
Fundraising Car Magnets

Color Guard Fundraising

Color Guard Car Magnets

Color Guard Fundraising Car Magnets

Is Color Guard a sport, or a discipline? Both, according to those who participate. Either way, Color Guard is an Extracurricular Activity and is not funded by the school. This leaves most of the heavy lifting to the parents. This is why fundraising is just as important for Color Guard parents as it for parents of any high school sport or activity.

Like most sports, there is a lot of gear to buy for Color Guard. Of course you have uniforms to buy, but you also might need to provide your own Flag, Rifle and Sabre. Have you priced this stuff lately?

But wait… there’s more! We just Googled “Color Guard Expenses”, and here is what one school says you should expect to pay:

  • Marching Band Fee $100 per student
  • Uniform Cleaning Fee $50 per student
  • Instrument Rental Fee $45 per student
  • Travel Expenses $500 – $550 per student

And there could be more. There could be additional fees for Auxiliary Instructional Staff, Materials for the Field Shows, and on and on.

The point is that Color Guard is just as expensive as the main-stream sports such as basketball and football, except that the parents need to pay a greater portion of those expenses than most other sports.

Let’s bottom line this, fundraising is critical to the continued success of your school’s Color Guard. Every dollar raised through fundraising is one more dollar not coming out of the parent’s pockets. You can hold a car wash every weekend, and a bake sale every weekday, but those fundraisers are really not well received. We’re biased, but we think the easiest way to raise money is with a custom car magnet. Depending on how many magnets you sell, you can make $500 to $5,000 if you sell the magnets for $10 each (and that’s the price that most Color Guards sell their magnets for).

Let us design a Color Guard magnet for your school; no obligation. Then you can decide if this is something that will help your Color Guard (it will!). Give us a call at 760-743-6340 or visit our website at today.