6 Tips to Help Promote Your Fundraiser

6 Tips to Help Promote Your Fundraiser

School Magnets

6 Tips to Help Promote Your Fundraiser

Choosing your fundraiser is a good start. However, if you choose a fundraiser that requires you to market, you need to know how to promote your fundraiser.

Selling custom car magnets doesn’t require a ton of promotion. Of course, the more you promote, the more you will sell, and the more money you will raise.

Holding an event for your fundraiser, you’ll likely need more marketing. Let’s look at some of the best tips for promoting your fundraiser.

Promote Your Fundraiser Fast With These 6 Tips

1. Social Media

One of the best ways to promote any fundraiser today is through social media. Most people will be happy to share your fundraiser, especially if they support it by purchasing a custom car magnet. This allows you to go viral in your local community and reach a larger audience without spending a dime.

You can promote on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social media channels. It’s not necessary to spend a dime and you can use local hashtags and tag local people involved in your fundraiser.

Get everybody involved in your fundraiser to share the same message a few times leading up to the fundraising date. You might be surprised by the reach you can gain with social media.

2. Take an Ad Out

You can take an ad out in the local newspaper to promote your fundraiser, too. This is usually a good way to promote an event fundraiser and won’t work well for other fundraisers, typically.

3. Get Excellent Sponsors

If you want to get others to promote your fundraising event, choose good sponsors. Good local businesses will promote you without you even having to ask. You can even provide them with some promotional materials, such as graphics for their website, flyers, and more.

4. Use Flyers

Putting flyers up throughout your community can help. Many apartment complexes, restaurants, libraries, and supermarkets allow you to hang up flyers. You can spread the message fast with flyers and they don’t cost much to create and print.

5. Have Participants Spread the Word

Often, with custom car magnet fundraiser and other fundraisers, getting those participating in the fundraiser to spread the word is powerful. For example, if you’re going to sell custom car magnets for your baseball team, you can get all the players to talk about the fundraiser to their family before it happens.

6. Create a Video

You can couple a video with your social media marketing for your fundraiser. Create a video and upload it to YouTube. Then, share it everywhere you can. Videos can be very powerful when it comes to spreading the word.

It’s much easier to run a successful fundraiser when you promote it properly. Even when you’re going to sell an item as your fundraiser, such as custom car magnets, you can promote it. The best part, you can promote your fundraiser without spending a dime, if you choose the right options, such as making a video and using social media.