Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets vs. Bed Sheets Fundraiser

Custom Car Magnets vs. Bed Sheets Fundraiser

Custom Car Magnets vs. Bed Sheets Fundraiser

Custom Car Magnets vs. Bed Sheets Fundraiser

Have you ever heard of a bed sheet fundraiser? It’s a unique option, but is it better than a custom car magnet fundraiser?

When you’re trying to figure out the right fundraiser for your baseball team, your school, or your church, you want to make sure you look at the options. Let’s compare custom car magnets with bed sheets for your fundraiser.

Simplicity of the Fundraiser

Custom car magnets are one of the easiest items to sell for your fundraiser. You simply let ARC Marketing create a design for you, approve it, and choose how many you want to order. Then, just have those involved in your organization sell the magnets for a profit.

Bed Sheet fundraisers are similar, but you have to deal with sizes, colors, types, and other features of the sheets. You will be taking orders ahead of time, and then you have to keep an inventory as you deliver the product. While it’s not as hard as delivering food products, bed sheets still come with different options making it harder to deliver and keep track of during a fundraiser.

Winner – Custom Car Magnets

Return on Investment

Running a custom car magnet fundraiser puts you in a great spot to make plenty of cash. Magnets cost between $0.95 and $4 each, depending on the quantity and the design. You can sell these magnets for $7 to $10 giving you a nice return on investment.

For example, if you choose to buy 300 Oval or Round custom car magnets for $1.45 each, it will cost you, $435. Even if you sell these magnets for just $7 each, you’ll make a profit of $1,665. That’s a massive return on investment of nearly 400%!

The return on investment with a bed sheet fundraiser is also pretty good. Each set of sheets will come in at an average cost of around $24. The suggested retail ranges from $35 to $45 for all sizes. This means you’ll make between $11 and $21 per sheet set sold.

While the ROI on bed sheet fundraisers is good, it’s not nearly as high as the ROI for custom car magnet fundraisers.

Winner – Custom Car Magnets

Ease for Selling

Another important factor when choosing a fundraiser is how easy the item is to sell to your audience. While everybody uses bed sheets, how many people in your audience actually need to buy them today? Also, how many people will buy bedsheets without feeling them or seeing them first?

Custom car magnets can be delivered as they are sold. You don’t have to take orders or worry about people wondering how they will look. With custom car magnets, you won’t have to deal with different sizes, either.

Magnets are one size, with one design, and one price. You can even offer a small discount for purchases of more than one, like 1 magnet for $10 or 2 for $18. When it comes to the ease of selling, custom car magnets are easier to sell than bed sheets.

Winner – Custom Car Magnets

While a bedsheet fundraiser might work well for the right group, it’s not the best choice for most groups. When you choose your fundraisers for your group, a custom car magnet fundraiser is the best choice.