Easy Fundraising for your PTO or PTA

school magnets

Custom school magnet

Wow! We’re almost to the end of another year, and hopefully this has been a successful fundraising year for your PTA or PTO.

PTA’s and PTO’s exist to create a bridge between parents and their schools, but one of your most important jobs is FUNDRAISING! That’s in capital letters for a reason… it’s IMPORTANT!

How many fundraisers do you conduct during the school year? I would be willing to bet that it’s more than 10.

You probably have a large annual event which might include dinner, entertainment and a silent auction. Planning and conducting events like this take a lot of time and a lot of help. You can raise a lot of money with these, but they are very labor intensive. PTO Today Magazine published a great article on Silent Auction fundraisers. You can read that article here.

You probably have a few other slightly less labor intensive (but lower revenue) fundraisers such as

  • Car Washes
  • Bake Sales
  • Carnivals

These are going to eat up a lot of your time, and honestly won’t bring in much money. Most PTA/PTO’s conduct this type of fundraiser just one time before they learn! Just take the simple car wash for example. First, you need to convince a business, or someplace with a large paring lot, to let you hold your car wash on their property. That can be more difficult than you might think. Next you need to get all the supplies:

  • A dozen buckets
  • 3 or 4 hoses (at least 50 feet long each)
  • Sponges
  • Car Washing Detergent (yeah, it’s different. You can’t use Dawn.)
  • Buckets
  • Chamois, paper towels, drying rags
  • 15 – 20 unlucky volunteers
  • And more

Do all of that and you might make a hundred bucks.

Now we move on to the “sales & product” fundraisers. These are where you go out and sell merchandise. In the past, you would send out the 5th graders to walk the neighborhood, knocking on doors and trying to sell merchandise.

  • Huge Chocolate Bars
  • Wrapping Paper
  • Discount Cards

I think the days when you turn the 5th graders into traveling salesmen are over. It’s a weird world out there in 2019 and most parents won’t let their kids participate.

But here’s another idea, and this product will practically sell itself. I’m talking about a customized car magnet. Along with your help, out talented art department will create an amazing looking magnet using your school name, your school magnet and in your school colors. Selling these are easy; no door-to-door sales. Just stand in the school parking lot during morning drop-off with a handful of your custom school magnets and sell them to the parents for $10 each. Sell 250 magnets and earn a profit of $2,000.

It’s easy. And we’ll make it even easier. We’ll do all of the design-work (for free, of course). We’ll print your magnets and ship them to your home or school. Then you just stand in the parking lot and make money.

Give us a call at 760-743-6340 for more info or visit our website at www.arcmktg.com

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  1. […] the PTO or PTA of your school needs to run a fundraiser, school car magnets just make sense. What parent […]

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