Promote Your Business with a Custom Car Magnet
There are a number of companies selling the large “car door” magnets. These are great if you want to advertise your business on your personal car, but none of your clients will want a magnet that big on their car (plus, those over-sized advertising magnets can cost $20 each or more)! As mentioned on an earlier blog post (Car Magnets go Viral), the more cars you can get your magnet on, the better. For about $1 each, we can design and print a thousand bullet-proof outdoor magnets (5″ Oval or 4¼” Circle). Give one of those to each of your clients and soon the world (or at least your part of the world!) will be seeing your company name all over town.
Now, the key to getting these customers to put that magnet on their car is in the way the magnet is designed. If it looks too much like a 100% advertisement, then most likely they won’t want it on their car (I know I wouldn’t). But if we make the design a little edgier, more colorful, more fun… then you have something that they will eagerly put on their cars.
As mentioned before, each car magnet will be seen by approximately 100 cars every day (7/24… 365 days a year). It doesn’t take a math wizard to figure out that this is a tremendous way to get cost-effective advertising. See, the magnet is just the medium that your advertisement is printed on… but your client’s car is the key. You are using his or her car as a free mobile device to broadcast your advertising message. You are such a GENIUS!
Here’s a magnet designed and produced for Shred 415, a high-intensity workout facility with studios in the Chicago area…

Promotional and Advertising Car Magnets
Imagine this magnet on 500 cars around town. You wouldn’t have to imagine it if you were in the Chicago area… you would be seeing this several times every day on different cars!
If your business needs a shot in the arm, consider a promotional magnets from ARC Marketing. For more information about our car magnets, visit us at