Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Ribbon Awareness Magnets for Pet Adoption

Car Magnets for Pet Adoption
Fundraising Car Magnets for Animal Shelters

Custom Ribbon Awareness Magnets for Pet Adoption

Do you love animals? Are you a part of a non-profit organization trying to get pets adopted? Even if you just want to spread awareness, a custom ribbon awareness magnet is a great option.

Custom car magnets offer a good option for awareness and fundraising. Sometimes, you need funds to hold pet adoption events and you need people to show up for these events. With the right fundraiser magnets, you can raise the money you need to raise.

Awareness magnets are one of the best ways to spread the word. While they are commonly used for things, such as cancer and autism, you can certainly use them for pet adoption.

3 Top Ways to Use Custom Ribbon Magnets for Pet Adoption

1. As a Fundraiser

You need funds to take care of the animals you want other to adopt. Whether you’re working for a shelter or another pet agency, you need to be able to feed and care for the animals you have.

Custom ribbon awareness magnets can be sold to raise money for your organization. This is a great way to get the money you need to buy food and other items to care for the animals, while you’re waiting on someone to adopt the pets.

Custom magnets can be purchased for a very low price and sold for three or four times what you pay for them. This can generate a nice profit to help support your pet adoption agency.

2. For Awareness

Of course, you can give away custom awareness magnets, too. Giving them away can help to spread awareness throughout your community. The more people that know about your organization, the more pets you can likely get adopted into good homes. Using these magnets to spread awareness is a great way to ensure you can adopt out more pets, faster.

3. With a Partner Organization

Maybe you don’t have the staff or the time to sell custom ribbon awareness magnets. Maybe you don’t really need to raise money, but you would rather raise awareness. Partnering with a school, sports team, or another organization can be very powerful.

You can let them do the selling and keep most of the funds raised. Since they will be selling a ribbon magnet to spread awareness for pet adoption, you gain the benefit of the awareness. It’s also possible to split the funds raised between the two partner organizations.

There are many ways to use custom ribbon awareness magnets to benefit pet adoption. When pets need a home, we have to get creative to help find the right home. Whether you run an animal shelter or another type of animal organization, pet adoption is likely a part of your business.

Getting more people to your pet adoption events can certainly help. Spreading awareness is a great way to find more homes for your pets. If you’re ready to design your custom ribbon awareness magnet, start with our free magnet design tool today.