Fundraising Car Magnets

Using Custom Car Magnets for Fundraising for a Cause

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Using Custom Car Magnets for Fundraising for a Cause

When it’s time to raise money, you can also promote a cause that is near and dear to your heart. Fundraising car magnets don’t always have to represent your sports team, school, or organization. They can represent a specific cause you want to spread awareness for, while helping you raise the money you need.

It’s even possible to partner with an organization and donate some of the proceeds to help support the cause you are promoting. When you use fundraising for a cause, you can magnify your efforts and help spread the word about something important. Let’s look at some of the ways you can accomplish this goal.

Use Ribbon Magnets

Maybe you want to raise money for your youth group, but selling a custom church magnet won’t do the trick. Instead, you can sell ribbon magnets attached to spreading cancer awareness, autism awareness or another type of awareness. This can be a powerful way to raise money and allow others to spread the message far and wide.

An awareness campaign can be very helpful, especially if you decide to donate some of the proceeds to an organization that is helping to find a cure for the cause. Whether you’re a youth group or another organization trying to raise money, this can be a great way to fundraise with a cause.

Make the Magnet Stand Out

One of the best ways to make sure you spread awareness, while raising money, is to make the fundraising magnet stand out. When you have a great magnet design, it will catch the eye of many other people. For example, a large pink magnet with the right design tells people you are spreading awareness about breast cancer. Most people know pink ribbons represent this cause and this type of design can be rather eye catching.

Go Super Custom

If you really want to make an incredible magnet for fundraising with a cause, you can go super custom. A custom shape can help you have a magnet that will stand out above all other magnets. Sometimes, this is the best way to go, depending on what you are trying to spread the word about. A simple ribbon might do the trick, but a custom shape might be a game changer for your fundraiser.

How to Spread the Word About Your Fundraiser Magnet

It’s one thing to create a magnet and have the goal to do some fundraising with a cause, but how do you get the word out? There are many ways to spread the word about your magnet fundraiser and what it’s all about.

One of the best ways is to tell people. Yes, simply start telling friends and family. If they support your cause and the reason you are raising money, they will also tell friends and family.

Another thing you can do is send out an email to a list you might have or include it in a newsletter. This is a fast and cheap way to get the word out about your fundraising with a cause effort.

Of course, don’t forget about social media. If you have followers and you want to spread the word fast, post on social media. It might just go viral and you might sell out of your magnets faster than you could have expected.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Stay Connected with the Laity Through Custom Church Magnets

Church Car Magnets
Church Car Magnets

Custom Church Magnets

When you need to connect better with the laity at your church, custom church magnets are a great choice. Sometimes, it can be hard to keep people coming to your church and bringing in new people. The right advertisements and announcements can help leave the impression you need and church magnets are a great tool to use to grow your church.

Many studies have shown that more than half of adult Americans don’t attend church regularly. This means you have work to do to reach these people and get them to church on Sunday. Helping potential churchgoers connect better with your church can help quite a bit.

There are many ways to use custom church magnets to draw in more people and turn people into regular churchgoers. Let’s look at some of the best ways you can use church car magnets to grow your congregation.

Top 5 Ways to Use Church Magnets

1. As a Mailer

You can send out a bulk mailer to specific zip codes around your church with a postcard magnet or a refrigerator magnet. This is a powerful way to reach a lot of people quickly. Plus, you can make it a calendar magnet, too, which gives the receiver something useful, along with a reminder about your church.

2. Through Your Current Congregation

Handing out custom church magnets to your current congregation can help to draw in new people. Give them one custom magnet they can display on their fridge or vehicles and another one they can give to someone they think might want to attend church more regularly. It can act as both an advertisement and a reminder.

3. Giveaway Items at County Events

When you set up at a county fair, trade show, or another local event, you can use church magnets as a giveaway item. Magnets are very popular as people love to put them on their fridges and use them to hang coupons, pictures, artwork from their children, and more.

4. As a Fundraiser

When your church groups, such as a youth group or a mission trip, need to raise money, you can sell custom church magnets as a way to raise money. This is a great way to make sure you can raise the money you need with a very simple fundraiser item. Fundraising car magnets also makes it possible to promote your church at the same time.

5. As a Prayer Card

Another way you can use church magnets is as a prayer card. You can include a short prayer, along with the name and location of your church. These magnets can be handed out to anybody as a way to pray for them and give them a reminder of your church as a safe haven.

There are many ways to use church magnets and you can easily spread the word about your church throughout the community with these custom magnets. Whether you use them as fridge magnets or custom car magnets, you can certainly make church magnets one of the ways you spread the word.

Get started with your custom car magnets by using our free virtual design tool or contact us for further assistance.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: What Are The Benefits And How Can They Be Used

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets: What Are The Benefits And How Can They Be Used

Using car magnets can be highly effective when you are looking for affordable ways to raise funds for your school, church, sports team, or any other cause. Fundraising car magnets allow you to show off your creativity and give supporters a fun way to support your cause.

Encouraging people to use your car magnets is also a great way to spread awareness for your cause to a broader audience. More people will know about your cause when your supporters drive around flaunting your car magnets.

Here are some many benefits fundraising car magnets offer and ways they can be used:


There are many ways to incorporate fundraising magnets by multiple organizations. People can spread awareness about a disease, show support to their teams, or express their school spirit. They can highlight their church, or support their favorite sports team by putting them on their cars.

From church magnets to sports car magnets, many organizations can make use of car magnets in their fundraising activities.


The best benefit of using car magnets for fundraising is affordability. These magnets bought in bulk at a low cost and sold for a higher price to raise money. They are also great for spreading awareness if your supporters place them on the cars to broadcast the message anywhere they go.

The budget-friendliness makes these a great way to raise funds for schools. Having the right message for elementary school car magnets, middle school car magnets, can allow you to raise funds by investing a small amount of money.

Complete Customizability

The best thing about car magnets is that they’re entirely customizable, allowing you to highlight your message and cause. Moreover, car magnets have higher visibility, so your message could be spread to more people than you could imagine.

Custom car magnets allows you to get them made for any cause, including raising funds for a sports team. From soccer car magnets and hockey car magnets to football car magnets and baseball car magnets, you can get one made for any sports team to raise funds.

Leave a Lasting Impression

The quality of the fundraising car magnets can significantly impact the overall impression you want to create. If you wish to raise awareness for cancer, autism, or any other health disorder, you can start fundraising by getting quality custom car magnets.

Good quality car magnets are also great for spreading awareness about other causes. For instance, election and campaign car magnets are a great way to gain support, raise funds, and remind people to elect you for the position.

Where to Get Yours

Fundraising car magnets are highly beneficial for multiple organizations and causes because of their affordability and convenience. Our magnets are easy to personalize and distribute and can leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Therefore, if you are looking for a budget-friendly way to raise funds for a cause or a team, ARC Marketing’s car magnets are the way to go!

Fundraising Car Magnets

How Custom Car Magnets Have Become So Popular

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

How Custom Car Magnets Have Become So Popular

There was a time when you would never have seen a custom car magnet on the back or side of a car. Instead, it was all about decals and bumper stickers. While both decals and bumper stickers are still rather popular, custom car magnets have become incredibly popular over the past decade or so.

Some of the reasons for the growth in custom car magnets might seem obvious, while others maybe not so obvious. Let’s look at some of the reasons why these agents have become so popular.

History of Magnets

While magnetism has been around and known for centuries, it was just recently discovered that magnets emit a magnetic field that attracts iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel. The popularity of magnets began with the fridge magnet. in the middle of the 1900s. It’s a rather common type of magnet found in every gift store today.

The peak of fridge magnet popularity happened in the early 1990s when Dave Kapell created Magnetic Poetry due to the writer’s block he suffered. While fridge magnets are still rather popular today, custom car magnets have taken over.

The past decade or so has seen the rise of the car magnet. From real estate agents using large magnets to promote their services to sports teams creating mascot magnets as a souvenir for fans, these magnets have become very popular.

Custom car magnets allow businesses to run promotions and get more out of every dollar spent. They also provide a great option for a fundraiser for schools, churches, sports teams, and more.

3 Reasons Why Custom Car Magnets are Popular Today

1. Better Option Compared to Stickers and Decals

While stickers and decals are often cheaper, they also become very difficult to get off a vehicle. These items can also look tacky and cheap. Custom car magnets can be easily removed when it’s time to update your magnet. They can easily be swapped out for a new sports season, political campaign, or even for the holiday season.

2. More Expression/Identity

With more and more people wanting to show their personality and identity on the outside of their vehicles, custom car magnets have gained popularity. They work great for businesses people want to support, causes they want to promote, and even for those just proud of the school their children attend, school car magnets are common.

Custom car magnets also allow people to change their minds. Yes, a sticker or decal can be removed from a vehicle, but it’s far more difficult compared to taking off a magnet when you decide you want to support something else or you switch schools.

3. Printing Technology Advancements

One of the main reasons custom car magnets have become more popular is the more durable materials that can be used. Printing advancements have allowed suppliers to provide higher-quality custom car magnets for a variety of uses. These magnets don’t fade nearly as fast as older designs and they stay on vehicles, even during storms.

If you’re ready to find out more about custom car magnets, ARC Marketing is here to help. Contact us today with any questions you might have.

Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Get Your Custom Car Magnets for Your School

School Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Get Your Custom Car Magnets for Your School

You’ve seen other schools use custom car magnets and you’re ready to do the same. These magnets are great for promoting your school and allowing people to display their pride. They go right onto the side or back of any vehicle and they provide an easy way to show off your school, but how do you get them?

Ordering your custom school magnets doesn’t have to be difficult. With a few simple questions, you can figure out just what you need and want for your school. Let’s look at a few questions you want to answer before you place your custom car magnet order.

What will the Custom Car Magnets be Used for?

Identifying the use is probably the most important thing. Will these be fundraising car magnets to raise money for a sports team or to promote the school, in general? You might also provide custom magnets for milestones, such as a sports team winning state or the honor roll. Figure out the use before you order your custom car magnets.

How many Custom Magnets do You need?

This can be a hard question to answer. Most custom magnet suppliers have a minimum quantity of 50, but the more you purchase, the lower the cost will become.

If you are using your custom car magnets for something time sensitive, such as a state championship or the Class of 2024, you might want to get an accurate count before ordering.

However, if you plan to create a mascot magnet or a general school magnet, a larger quantity makes a lot of sense. Since magnets don’t go bad, you can sell or give away the magnets for years into the future.

The quantity you order may also be determined by how long the fundraiser will be, if you’re using your magnets to raise money. While each magnet sale will bring in a nice return on investment, you don’t want to buy 1,000 magnets if you think you can only sell 100. This could eat into the profits from your fundraiser.

What shape and size do you prefer?

The shape and size of your custom school magnet will impact the price and the overall design. You might want to stick with a simple circle car magnet or choose an oval design. It’s also possible to get a custom shape that fits your mascot or school better.

A custom shape will stand out more and might give you a more attractive custom car magnet. However, it will also cost more compared to an oval or round magnet.

The size you choose also matters. Larger magnets cost a bit more, but they stand out more, too. Plus, you gain more space for your design, which can help make it easier to read and see.

Answering these three questions is a great place to start when you want to order custom car magnets. You can also use our free virtual design tool to see the differences in sizes and shapes. If you have any questions or you’re ready to place your custom car magnet order, just contact our team today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

A Quick Guide to Choosing Your Custom Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

A Quick Guide to Choosing Your Custom Car Magnets

Have you ever used fundraising car magnets that were not high-quality and didn’t really work that great? Sometimes, car magnets don’t do so well, if you don’t choose the right ones. With the best custom car magnets for your promotion or fundraiser, you won’t have anything to worry about.

Custom car magnets make a great choice for business promotions, school fundraisers, souvenirs for sports teams, and more. However, you want to make sure you choose the right magnets for your needs. Let’s look at a few ways you can make sure you choose the best custom car magnets for your uses.

Top 5 Tips to Help You Choose Your Custom Car Magnets

1. Choose the Right Thickness

When you start looking into custom car magnets, you might find that some are simply not thick enough to properly work as a custom car magnet. You need a magnet that will stay firm on the surface of a moving vehicle and will not fly off. Thicker magnets work best and it’s a good idea to have a thickness of 30 mils or above.

2. High-Quality Supplier

Choosing a high-quality supplier with a good reputation goes a long way with custom car magnets, too. You want to make sure you are getting a quality magnet that won’t damage the vehicle or the paint. Work with a supplier of custom car magnets that has a great reputation and you will be in good shape.

3. Choose an Excellent Design

You could have a very high-quality magnet perfectly designed for a vehicle, but a poor design can make your promotion or fundraiser a flop. Choosing an excellent design means choosing a team that will help make sure you have the design you need. This includes a custom shape option, the right fonts and colors, and including the best contact information on your magnet.

With ARC Marketing, you get a team ready to help you with your magnet design. Start with our virtual design tool, but don’t hesitate to call for help!

4. Get a Great Price

Of course, when using custom car magnets for a promotion or fundraiser, you want to get a great price. The trick is to get a low price without sacrificing quality. This is very possible when you choose a good supplier and you work with a reputable company for your custom magnet needs.

Often, there are better prices offered for a higher quantity of magnets. This can help you get the custom car magnets you need for now and into the future. In some cases, you can get a higher quantity and sell them year-round or use them for several years as a promotional items.

5. Get Application Instructions

The final thing you want to do when choosing your custom car magnets is getting good application instructions. Putting the magnet on your vehicle properly can go a long way. Make sure you know how to instruct those purchasing the magnet from you during a fundraiser.

With the right custom car magnets, you can do quite a bit. You will be able to promote your business or raise money for your organization. These magnets work great in many different ways, but you need to make sure you get a high-quality magnet, from a top supplier.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Church Magnets Help on an Emotional & Personal Level

Church Car Magnets
Church Car Magnets

Custom Church Magnets Help on an Emotional & Personal Level

When you’re in charge of a church, you probably want to make sure you are connecting to those attending and potential attendees on a personal and emotional level. Good custom church car magnets can certainly help you better connect with people.

Whether you are trying to invite more people to church or to specific events, using custom magnets is a good idea. The right design can help you better connect with your audience and help bring more people into your church on Sundays.

A study from Barna Research Group showed that less than 50% of American adults actually attend church on any given Sunday. This means there is a large group of adults out there that need you to connect with them and draw them in. With custom church magnets, you can get your church out into the community and draw more people through the doors on Sunday.

Types of Custom Church Magnets to Consider

1. Custom Church Car Magnets

A very popular option that allows your church members to display your church on their vehicle, a custom car magnet can be great for spreading the word. You can even do a themed magnet, such as a nativity at Christmas time or a cross at Easter time. With a custom church car magnet, each vehicle becomes a small billboard for your church.

2. Catholic Church Magnets

When you want to promote the Catholic church and draw in more parishioners, a Catholic church magnet can help. You can use specific Catholic symbolism, such as the Rosary or a Crucifix, to connect on an emotional level with those that have left the church. These magnets can be car magnets or they can be used on a fridge or any other magnetic surface.

3. Church Calendar Magnets

A calendar magnet can help keep people on track with what is happening. It doesn’t have to be a literal calendar, either. You can use a list that highlights specific annual church events. This magnet can go onto a fridge and become a reminder for those that might want to attend your church events. For Catholic churches, it can be a magnet that lists the Holy Days of Obligation and other important events.

4. Religious Holiday Magnets

Many people start to feel a bit more religious around Christmas, throughout Lent, and around Easter compared to other times of the year. Heck, some people only attend church on Christmas and Easter.

Religious holiday magnets can go a long way to helping bring people back to church during other times of the year. They can also make it easier for people to rationalize displaying the magnet on their car.

There are many custom church magnets to choose from. When you want to connect with people on an emotional and personal level, getting the right design for your custom car magnet will go a long way. Symbolism can convey a very strong message to the right person.

Start your custom magnet design today with our free virtual design tool. You can also contact our team for additional help.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets a Great Business Giveaway Item?

Custom Car Magnets
Custom Car Magnets

Why are Custom Car Magnets a Great Business Giveaway Item?

When you’re looking for a way to drive more business to your store or even your website, using custom car magnets as a business giveaway can help. This type of giveaway item offers many benefits and provides you with a way to spread your brand locally or even on a national level.

If you’re heading to a trade show soon or you have another place to hand out a business giveaway, consider custom car magnets. Let’s look at some of the many benefits you can enjoy with these magnet giveaways.

Top 7 Benefits of Using Custom Car Magnets as Business Giveaway Items

1. Eye-Catching

When you have a good design for your custom car magnet, you will have an eye-catching mini-billboard on each vehicle. This type of magnet can be designed with bright colors, bold fonts, and other attention-grabbing elements. You can even use a custom shape to make sure your magnet stands out.

2. Very Durable

Custom car magnets are incredibly durable and will last a very long time. They are designed to be outside and withstand the elements. This means, even if you give these magnets away and they get put on a fridge instead of a car, they will still last a very long time.

Unlike some of the very flimsy magnets you can order, custom car magnets offer a better option. They will last for many years and give you more bang for your buck.

3. Budget-Friendly

One of the top reasons businesses use custom car magnets as giveaway items is the low cost. You can get a large quantity of these magnets for very cheap. They can be as low as just $1 each, depending on your design and the options you choose.

4. Don’t Damage Vehicles

You don’t have to worry about any damage to vehicles when you hand out custom car magnets. They are designed to work great and not cause any damage to the vehicle. Unlike stickers, custom car magnets can easily be removed, if necessary, too.

5. Versatile

When you choose custom car magnets as a giveaway item, they are very versatile. They can be put on any type of vehicle, along with the fridge, filing cabinets, and any other magnetic surface.

6. Incredibly Easy to Use

When you give away custom car magnets, they will be easy for people to use. They can simply apply them to their vehicle and they will stick in seconds. There is no guesswork or worry about bubbles, like with stickers and decals.

7. Reusable

If someone has your magnet on their vehicle and they get a new vehicle, they can reuse it. This isn’t the case with a sticker or decal.

There are many great benefits to using custom car magnets for business giveaway items. When you’re trying to spread the word about your business, giving away magnets can certainly help you.

Start your design today with our free virtual design tool. Of course, if you need help creating the perfect custom car magnet design, you can call our team today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Use Custom Round Car Magnets for Your Business Marketing

Round Car Magnets
Round Car Magnets

How to Use Custom Round Car Magnets for Your Business Marketing

You can get custom magnets designed in a variety of shapes, even custom shapes. Round car magnets are very popular because they are one of the most budget-friendly and versatile options you can use. With the right custom circle magnet, you can increase your business marketing and brand awareness.

There are many ways to use custom circle magnets for your business. If you’re looking for an affordable way to grow your business, consider the different ways you can use custom circle magnets below.

Top 4 Ways to Use Custom Circle Magnets for Your Marketing Needs

1. Giveaways at Trade Shows

Do you attend trade shows every year? Are you one of those booths that just gives away a pen or a keychain? Instead of giving away something that makes your brand message so small, why not give away a custom circle magnet?

With a custom circle magnet, your message will be large and very easy to see. It will stand out on a car, on the fridge, or on any other type of surface.

2. Giveaways to Current Customers

You can also give away your custom circle magnets to current customers. This works great for businesses that need repeat business, such as pizzerias, ice cream shops, plumbers, and other local businesses. When your customer has your phone number on a magnet, on their fridge, they can easily order again or call you when they need your services.

3. As a Fundraiser Sponsor

Maybe you want to help a local school, sports team, or church raise money. You can sponsor their fundraising car magnets and pay for the cost of the magnets. The organization can sell the magnets for pure profit and you get your business name on the magnet as the sponsor. This can be a great way to drive customers to your business in your local community.

4. In a Mailer

You can distribute your custom circle magnet to specific zip codes in your area through a mailer. When you have a mailer that you can send out with a custom circle magnet, it’s likely that the magnet will actually get used. Most people toss out a postcard pretty quickly, but with a magnet, they are more likely to toss it on the fridge.

Custom circle magnets offer a very budget-friendly way to spread your brand throughout a local community. When you give these magnets to current customers, they might frequent your business, which can help you gain more profits. If you give them to potential customers, they could become new customers when they need your services.

These magnets work great for real estate agents, dentists, pizza delivery businesses, restaurants, florists, schools, automotive businesses, financial services, and so many other businesses. You can get the right magnet for your needs and use a custom design to make your message stand out.

Use our free virtual magnet design tool to start the process or give our team a call for help. We will be happy to help you get the perfect custom circle magnet for your needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Tips for Choosing Your Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets
Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Tips for Choosing Your Fundraising Car Magnets

There are several good reasons to use fundraising car magnets to raise money for your cause. Whether you’re trying to raise money for your sports team, church, school, or any other group, the right fundraising car magnet will work great.

Choosing the right design, size, and shape for your magnet will make a big difference. Let’s look at a few tips to help you choose the best fundraising car magnet for your needs.

5 Tips for Your Fundraising Car Magnets

1. Know Your Budget

Pretty much every decision you make about fundraising car magnets will depend on your budget. Make sure you take the time to figure out what your budget is before you start deciding on the shape, size, and quantity for your fundraising magnets.

It’s also important to consider the amount you plan to sell each fundraising magnet for. If you plan to sell the magnets for $7, that will help you choose the right price to pay for each magnet.

2. Choose the Right Shape

For some, an oval or circle-shaped fundraising magnet will be perfect. For others, a custom shape will go a very long way. Since selling custom car magnets as a fundraiser can be an annual fundraiser, you might need ways to make your magnet unique every year.

A custom shape can help you incorporate your mascot or make the magnet stand out. Of course, a circle or oval-shaped magnet will cost less, which can be a significant advantage, too.

3. Choose the Correct Colors

The colors you use will say quite a bit about your organization. Make sure you choose colors that stand out and actually match your organization. Whether you’re trying to raise money for a sports team or another organization, the colors you choose will help you sell your magnets.

4. Figure Out Your Quantity

You will get a better price when you get a larger quantity of magnets. However, it won’t matter if you cannot sell all the magnets you order. Make sure you choose the right quantity for your fundraiser.

Of course, one of the big benefits of custom car magnets is they don’t go bad like food will. This means you can get a higher quantity and sell the magnets all year long.

5. Sell Your Magnets at Events

If you’re raising money for a school or another organization that holds regular events, have your custom magnets for sale at every event. It might be as easy as adding the school car magnets to your concession stand or gift shop. This can make it super easy to sell your custom fundraising magnets.

You can also sell your custom magnets through local business partnerships and in other ways, too. Make sure you consider the best ways to sell your fundraising car magnets so you can raise as much money as possible.

If you’re ready to use custom car magnets for your next fundraiser, you can start with our virtual design tool. When you’re ready to order or you need help with the design, just contact our team!