Top 3 Tips to Raise Money for a Mission Trip

Top 3 Tips to Raise Money for a Mission Trip

Top 3 Tips to Raise Money for a Mission Trip

Top 3 Tips to Raise Money for a Mission Trip

When it’s time to raise money for a mission trip, you need a good plan. This plan may include one or multiple fundraisers. You’ll have the option to ask for direct donations, offer something of value in exchange for money, or hold an event to raise money.

In some cases, you might need to do all three to raise enough money for the mission trip. Maybe you hold a Gala event in the spring, while continually asking for donations throughout the year. You could also raise money with a custom car magnet fundraiser.

If you choose to sell custom car magnets, you can even partner with a local business to cover the cost of the magnets. Maybe you can design your magnets to help raise awareness for a local or global cause, as well.

Before you decide how to raise money for a mission trip, you need a plan. Use these tips to help you create the perfect fundraising plan.

Get Organized

Before you go any further, you need to get organized and create a plan. Even if the plan is just rough, at first, it can be edited to become more specific. It’s best to start with an organized plan to help guide you through the process.

Know the Details

There are some details you need to know when you need to raise money for a mission trip. Make sure you know all of the following:

  • How much money you need
  • How fast you need the money
  • What the money will be used for
  • Any expenses you might run into while raising the money

These details will help you better formulate a plan to raise money for a mission trip.

Look into Fundraising Ideas

Depending on the size of the mission trip, one fundraiser might be enough. However, if you plan to build a school, dig a well, or do any improvements to the community you will serve, you might need multiple fundraisers.

All mission trips should consider asking for direct donations. However, this will likely not be enough to fund your trip. If you have a year or at least several months, you can hold multiple fundraisers to raise the money you need.

Consider the following options:

  • Church bake sale – You won’t make a ton of cash off a bake sale, but you can certainly chip away at your goal.
  • Gala Event – If you can get sponsors and make it really special, it could be a big money maker. However, Gala events are a ton of work.
  • Church yard sale – If you can get church members to donate items for a yard sale, you can make a decent amount of cash to help reach your goal.
  • Custom Car Magnets – Selling custom car magnets is a great way to raise money for a mission trip. You can have them designed to promote your church or to raise awareness for a cause. Either way, the profit margin makes this a very good option as a fundraiser.

There are many ways to raise money for a mission trip. Get organized, create a plan, and make sure you know what you need. It’s always smart to raise more than you anticipate you need, just in case.