. You can even create a schedule magnet for a school or sports team to drive more people to your events.

Before you decide on the right custom car magnet for your needs, let’s look at how these magnets can help you.

4 Reasons Custom Car Magnets are Effective

1. Very Cost-Effective

Compared to other forms of marketing, custom magnets are very cost effective. You can get 1,000 magnets for a very low price. With just half of those magnets ending up on cars in your local area, you can drive more customers to your business.

Fundraising is also possible with these magnets and the cost-effectiveness makes it easy to raise money. You can get these fundraising car magnets for as little as $1 easy and they can sell for five times that or even more. All types of organizations can use fundraising magnets to raise money.

2. Provides Value

Customers and supporters see a custom magnet as something that provides value. People toss them on their fridge to hold all kinds of things from coupons to artwork from their kids. Those magnets might stay on the fridge for years. Since you are providing something of value, whether for free or for a cost, people will be happy to take your custom refrigerator magnets.

3. Customizable

You don’t have to get stuck with a basic magnet that looks like all the others out there. Car magnets are fully customizable and can display your message how you prefer. You can choose the size magnet you prefer, the shape you want, and the message, too. There are many ways to customize your vehicle magnet and make it stand out.

4. High ROI

If you’re trying to promote your business, custom magnets offer a very high ROI. You will spend a little for each magnet and anytime a customer orders from you, the cost of that magnet will likely be covered multiple times over.

Plumbers, electricians, restaurants, retail shops, and many other businesses can benefit from custom car magnets. These magnets are some of the best advertising tools you can use for your business.

The high ROI also expands to fundraising. Whether you’re a school, church, sports team, or any other organization, you can gain a massive ROI by selling custom magnets as a fundraiser. These magnets can be sold for 3x, 4x, or even 5x what you pay for them.

No matter what you want to use custom vehicle magnets for, they are incredibly effective. Start today by using our free virtual magnet design tool or call our team for assistance.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Get a Higher ROI with Custom Promotional Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Get a Higher ROI with Custom Promotional Magnets

When you attend a trade show or you want to hand out custom magnets to promote your business, fundraiser, or organization, you want a high return on investment (ROI). The key to achieving a high ROI with any type of promotion is consistent impressions over time. If an ad runs for 30 seconds and never again, it doesn’t have the same power as an ad that runs time and time again.

One of the best ways to get a high ROI when promoting something is with custom car magnets. Custom promotional magnets are a great freebie to give to people at trade shows and they can also work great as a fundraiser. Either way, you can get a high ROI when you choose to use custom magnets for your business, fundraiser, or organization.

When you choose high-quality custom magnets, you get a promotional tool that will last a long time and look great. It’s necessary to make sure you have a good design with your custom promotional magnets. Let’s look at a few tips to help you get the best possible custom magnet for your promotions.

Top 3 Tips to Help You Create an Amazing Custom Promotional Magnets

1. Know Your Audience

Whether you’re a business or a non-profit organization, you need to know your audience. What will your audience respond to? What type of message will catch the eye of the person that is most likely to buy from you or support your organization?

When you know your audience, you can use the right colors, fonts, and shapes to make a lasting impression. Figure out who you want to target, and then design your custom promotional magnet with that audience in mind.

2. Figure Out Your Method of Distribution

A great-looking custom magnet does you no good if it never comes out of the box. You need to know how you will hand out your magnets so that you can gain more customers or supporters. There are many great ways to distribute your custom promotional magnets.

For a business, handing them out at tradeshows or to current customers can be very powerful. You can also use mailer campaigns to get your custom magnet to the right people.

If you’re running a fundraiser or spreading awareness, you might need to recruit people in your organization to sell the magnets. For example, a school might have students sell the fundraising car magnets to raise money, while a church might use the youth group or other groups.

3. Include Contact Info

Giving out custom promotional magnets is a great way to gain a larger audience and get your message in front of people. However, without contact information on the magnet, how are people going to know how to order from you or support your organization? Make sure you include contact information on your custom promotional magnets.

There are many ways you can gain a higher ROI when you use custom promotional magnets. You will get lots of impressions whether the magnet is displayed on a vehicle, a fridge, or anywhere else. Start by designing your custom magnet with our free virtual design tool, or you can call us for help!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why Does Your Non-Profit Organization Need Custom Car Magnets?

Fundraising Car Magnets
Car Magnets for Non Profit Organizations

Why Does Your Non-Profit Organization Need Custom Car Magnets?

When you run a non-profit organization, you need to promote your organization and raise money. Often, you have donors that provide cash to help you run your organization. However, you will likely run fundraiser throughout the year, too.

One of the best fundraisers you can run is a custom car magnet fundraiser. This type of fundraiser will give you the ability to raise money, but also to promote your organization. Let’s look at a few of the reasons non-profit organizations need to use custom car magnets.

Top 5 Reasons for Non-Profit Organizations to use Custom Car Magnets

1. Provides Multiple Ways to Raise Money

You can certainly raise money directly from the sale of your fundraising car magnets. However, you can also drive more donors to give to your organization. If your non-profit organization holds events, you can also gain more attendees at your events by using custom car magnets as a fundraiser.

When you have custom car magnets for your organization, it’s a fundraiser and a promotional tool. This gives you many benefits for your organization with just one item.

2. Very Budget-Friendly

Car magnets offer a very affordable way to raise money for your organization. You can get these magnets for as little as $1 and they can be sold for quite a bit more. This is one of the lowest investments you will find for a fundraiser that has this kind of return. Plus, it’s a very low cost for an item that will promote your organization.

3. Billboards that Travel

Custom car magnets will act as small billboards throughout your community. Could you imagine if a few hundred vehicles had your magnet on the back of their vehicle and were driving around your community? This could certainly create some buzz around your organization, especially if you have a good design.

4. Very Customizable

Custom car magnets fit with any non-profit organization. They can be customized to fit the shape you need, the colors you desire, and the message you need to put out. You can customize your magnet to fit your specific needs and design.

Whether you want to make the magnet look like the mascot for your sports team or you want to make it a logo magnet for your non-profit organization, you can. There are many great ways to customize your car magnets before you start your fundraiser. A custom magnet will sell better, too, as it will be more attractive.

5. Can Become an Annual Fundraiser

When you sell custom car magnets as a fundraiser, this can be repeated every single year. It’s even possible to turn your magnets into a collectible that your supporters will be excited to get every year. With the right customizations, you can make your magnet easier to sell every single year.

When you’re ready to use a custom car magnet for your non-profit organization, you can start the design with our free virtual design tool. Of course, if you need assistance with the design or you have any questions, contact our team.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Are Custom Business Magnets Beneficial?

Promotional & Advertising Car Magnets
Promotional & Advertising Car Magnets

Are Custom Business Magnets Beneficial?

When you create a custom car magnet, custom logo magnet, or custom fridge magnet for your business, you gain lots of benefits. While these custom magnets are often used as fundraising car magnets for churches, schools, and sports teams, they can also be used as a hand-out item for businesses.

With custom business magnets, you gain quite a few benefits. Let’s look at some of the main benefits you can get by using these magnets for your business.

Top 5 Benefits of Custom Business Magnets

1. Low Cost for High ROI

When you choose custom business magnets, you will pay a very low cost and gain a high ROI. These magnets won’t cost nearly as much as other types of advertising and you can get huge impressions, too.

Imagine if you could get your custom magnets on the fridges in hundreds of households near your business. Do you think this would lead to more repeat business and more customers? For most businesses, the answer to this is YES!

2. Easily Customizable

It doesn’t matter the type of custom magnet you want and the message you want to display, you can get the perfect business magnet. The shape, color, font, size, and message can be customized to match your business and what you want to promote.

3. Can Partner with a Fundraiser

In some cases, you will gain even more benefits when you partner with a fundraiser to get your message out there. You can sponsor the magnets by paying for them and have a design that benefits both your business and the organization. Then, the organization you partner with can sell the fundraising magnets for a 100% profit to support them, while spreading your business message far and wide.

4. Provides Value

If you attend a trade show and you hand out custom business magnets, you are giving something of value that displays your message. It’s far more likely to go on someone’s fridge when they get home, while other promotional items might end up in the trash or a junk drawer. This means your message is front and center every single time they go to open the fridge door.

5. Last a Long Time

Custom business magnets, especially when you choose a high-quality supplier, will last a very long time. They can be placed on a vehicle, fridge, filing cabinet, or any other magnetic surface for years. The long-lasting nature of these magnets means lots of potential repeat business.

If you run a restaurant that delivers food to homes, do you think you can gain repeat business by giving out custom business magnets? When people want to order a pizza or another type of food, they will likely think of you, if your magnet is on their fridge door. This works for lots of other businesses, too.

These are just five benefits you gain from custom business magnets. When you choose to have a magnet designed to match your business or your partner with a fundraiser, you gain these benefits and more.

You can start with designing your custom magnet with our free virtual design tool. If you need additional help, contact our team today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

How To Effectively Use School Car Magnets

School Car Magnets
Car Magnets for Schools

How To Effectively Use School Car Magnets

School car magnets are an excellent way to enhance awareness about a school team, boost school spirit, and raise funds for multiple school-related causes. These car magnets can create a sense of community and increase school morale and pride while also becoming an affordable fundraising strategy.

The best thing about school magnets for cars is that they can be customized and designed based on the event or cause. Since these magnets are easily removable, it is fun for students, parents, teachers, and others to support the cause and show their school spirit.

These magnets are easy to distribute, removable, and customizable, making them ideal for multiple school events.

Ways to Use School Magnets

With multiple school sports teams, programs, and events, car magnets can be used in several ways. Here are some of the popular uses of school magnets:

Showing School Spirit

Custom car magnets are a great way to show some school spirit. Whether it is a basketball car magnet or a cheerleading car magnet, it is bound to increase inspiration and enthusiasm for the school or school team.

PTO or PTA Fundraisers

Schools require funds to enhance the overall quality of facilities being offered to the students. Many PTO or PTA make fundraising efforts to raise money for a particular cause. PTA and PTO car magnets can be beneficial for all fundraising activities since they are affordable and easy to distribute.

Supporting School Teams

Car magnets are also an excellent way to show support for a school team. Football car magnets, baseball car magnets, or swim team car magnets are becoming popular ways for students to showcase their support and cheer on their favorite sports team.

Alumni Programs

Many university and college alumni programs use personalized car magnets as giveaway gifts or fundraising tools for recent graduates or new members. However, these are now becoming a popular choice in high schools for students graduating high school and moving to a new year.

Promoting Special Events

School car magnets can be used to promote multiple school events, for instance, graduation, sports tournament, festivals, fundraising events, or as election and campaign magnets. Be sure to keep the text simple and concise so that people can see the text from a distance.

Wrapping Up

School car magnets are ideal for various school events since they are cost-effective and easy to design and distribute. Best of all, there are multiple shapes to choose from and various colors and techniques to experiment with.

No matter how you use the school car magnets, create an appealing design that includes the logo and website or social media handles. This will allow other people to learn more about your school and show their support.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Tips To Benefit The Most From Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Tips To Benefit The Most From Fundraising Car Magnets

The right fundraising activities can play a significant role in raising funds for an important cause. Car magnets have become a popular fundraising tactic because of their convenience, ease of distribution, and affordability. Beautifully designed car magnets can appeal to many people, encouraging them to support your cause.

While fundraising car magnets offer multiple benefits, how you use them can significantly impact the overall efforts. Here are some of the effective tips to benefit from fundraising car magnets:

1.    Select the Right Size

Often, a big car magnet is a preferred choice for many for their fundraising efforts. While it might work in some cases, a bigger size might not always be the right choice. You must focus on the goal – to raise funds. Therefore, you must consider the cost of production versus the selling potential and sale price.

It is essential to understand that bigger fundraising car magnets would have a smaller audience and could be hard to sell. They might be too large for the customers to place on their cars or other vehicles. To make the most out of your fundraising efforts, select a size that would be practical for a larger audience and help you raise more money. Also, most people prefer to place their magnets on the back of the car and larger magnets might not fit anywhere but on the car door.

2.    Focus on an Appealing Design

Aside from selecting the proper size, you must also focus on creating an appealing design. Consider what your target audience would want to place on their vehicles. The best thing about using custom car magnets is that you can already sell them to your existing supporters for the cause, no matter the magnet design.

However, to appeal to a larger audience, you need to make the design attractive enough to grab attention. Many consumers happily purchase a product just because of its aesthetic appeal. Therefore, pay more attention to the layout and design of the car magnet to spread awareness about your cause to more people.

3.    Ensure the Quality of the Car Magnet

Another major way to reap the most out of a fundraising magnet is to ensure you invest in good-quality magnets. Your cause is important, so create a product that you would proudly sell. High-quality car magnets can also be sold at a premium rate.

Make sure you give your supporters a good product, so they continue supporting your cause in the future as well.   

4.    Decide on the Messaging

Lastly, think about what you want to convey through the fundraising car magnets. The message can play a vital role in spreading awareness and raising money. Make sure you are also spreading your message through social media, your website, and other means. Add your social media handles in the message on the car magnet so people can reach out to find out more about the cause.

Wrapping Up

Fundraising car magnets can be a highly effective means of raising money for your cause. Whether it is a charity, school car magnet, election campaign, or other cause, car magnets are a great way to gain supporters and spread your message to a wider audience.

Fundraising Car Magnets

The Simplest Ways to Use Round Car Magnets for Your Small Business

Advertising & Promotional Car Magnets
Advertising & Promotional Car Magnets

The Simplest Ways to Use Round Car Magnets for Your Small Business

Large businesses will spend millions of dollars on advertising to gain market share. You probably don’t have a massive advertising budget, but you still need to advertise and gain new business.

Other area businesses use flyers, coupons, and leaflets to promote their business. However, paper can be tossed out pretty quickly and easily. Using custom magnets can help set you apart and you can still include a discount coupon or code on the magnet.

Round car magnets can help you promote your small business in a very powerful way. These magnets give you an easy way to spread your brand and get the best results possible. Let’s look at how using circle magnets can help your small business.

Top 5 Ways Round Car Magnets Benefit Your Small Business

1. Provide Incredible Value

You won’t spend nearly as much on getting 1,000 promotional car magnets for your business compared to other types of advertising. Plus, you will get more out of these magnets as they can be used on vehicles, refrigerators, filing cabinets, and any other magnetic surface. This means they can be used to promote your business to consumers or other businesses.

2. Practical Option

Did you know that nearly half of those that receive a promotional product will keep it for at least a year? Imagine if you could hand out 1,000 circle magnets throughout your community. Do you think you would gain more business if around 500 of those receiving them put them on their car for around a year?

This is a very practical way to get your business in front of a larger audience. If you want to promote your small business in a practical way, use circle magnets.

3. High-Quality and Durable

When you get your circle magnets from Arc Marketing, you get high-quality, durable magnets. They are made to be used outside on vehicles, so they will last a very long time. These magnets can even hold up under bad weather conditions.

4. Customizable

Even the circle magnets you can use for your small business can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can add your logo, contact information, a coupon code, or any other information you prefer. You can choose the colors you prefer, the images you want, and so much more.

5. Very Convenient

One of the best reasons for small businesses to use circle magnets is convenience. You can invest in 1,000 magnets and there is no pressure to hand them out quickly. They will last for a long time and they won’t take up much space. This means you can hand them out over time and continue to drive customers to your business.

If you’re ready to step into the world of circle magnets for your small business, you will want to customize the design. Our free virtual magnet design tool will help you with the customization process. You can also call our team today and we will be happy to assist you with your design needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why Fundraising Car Magnets Are Ideal To Raise Funds For Your Cause

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Why Fundraising Car Magnets Are Ideal To Raise Funds For Your Cause

Fundraising car magnets are a popular and effective way of raising money for a cause, church, sports team, or educational institution. Since they are removable, affordable, and easy to install, car magnets quickly become the preferred way for many organizations and teams to raise funds.

No matter the cause, you can get a durable fundraising car magnet to spread the message by customizing the design and personalizing the message. It is essential to consult an experienced fundraising car magnet company to help you make the right car magnet choice.

Here are some of the many reasons to use fundraising magnets:

1.    Full Magnet Personalization Ensures the Right Message is Conveyed

Fundraising car magnets are an excellent way to raise funds for a cause since they are fully customizable. You can get the car magnets designed how you want to, adding as much information as possible. It can include your logo, the name of the organization, the cause, and the reason to donate. With higher options to personalize the car magnets, you get a highly effective and successful way to fundraise.

The custom car magnets allow you to get the message across. Since cars travel greater distances in different areas, fundraising car magnets help spread your cause and its message far and wide, reaching a broader target audience and encouraging them to donate.

2.    Higher Visibility Reaches Broader Audience

Car magnets have higher visibility, making them a great way to attract attention to your cause. Investing in high-quality car magnet fundraiser allows you to stand out of the crowd and spread the message widely. Car magnets also leave a lasting impression, urging people to donate more to the cause.

3.    Save Team’s Time and Effort in Distribution

One of the best reasons to use fundraising magnets for your case is that they are compact and lightweight, making it easier for your team to distribute. The aim is to spread the fundraising word about your cause efficiently and quickly, which is why car magnets are the ideal choice. They help your team save time so that they can invest in other essential areas of the cause.

4.    Multiple Options Make Car Magnets Ideal for any Fundraising Cause

Fundraising car magnets can be used for multiple causes and types of fundraising activities. From school funding events to fundraising for a cause, the car magnets can be used for any fundraising event. There is a range of sizes, shapes, colors, and other options available to help you support your cause.

5.    Low Unit Cost Saves Money for Other Fundraising Activities

Most importantly, fundraising car magnets are a highly affordable way to raise money for your organization or cause. Selecting the right fundraising product at a lower cost is what greatly impacts the success of your fundraising efforts.

Wrapping Up

The best way to spread awareness and raise funds for a cause, team, or organization is to select an effective and affordable fundraising product that can leave a lasting impact. Fundraising car magnets are a great way to raise funds and support your cause. Make sure the car magnets you select are high-quality and durable for a lasting positive result.

If you’re ready to find out more about custom car magnets, ARC Marketing is here to help. Contact us today with any questions you might have.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Drive Impulse Purchases with Custom Restaurant Car Magnets

Custom Restaurant Car Magnets
Custom Restaurant Car Magnets

Drive Impulse Purchases with Custom Car Restaurant Magnets

At a time when it’s more important than ever to get a high ROI from the dollars, you spend marketing your restaurant driving impulse purchases is important. You want to make sure each order is as high as possible and you get as many as possible. Custom restaurant car magnets can help you grow your business and drive more customers back to your restaurant.

With well over one million restaurants in the United States, there is plenty of competition out there. You must cut through the competition and put your message in front of your customers when they are hungry. Custom restaurant magnets can help you do just that.

There are many ways you can use custom restaurant magnets to help drive more sales and traffic to your restaurant. Let’s look at some of the top ways to use these magnets to grow your business.

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Restaurant Magnets

1. Provide a Discount Code

For restaurants offering carry out and delivery order, you can print a discount code on your custom restaurant magnet. This code can offer a 10% discount or whatever percentage you prefer on specific days or just in general.

When someone receives your custom magnet, they can slap it on the fridge and that code will be there for them whenever they want to use it. This can lead to more orders from each customer since they will be reminded of your restaurant often and they will have a discount code to use.

2. Offer Daily Specials

Your custom restaurant magnet can offer daily specials, too. These can be lunch, dinner, or happy hour specials you offer every week on specific days. When customers know your specials, they will be more likely to order from you or stop in for a bite to eat.

When you advertise your daily specials in this way, you can get more business during the times of the week you run specials. This can help take those slower times and make them busier for you.

3. Promote Delivery and Carry Out

Maybe your restaurant wants to expand the delivery and carry out business you have. Handing out custom restaurant magnets to your customers can help. You can have your magnet designed to promote your delivery and/or carry out business with contact information for easy ordering.

You can give these magnets out to those who order carry out or delivery food from you. Then, they will be more likely to order again and again. This is something pizza delivery companies have used for years, and you can, too.

4. Drive More Business with Community Events

Custom restaurant magnets make for a great giveaway at community events, too. If you plan to participate in a restaurant event, trade show, fair, festival, or any other event, hand out custom magnets to gain new customers. This is a great way to make sure people in the community know about your restaurant and what you offer.

If you’re ready to use custom restaurant agents to build your business, start with our free virtual design tool. Of course, you can contact us for additional assistance, too.