Fundraising Car Magnets

What You Should Know about Custom Awareness Magnets

Awareness Car Magnets
Awareness Magnets

What You Should Know about Custom Awareness Magnets

When you want to give away or sell custom awareness magnets, there are a few things you want to know first. These magnets are used to spread the word about a cause, such as autism or cancer. Custom awareness magnets fit with a lot of different causes.

Whether you’re trying to spread awareness only or you’re also running a fundraiser, custom awareness magnets can be powerful. Let’s look at some of the thing you should know about these magnets.

A Few Things to Know About Custom Awareness Magnets

1. Usually the Shape of a Ribbon

Typically, a custom awareness magnet is the shape of a ribbon. However, they can take on other shapes, too. Autism awareness often includes puzzle pieces, while other causes may have more than just a ribbon, too.

While other shapes might be used, a ribbon is a popular shape for custom awareness magnets. Different colors may support different awareness organizations or causes. The color may represent a specific thing, such as pink is widely known as representing breast cancer.

2. Great as Fundraising Magnets

Custom awareness magnets are an excellent choice for fundraisers. They give you a way to easily spread the word about a specific organization, but also raise some money at the same time.

Organizations can pair with a specific cause, such as autism awareness, and spread awareness, while raising money. For example, a football team could decide to sell custom fundraising car magnets that represent cancer awareness. Then, they can donate a portion of the funds raised to a cancer organization, while keeping the rest for the funds for their organization.

3. A Variety of Designs

You don’t have to do just a ribbon as a custom awareness magnet. There are many designs you can consider including oval and round magnets with the right design on them. You can incorporate a ribbon without having to make the magnet just a ribbon.

Some awareness magnets are designed with a ribbon and a rectangle to include a quote or other information. Others don’t use a ribbon at all. Many autism awareness magnets are the shape of a puzzle piece instead. Choose the design that fits best with your specific needs.

4. Pair Well with Other Fundraisers

There are many ways to use custom awareness magnets to raise money. They work great as a stand-alone fundraiser, but they can also pair well with other fundraisers. You can give these magnets out after a running event or another type of event. They can also be sold as a part of a higher priced package for an event.

Custom awareness magnets offer a way to enhance many other fundraisers. Whether they pair with your organization for a fundraiser or they help you achieve higher donation levels, these magnets are very powerful.

There are many ways to use custom awareness magnets for your organization. Whether you’re simply trying to spread the word or you’re trying to raise money, you need the right custom awareness magnets.

Use our virtual design tool to help you figure out the right design for your needs. We can also help you put together the best custom awareness magnet for you. Just contact our team and let us help you choose the best design.