Fundraising Car Magnets

Top Easy & Cheap Fundraisers for Softball Teams

Softball Car Magnets
Custom Softball Team Car Magnets

Top Easy & Cheap Fundraisers for Softball Teams

Softball season means it’s time to run a new fundraiser. Maybe you need new uniforms, money for travel, or entry fees for tournaments. Raising money isn’t always easy, but the right easy and cheap fundraisers can help your softball team.

There are many great options to consider. Before you look at the top easy and cheap fundraisers for softball teams, it’s important to know the right factors to consider.

Make sure you consider these factors:

  • Profit Margin – A high-profit margin means you can raise more money with less effort.
  • Storage – Some fundraising products require specific storage or they will spoil.
  • Ease of Sale – If you sell a product, some are easier to sell than others.
  • Difficulty Level – Even fundraisers that don’t require selling can be easy or difficult.
  • Budget – Some fundraisers require more money upfront than others

These factors are important when choosing one of the easy and cheap fundraisers for softball teams. Let’s look at some of the best choices.

3 Top Softball Team Fundraisers that are Easy & Cheap

1. Custom Car Magnets

Design a cool magnet to represent your softball team and sell it. This is a great way to raise money and it’s a high-profit margin fundraiser. These magnets cost as little as $1 each and can be sold for $7, $10, or even $15 per magnet.

You won’t need any special storage and fundraising magnets are super easy to sell. With this type of fundraiser, you can give fans a collectible item you can update every year, too.

2. Hold a Car Wash

You already have the labor with the players on the team, so why not hold a car wash? All you need are some supplies and a place to hold the event. People love to get their car washed and support a good cause at the same time.

Custom car magnets can even be used to drive up donations. Maybe the regular donation is $10 for a car wash, but you offer a free custom car magnet for any donation of $20 or more. This can help drive up donations and help you raise more money by combining two fundraisers together.

3. Do a Hit-A-Thon

A hit-a-thon is a unique option that’s easy and cheap to run for a softball team. Basically, you have players get sponsors and then you hold a game of some sort as the hit-a-thon. The game might allow players to get so many pitches and the more hits they get, the more money they raise from sponsors.

This type of fundraiser doesn’t cost anything upfront, but it does take up some time. You can make it a home run derby or a playoff style tournament, too. Then, you can sell tickets to those that want to watch and concessions during the event.

There are plenty of easy and cheap fundraisers for softball teams to consider. These three are good options and offer a great way to raise the money you need this season.